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GOLDEN WONDER.--Millet is always a profitable crop, and in very wet seasons many farmers are compelled to sow it on their corn ground, and the result has been so highly satisfactory that we predict a greatly increased demand this year. This grand new variety is a great improvement on the German, and has given universal satisfaction wherever tried. Has yielded as high as ten tons to the acre of excellent fodder, about as easily cured as clover hay. Heads average ten to fifteen inches long, and containing sometimes as high as 18,000 seeds each, thus making it a profitable crop even for seed only. The stalk is full of broad leaves, resembling those of corn. Under equal circumstances it will yield twice as much fodder and three times as much seed as other sorts. Matures in the far north, where corn will not ripen. Its vigorous growth will smother the weeds out and leave the land clear. Sow 25 lbs. to the acre if for seed, or 50 lbs. if for hay. Pound 25c, 3 lbs. 60c, postpaid. 5 lbs. or more at 5c. per lb.
EARLY HARVEST.--Best and earliest of all the millets. See description on another page, and don't fail to try it. Lb. 30c, 3 lbs. 75c, postpaid. Pk. $1.50, bu. $5.00.
MANITOBA.--This millet comes from Manitoba, in British America, hence the name. It has been thoroughly tested , and has proved to be the best millet for withstanding drouth, maturing a good crop when planted by the side of other varieties that were not worth cutting. The seed is about double the size of Common or German millet and is of a very oily nature, and a bushel of it is conceded to be superior to a bushel of shelled corn for fattening stock. Unlike any other variety of millet, it has a branching head, similar to the old-fashioned cane head. It ripens about two weeks ahead of the German millet, therefore is much more sure of a crop. Grows from three to four feet high, has an abundant growth of fodder on the stalk and bears a heavy crop of plump seed. Per lb. 25c, 3 lbs. 60c, postpaid. 5 lbs. or more at 5c. per lb.

Special Prices
on all kinds of millet and grass seeds


GERMAN.--Much better than Common and yields much more. One of the best for hay or fodder crops, three to four feet high, a great yielder, large close heads. The seeds are round, of a golden yellow color. Sow 50 lbs. to the acre. 5 lbs. or more at 4c. per lb.
COMMON.--Sow 50 lbs. to the acre. 5 lbs. or more at 4c. per lb.
HUNGARIAN.--Preferred by some to millet. Sow 50 lbs. to the acre. 5 lbs. or more at 4c. per lb.
PERMANENT PASTURES. Most of our western farmers have not yet learned that a pasture or meadow of mixed grasses is far superior to clover and timothy alone, but such is the case. We are making a study of this subject and do not care to make a mixture to cover all cases, but if you will write us, stating kind and condition of soil, whether low or high land, and the number of acres you wish to seed down, we will take pleasure in advising you as to the kind and quantity of seed required and cost of same. We are well prepared to thoroughly mix the various kinds of seed in any desired proportion for our customers.


I bought $30.00 worth of clover and timothy seed of you last fall, and am so well pleased with the appearance of the quality and correctness of weight, that I enclose a further order.
Frankfort, Kansas.

More Grass--More Cattle,
More Cattle--More Manure,
More Manure--More Grain,
More Grain--More Money,
But No Grass, No Cattle; No Manure; No Grain, No Crops; No Money.

I was ever so well pleased with the clover seed I bought of you this spring.
Littleport, Iowa.
The clover seed that I bought of you is fine; am well pleased.
St. Ansgar, Iowa.


CENTRAL PARK LAWN GRASS.--To the attractiveness of a rural home nothing adds more than a well kept, close, velvety lawn. The first requisite is good seed, and for this purpose we can confidently recommend our Central Park lawn grass seed. This is the very best quality of a mixture of the finest varieties of natural grasses, embracing such as are of neat growth, hardy, and best adapted to produce a permanent and fine turf. Never sow oats or other grain with grass seed. The quantity of seed required per acre is about 40 to 50 pounds, or one pound will sow a space about twenty-five feet square. This is much cheaper and makes a better lawn than sodding. Pound 35c, 2 lbs. 60c, postpaid. By express or freight, 10 lbs. $1.90, 25 lbs. $4.50, 100 lbs. $15.00.
EVERGREEN LAWN GRASS.--A cheaper mixture than the above, but still very desirable for lawns and parks. Pound 30c, 3 lbs. 75c, postpaid. By express or freight, 10 lbs. $1.60, 25 lbs. $3.50, 100 lbs. $12.50.
TERRACE LAWN GRASS.--For sowing on terraces or sloping ground. The roots help hold the soil in place. Pound 50c, 3 lbs. $1.25. By express, 10 lbs. at 30c. per lb.
LAWN FERTILIZER.--A plant food which will force a luxuriant growth. 10 lbs. 75c, 25 lbs. $1.50, 100 lbs. $4.25, by freight or express.

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