1895 2nd Edition







CELERY. One ounce will produce about 6,000 plants. This we consider one of the luxuries of the garden. No one who has once used it will be without it, and as it usually is so expensive in the market, the following simple directions are given, by which everyone who has a garden can supply themselves with it. For first crop sow the seeds early in hotbeds, or in boxes in the house, or later in open ground, in rich, moist soil, covering the seed very lightly. When the plants are about three inches high, transplant to four inches apart each way in a rich pulverized bed. The tops are shorn off once or twice before planting so as to insure "stocky" plants, which suffer less on being transplanted. After the ground has been well prepared, lines are struck out on the level surface, three feet apart, and the plants set six inches apart in rows. If the weather is dry at the time of planting great care should be taken that the roots are properly "firmed." Keep clear of weeds until about the middle of August, when it will be time to begin earthing up. Draw the soil up against the plants with a hoe as closely as possible, firming it enough to keep plants in an upright position. Later in the season the blanching process must be finished by digging the soil from between the rows and banking it up clear to the tops on each side of the row of celery. Considerable labor is saved by growing the self-bleaching varieties. [logo] NEW PINK AROMATIC.--This splendid variety which was introduced by us, will, we think, eclipse all other sorts of its class in popularity as soon as it becomes known. It was originated by a private gardener in England, and we are sure it will please all of our customers. It is of most attractive pink and white color, handsomely blended on each stalk, and makes a better appearance on the table than any other sort; crisp and tender and has the peculiar brittleness so desirable, while its fine, aromatic, nutty flavor, free from the slightest trace of bitterness, all serve to stamp this as the very best celery on the list. It is a very superior keeping sort for winter and early spring use. Summing it all up and we find it unsurpassed for size, solidity, crispness, nutty aroma, attractive color and keeping qualities. Blanches easily. Don't fail to try it. Per pkt. 10c, oz. 40c, 1/4 lb. $1.25, lb. $4.00. GOLDEN SELF-BLANCHING.--This variety has fully realized all claimed for it, and is pronounced by all a great acquisition and the most profitable for market and family use. It is of a very handsome form and even growth, reaching a very large size, but very stocky and robust. The stalks grow vigorously, with large ribs, very thickly and closely set. It is entirely self-blanching, without any banking up or covering whatever, even the outer ribs assuming a yellowish-white color of a very fresh and pleasing appearance. The heart is of a beautiful golden yellow color, very large, crisp and solid, and unsurpassed in delicious quality of flavor. It is unequaled in striking appearance on the table, and decidedly the best keeper of all the self-blanching varieties. Per pkt. 5c, oz. 30c, 1/4 lb. 90c, lb. $3.25. KALAMAZOO.--A new variety most popular in the great celery region of Michigan and one of merit. Of large size, quick growth, close, stiff habit, beautiful creamy-white color, solid, crisp, and of delicious flavor. Per pkt. 5c, oz. 25c, 1/4 lb. 75c, lb. $2.50. GIANT PASCAL.--This is, without doubt, the most remarkable novelty in celery obtained since the introduction of the Golden Self-Blanching, from which it is a sport, carefully established by skillful selection. The illustration shows its handsome appearance--surpassing all other varieties, except our Pink Aromatic in this respect. It grows one-fourth taller than its parent, and the stalks are remarkably large, thick, solid and entirely stringless. When fully grown the outer stalks average two inches wide and nearly as thick as a man's finger and are always very crisp and brittle. It is a vigorous grower and blanches very easily, requiring only five to six days' earthing up, when the outer stalks present a beautiful clear white appearance. It is, without doubt, the celery for January and February use. It is excellent for shipping, does not rust or rot, and retains its crisp, brittle appearance. Per pkt. 5c, oz. 30c, 1/4 lb. 85c, lb. $3.00.


