


Status: Complete
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fol. 213v

Item probare intendit et cetera quod dicta
Magdalena eidem Petro mutuavit
ab alia parte duos florenos auri.

Item probare intendit quod dictus
Petrus Hugueti confessus fuit re vera
habuisse ab eadem Magdalena dictos
sex florenos auri in presencia aliquorum
testium fidedignorum.

Item probare intendit quod dicta Magdalena
dictos sex florenos assignavit in dotem
magistro Hugoni marito suo.

Item probare intendit quod de predictis
omnibus et singulis est publica vox
et fama in hac presenti civitate Massilie
et potissime inter personas de premissis
noticiam habentes.

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Dan Smail

2. Magdalena loaned him 2 florins.
3. He admitted received the 6 florins.
4. Magdalena assigned the 6 florins in dowry to Hugo
5. Everyone knows this.


In the depositions that follow on behalf of Magdalena, Guillelmona (Peire's wife) is the one who receives the rahondon (and child's houppenlade) from Magdalena and acknowledges it as a debt, not Peire, even though Guillelmona isn't mentioned at all in Magdalena's articles of proof. Also, in depositions on behalf of Peire, Guillelmeta Romaneta and Gabriella Baussana appear and tell the court that Magdalena loaned their husbands 9 florins and 20 florins, but their husbands don't ever come before the court. The wives seem to have engaged with the credit market on behalf of their husbands, who don't appear at all. Could there have been an added level of gendered humiliation associated with bringing a debt action against Peire?