


Status: Complete

as hostages, (of the same tribe of Bowers
murderer), until he the murderer is delivered saying "if
the guilty one is not found, the hostages
will be hanged"-. I have written to
forbid it, - and will go in person next
week, as soon as I can complete my first
qrs returns.

I am now greatly puzzled to know
what action to take for [illegible line]
The supervisor says "the
troops that [illegible] are diseasing all the
Indians" and that he "is heartily sick of them."

Now [illegible], Had I not better try &
purchase their crops & part of their stock, and
agree to pay them a certain rent until
Congress appropriates to pay for their improvements
and in this way get clear of both the settlers
and troops.

If any other place could be had,
to such I would at once remove the Indians
but this I cannot find any where on U.S. lands.

Hopeing to be instructed in this
matter very soon, I am very truly

Your Obt Sevt
Geo. M. Hanson
Suptg. Agt &c

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