WHITE PLUME.--The stalks, portions of inner leaves and heart are naturally white and become fit for use by simply tying it up closely with soft twine. More used than any other variety by market and private garderners. We had a very choice lot of this variety of seed grown for us this year in California. It is of the highest quality and sure to please all. Per pkt. 5c, oz. 25c, 1/4 lb. 75c, lb. $2.25. HENDERSON'S HALF DWARF.--Close habit, solid, crisp and tender. Per pkt. 5c, oz. 15c, 1/4 lb. 50c, lb. $1.50. GOLDEN DWARF.--When blanched, the heart is of rich, golden color, excellent quality, good keeper. Per pkt. 5c, oz. 15c, 1/4 lb. 50c, lb. $1.50. BOSTON MARKET.--Per pkt. 5c, oz. 15c, 1/4 lb. 50c, lb. $1.75. DWARF CRIMSON.--Considered by some superior to white sorts. Per pkt. 5c, oz. 25c, 1/4 lb. 75c, lb. $2.50. TURNIP-ROOTED, OR CELERIAC.--Grown exclusively for its roots which are excellent cooked and pickled, or used in soups. Per pkt. 5c, oz. 20c, 1/4 lb. 50c, lb. $1.70. OLD CELERY SEED.--For flavoring. Per oz. 5c, 1/4 lb. 15c, lb. 40c. CELERY PLANTS.--See list of Vegetable Plants.


Last edit about 1 year ago by lelfrank



SWEET CORN. One quart will plant 200 hills; one peck will plant an acre in hills Plant as soon as the ground becomes warm in the spring, in hills about three feet apart; five or six grains to the hill and when up thin them out, allowing three or four of the strongest plants to remain. Give thorough cultivation. For a succession, plant every two weeks until midsummer. We make the growing of sweet corn for seed a specialty, and are sure our stock will please you. EXTRA EARLY CORY.--This variety is undoubtedly the earliest sweet corn in cultivation, being about one week earlier than the Marblehead. It grows a larger kernel and a larger and more marketable ear than the Marblehead, and has supplanted that variety in our markets. It is well worth a trial and has but to be tested to be appreciated. Per pkt. 5c, 1/2 pt. 15c, qt. 40c. [logo] EARLY SUNRISE.--This splendid new variety which we introduced last year, originated with a market gardener in the western part of the state, and for eight years he has been carefully selecting it to an ideal size and shape, and also the earliest maturing. In this way he has finally obtained this variety, which is distinct from all others. Ears are about six inches long and well filled out at the end, the husk covering so completely and being so tight as to prevent the work of worms, which are so bad on the Cory. The grains are fairly deep and are set in straight rows on small white cobs, very uniform and handsome. It is quite productive and of as good flavor as any corn we ever tasted. Don't fail to try it. The crop was almost an entire failure owing to the drouth, so that we can offer it only in packets. Per pkt. 10c.


NEW CHAMPION EARLY.--Without doubt the earliest large corn ever introduced, being only a few days later than Cory, with ears nearly as large as the Mammoth. Ears were grown ready for table use in sixty-one days from time of planting, and they weighed one and one-half pounds each, and were 12 1/2 inches long by 8 1/2 inches around. To help you realize these figures, get the largest ear of field corn you can find and compare measurements. This was grown with special culture. An average size is about nine inches long. It has a medium size white cob and large, pearly white kernels, very sweet, tender and full of milk. No market gardener can afford to be without it, and every family garden should contain at least a few hills. Per pkt. 5c, 1/2 pt. 15c, qt. 50c. PERRY'S HYBRID.--Large, early, twelve-rowed sweet corn, which was with us only eight days later than the Cory, and the yield was more than double. It does not waste any time making stalks; its object is for ears--large ones and plenty of them in the shortest possible length of time. Per pkt. 5c, 1/2 pt. 12c, qt. 50c.


EARLY MINNESOTA.--The standard early sweet corn; it ripens a little earlier than Crosby's. Eight-rowed ears of good size and uniform, sweet and well-flavored. The stalks grow about 5 feet high. Per pkt. 5c, 1/2 pt. 10c, qt. 35c. CROSBY'S EARLY.--A standard, medium early variety. Per pkt. 5c, 1/2 pt. 10c, qt. 35c.

