Recent Activity by lauraw04

lauraw04 edited page_0001 in J[ames] R[awson] J[ohnson] to Frederick Douglass, May 1, 1855 in 1_OmekaS documents (Ominibus collection---Private)Page Edited
lauraw04 transcribed page_0001 in J[ames] R[awson] J[ohnson] to Frederick Douglass, May 1, 1855 in 1_OmekaS documents (Ominibus collection---Private)Page Transcribed
lauraw04 marked page_0001 as needing review in J[ames] R[awson] J[ohnson] to Frederick Douglass, May 1, 1855 in 1_OmekaS documents (Ominibus collection---Private)Page Needs Review
lauraw04 added a note to page_0001 in J[ames] R[awson] J[ohnson] to Frederick Douglass, May 1, 1855 in 1_OmekaS documents (Ominibus collection---Private), saying “I am unsure about the city/location in the 5th line of the letter. I am also unsure about four different words throughout the letter, I could not accurately translate them. If anyone could help review and correct the translation, it would be much ...”Note Added
lauraw04 reviewed page_0001 in Rutherford B. Hayes to Frederick Douglass, August 6, 1881 in Correspondence, Volume 4: 1881-1888 (documents to come)Page Reviewed