MF1323.1197 Reel 39_0725



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As a measure of temporary relief, in the matter of food, Col. Bennet, Commanding officer of the Fort, agreed to turn over to them 2,000 lbs of damaged hominy, which he had in store, and which was unavailable for the use of the soldiers. He has already on several occassions afforded them material assistance, and deserves great credit for the humane manner in which he has striven to relieve their necessities

Yesterday, Decr 26th, a grand council of all the chiefs and people was held, and a distribution made in due form.

Pasqual, head chief} Vincente Teharo} Subordinate chiefs Antoine Juan} were present; and after impressing upon them the necessity of cultivating the earth for a living, as heretofore, and laying up a sufficient supply of grain to provide against contingencies [like?] the present; and also of maintaing peaceful and friendly relations towards the whites now crowding into the country, the Superintendent turned over to them in separate allotments the goods and wares designed for their relief. He also

Last edit 2 months ago by MaryV



notified them that he would endeavor to procure some wheat for them from their neighbors the Pimos, who had been favored with abundant crops; and gave them to understand that in future they must look solely to their own industry and sagacity to provide against a failure of the crops.

The Abstracts transmitted to the Department by this mail will show in detail the goods delivered.

General satisfaction now pervades the Yuma tribe, and they profess themselves grateful to the government for its generous interest in their behalf.

By late express from Tucson is appears that the Governor and his party have not yet arrived. A letter from Santa Fe states that he would probably take the Northern route from that poin to Nachers' diggins. If he has done so, as we have reason to appre hend, he will probably meet with many difficulties and be detained some time. If he succeeds in getting through with his stock, it will be more than most persons have done who have attempted that line of travel.

The Apaches still continue their

Last edit 8 months ago by County of Los Angeles Public Library
Needs Review



depredation. There is no security for life or property anywhere in Arizona as yet. A military force of 3,000 men would not be more than sufficient to protect the emigration of miners and settlers that will crowd in during the approaching spring. From all quarters the most cheering news comes from extraordinary mineral [illegible]. I think some more troops ought to be sent into the country, if government can possibly spare them.

At present the garrison at Tucson consists of about 45 men. A company of 100 [illegible] this fort in a few days for the same point. Both together would not be able to take care of their own horses if the Apaches should make a raid upon them.

Mr Poston and myself leave for Tucson tomorrow, with a small [illegible].

I shall report the results of my observations from time to time.

Very Respectfully Your Old Servt J. Ross Browne

Special Agent of the Interior Dept

Last edit 8 months ago by County of Los Angeles Public Library
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