[logo] ACME EVERGREEN.--(Novelty 1895). A great improvement on the Stowell's Evergreen, which we have been selecting and improving in certain characteristics for many years. It is about two weeks earlier than the Evergreen; the stalks are more robust, but do not grow so tall and average two or three good ears to the stalk which are set low. Ears are long and of uniform shape, resembling the Egyptian and have not the large butt so common with the Evergreen. Cobs are small and grain very deep. It is most thoroughly Evergreen, and while fit for use earlier, it remains in good condition longer than its parent, and held its own during the dry weather of the past season much better than any other variety of corn. Per pkt. 10c, 1/2 pt. 25c, qt. 75c. SHOE PEG.--A very excellent and distinct variety. The stalks are of a medium height, without suckers, joints short and sometimes yield as many as five ears well filled out. The kernel is small, very long and white, which gives it its name, exceedingly tender, sweet, and of a rich, juicy flavor. Per pkt. 5c, 1/2 pt. 15c, qt. 50c. STOWELL'S EVERGREEN.--This is more largely planted than any other, being the general favorite with canners and market gardeners for late use. It is very productive, the ears are of a large size, grains deep, exceptionally tender and sugary, and remain for a long time in an edible condition. Per pkt. 5c, 1/2 pt. 10c, qt. 35c.


COUNTRY GENTLEMAN.--For many years the Shoe Peg has been considered the sweetest and best for family use, but it was of rather small size. After years of careful selection and growing this weak point has been made strong by a grower in the Connecticut Valley, until in the new Country Gentleman sweet corn we have a variety that produces ears of full size, retaining all the delicious sweetness and high quality of the original sort. Our illustration of a single stalk shows its great productiveness; the crop can be counted on to give three to five ears to a stalk. When this unusual abundance is coupled with the luscious quality, the general superiority of this new variety will be quickly seen. The cob is very small, thereby giving great depth to the kernels, which are of pearly whiteness, and, we cannot say too often--surprisingly sweet and tender. Per pkt. 5c, 1/2 pt. 20c, qt. 60c. IMPROVED RUBY--This most unique novelty has attracted great attention on our seed farm, in our store and at the various fairs where shown. It differs from all other varieties in cultivation, the stalks, husk and cob being a deep ruby red in color, while the kernels are of a snowy whiteness and look like rows of pearls in contrast with the deep red color of the husks, the effect of which is very striking and beautiful. Very tender, sweet and well flavored, hard and productive and remains a long period in condition for use. Per pkt. 5c, 1/2 pt. 20c, qt. 60c. BLACK MEXICAN.--A black-grained variety, one of the sweetest of all kinds. Per pkt. 5c, 1/2 pt. 15c, qt. 45c. EGYPTIAN SWEET.--Very prolific; by many who have tried it, believed to be the best late sweet corn in cultivation. Per pkt. 5c, 1/2 pt. 12c, qt. 40c. MAMMOTH SUGAR.--This produces the largest ear of any sweet corn, a single ear sometimes weighing as much as two or three pounds; quality very sweet and luscious. Per pkt. 5c, 1/2 pt. 12c, qt. 40c. EVERGREEN FODDER.--Makes a profitable crop for dairymen. Per qt. 25c.

WE PAY THE POSTAGE on corn at these prices. Deduct ten cents on each quart if to be sent by express. Pints at half quart prices. The half pint packages are very desirable for small families. PRICES By the Peck and Bushel on Page 29.


