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MAMMOTH PRIZE TAKER, No. 1.--An American improvement on Spanish King, and is admitedly [admittedly] the largest of all varieties, having been grown to the enormous weight of OVER SIX POUNDS, and is withal a handsome, fine-flavored sort. Of a clear, bright straw color and uniform perfect globe shape. Produces enormous crops, one report being over 1,200 bushels, and they bring an extra price, being sold on the market as fancy onions. Keeps wonderfully well. Our seed is unexcelled, and is in great favor with our customers in all parts of the U. S. They ripen up hard and fine, and present the handsomest possible appearance in market, while the pure white flesh is fine grained, mild, and delicate in flavor. Per pkt. 10c, oz. 30c, 1/4 lb. 90c, lb. $3.00.
GIANT VESUVIUS, No. 4.--This grand new mammoth variety, which we offered last year for the first time, is a foreign sort, well shown by our illustration. In rich soil, under good cultivation, they grow to an immense size the first year. They are of a handsome globe shape, somewhat elongated, veritable beauties, and will attract attention anywhere. Color almost a blood red, flesh nearly white, quality most excellent. Much more tender and mild than the American sorts. Per pkt. 10c, oz. 35c, 1/4 lb. $1.00, lb. $3.50.

COPPER KING or Mammoth Pompeii, No. 2.--Have been grown to the enormous weight of FIVE POUNDS AND SIX OUNCES, and notwithstanding their large size they retain their shape and fine quality. To obtain some idea how large this really is, just weigh the largest onion you can obtain and compare weights, or weigh out five pounds and six ounces of common onions and imagine them all in one. Beautiful copper color; flesh pure white, fine grained and mild. Per pkt. 10c, oz. 25c, 1/4 lb. 75c, lb. $2.50.
MAMMOTH SILVER KING, No. 3--Attractive form, flattened, but thick through, as shown in the illustration. Single bulbs often attain weights of from two and one-half to four pounds each. The skin is a beautiful silvery white; the flesh is snowy white, and of a particularly mild and pleasant flavor. So sweet and tender is the flesh that it can be eaten raw like an apple. Matures early, and is of uniformly large size and perfect form, and will bring a large price in the market. Per pkt. 10c, oz. 25c, 1/4 lb. 90c, lb. $3.00.

I had my onion seed from your firm last year and was well pleased with them.
OTIS LIKENS, Brandon, Iowa.

The giant onions bought of you did well; in fact, all seeds proved very satisfactory.
ED. BOLAND, Williamsburg, Iowa.

The Mammoth Prize Taker, Copper King, Giant Vesuvius, and Silver King,
For only 25 cents. Don't fail to try them.

Be sure to include the FOUR GIANT ONIONS in your order this year, and try for that $10 PRIZE which we offer for the largest onion grown from our seed this year, which must be delivered to us by the 20th of October.

The $10.00 prize for 1894 was awarded to S. Strait, of Bison, Kansas, for an onion weighing one pound and nine ounces. Try for the prize this year and you can perhaps raise a larger one and get the ten dollars. Try the four giants this year.

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