Last edit about 1 year ago by lelfrank




CUCUMBER. One ounce will plant 50 hills; two pounds will plant one acre. Cucumbers succeed best in a rich, loamy soil. For first early, sow in hotbeds, in berry boxes, or in small flower pots, six weeks before they can be set out in open ground. When danger of frost is over transplant in hills four feet apart each way. For general crop plant in open ground in May, about twelve seeds in a hill. When danger of bugs is past, thin to four strong plants in a hill. For pickling, plant in June. Sprinkle vines with plaster or air-slaked lime to protect from the bugs, and Slug Shot will kill the bugs. We are the largest growers of cucumber seed in this part of the country. Our sales one year amounted to 9,675 pounds of the three leading varieties, all of our own growing. At two pounds to the acre this quantity would seed 4,837 acres. A very reasonable estimate of the yield would be $225.00 per acre, making a total cash value of product $1,088,325.00, grown from our cucumber seed one year. What firm in America can equal this record? WESTERFIELD'S IMPROVED CHICAGO PICKLE.--Mr. Westerfield, having been engaged in growing pickles for Chicago pickle factories for many years, and also in supplying them with seed for other growers, has watched carefully and selected his seed stock from the most prolific and early maturing vines having the most desirable shaped cucumbers for pickles. Consequently his strain is now considered by all growers in that vicinity to be the best stock to grow. Per pkt. 5c, oz. 10c, 1/4 lb. 30c, lb. $1.00. EARLY CLUSTER.--Grows in clusters. Productive and of good quality. Per pkt. 5c, oz. 10c, 1/4 lb. 25c, lb. 75c. EARLY FRAME OR SHORT GREEN.--Per pkt. 5c, oz. 10c, 1/4 lb. 25c, lb. 75c. BOSTON, OR JERSEY PICKLE.--Is used almost exclusively by the market gardeners near Boston for pickling. Per pkt. 5c, oz. 10c, 1/4 lb. 25c, lb. 75c. GREEN PROLIFIC.--Splendid pickling sort. Very productive. Per pkt. 5c, oz. 10c, 1/4 lb. 25c, lb. 75c. NICHOLS' MEDIUM GREEN.--A new variety, which is the result of careful selection. Fruit of medium length, nearly cylindrical, very uniform in shape, and of good color when young. Per pkt. 5c, oz. 10c, 1/4 lb. 25c, lb. 75c. WHITE PEARL.--In habit of growth it is entirely distinct setting the cucumbers very close around the stem, and maturing these early, then afterward the vines continue to run and bear freely throughout the season. The cucumbers grow so thickly together that they actually lie piled one upon the other. The skin is very smooth and entirely free from spines. In color they are a beautiful pearly white; even the young fruits are of a very light color, nearly as pure white as when ready for use. Per pkt. 10c, oz. 25c, 1/4 lb. 65c. IMPROVED LONG GREEN.--Old standard sort, crisp, tender, good flavor. Per pkt. 5c, oz. 10c, 1/4 lb. 25c, lb. 85c. SNAKE.--A remarkable and very interesting curiosity. Cucumbers grow curled up like a snake with the head protruding, and sometimes are six feet in length. Although attaining great size, quality is only fair. Grown chiefly as a curiosity, and to exhibit at fairs. Packets only 10c, 3 for 25c. [logo] NEW ASTRO.--A rare novelty, sure to excite the curiosity of your neighbors. With common outdoor culture it wlll grow fifteen to eighteen inches in length, with very few seeds. Excellent for slicing. The flesh is white and very crisp. One Des Moines market gardener made more money out of a crop of these, grown early in his hotbeds last year than from any other crop. Sell quickly at $1 per doz. Packets only. Pkt. 10c, 6 for 50c.


NEW JAPANESE CLIMBING.--This may be described as the sensational novelty of Europe. The seed was originally brought from Japan about five years ago, and has proven thoroughly adapted to open-air culture throughout Europe and America. The vines are of healthy, vigorous growth, with rich, dark green foliage, and throw out strong, grasping tendrils, which enable it to climb trellis, wire netting, brush, or any other suitable support. It clings so tightly that it is not prostrated by heavy storms of wind or rain. It comes into bearing quickly and continues to set the fruits abundantly throughout the season, while the climbing habit of growth enables the hanging fruit to grow perfectly straight. Of large size, from 12 to 16 inches in length; cucumbers thick, exceedingly tender, of delicate flavor, cylindrical shape, flesh pure white, skin dark green, turning to brown and netted when ripe, of excellent quality for slicing, and when young make attractive pickles. They made a grand crop on our place this year. Per pkt. 5c, oz. 15c, 1/4 lb. 50c, lb. $1.60. WEST INDIAN GHERKIN, OR BURR.--Makes a handsome pickle of first-class quality. Be sure and try it. Per pkt. 5c, oz. 15c, 1/4 lb. 50c.


[image] PERFECT WHITE SPINE (From a photograph taken on our Adair County Seed Farm.)

[logo] IOWA SEED CO.'S PERFECT WHITE SPINE.--Prominent horticulturists and experienced market gardeners pronounce this variety to be undoubtedly the best strain in existence. For 15 years we have been growing and improving this variety on our seed farm, and as a result we offer to our customers this improved strain, pronounced by good judges superior to either Peerless or Arlington. Fruit of even and good size, straight, well formed and symmetrical. When small it is deep green in color, and of uniform shape, making it unexcelled for pickling. When of usual size for slicing it still holds its color, shading to light green at blossom end. As it matures it turns to a clear white, very showy for market. Immensely productive, and keeps longer solid and crisp than any other variety. Outyields any other for pickles. Per pkt. 5c, oz. 10c, 1/4 lb. 30c, lb. $1.00. By express, 5 lbs. or more at 75c per lb.

Last edit about 1 year ago by lelfrank



[Left column] ASPARAGUS.--Ger. Spargel. One ounce will sow forty feet of drill.

[image] PALMETTO.

Soak the seed 24 hours in tepid water; sow early in spring, in rows a foot apart; keep clean by frequent weeding and hoeing. At one or two years old transplant to permanent beds, in rows 18 inches apart, and a foot apart in the rows. Cover four inches with light, rich soil. One or two years' time can be saved by buying the roots, of which we have a choice stock this year. See vegetable plant list.

PALMETTO.--Beyond question the largest and finest Asparagus ever sent out. Stalks frequently measure two inches in diameter, and, even when twelve inches long, are perfectly tender when cooked. Its tenderness is ensured by its remarkably rapid growth and remaining in good condition several days after being ready for cutting. Per pkt. 5c., oz. 15c, 1/4 lb. 40c, lb. $1.25.

CONOVER' S COLOSSAL.--The standard variety. Per pkt. 5c., oz. 10c., 1/4 lb. 15c., 1/4 lb. 45c.

"HUB," OR MOORE' S HYBRID.--Remarkably uniform and very [large?], very tender and rich in flavor. Per pkt. 5c., oz. 15c., 1/4 lb. 35c., lb. $1.00.

ARTICHOKE.--Ger. Artischoke. Plant early in spring, in drills, two inches deep. When strong transplant to permanent beds, in rich soil, in rows three feet apart and two feet in the row. They mature the second year. Must be protected in winter.

FRENCH GREEN GLOBE.--Per pkt. 5c., oz. 25c.

ARTICHOKE ROOTS.--See miscellaneous list.

BROCCOLI.--Ger. Broccoli. One ounce will produce about 3,000 plants. Growth and habit like the Cauliflower, except that it is more hardy, and the heads are not as compact. Cultivate same as Cauliflower.

EARLY PURPLE CAPE.--A popular sort; heads well and is very hardy. Per pkt. 5c., oz. 40c.

EARLY LARGE WHITE.--Per pkt. 5c., oz. 40c.

BRUSSELS SPROUTS. Ger. Spressen-Kohl. One ounce will produce about 3,000 plants.


Of the cabbage family, producing numerous heads on the stem, of most delicious quality, as well as a cabbage like head at the top. If you have never grown it, try it this year and you will be pleased. Use and cultivation same as winter cabbage. Per pkt. 5c., oz. 20c.

[middle column] CHERVIL.--Ger. Gartenkeebel. One ounce will sow 100 feet of drill. CURLED.--Leaves used in soups and salads. Cultivated like parsley. Per pkt. 5c., oz. 20c.

CHICORY.--Ger. Cichorie. One ounce will sow about 15 square feet. LARGE ROOTED.--Used as a substitute for coffee. Cultivate as carrots. Take up the roots in the fall, cut into small pieces and put away to dry. When wanted for use, it is roasted and ground like coffee. Per pkt. 5c., oz. 10c., 1/4 lb. 30c.

COLLARDS.--Ger. Blatter-Kohl. One ounce will produce about 3,000 plants. GEORGIA.--Sow seed in May; transplant and treat as cabbage. Per pkt. 5c., oz. 15c., 1/4 lb. 40c.

CORN SALAD or Fetticus. Ger. Lammersalat. One ounce will sow about 20 square feet. A delicious winter salad. Sow early in September in drills, quarter of an inch deep and six inches apart. Just before cold weather cover with straw or leaves. Per pkt. 5c., oz. 10c., 1/4 lb. 30c.



Another year adds only to the popularity of this already very popular little fruit, which we introduced, and it is now listed in the catalogues of the leading seedsmen of the country to whom we supply seed. It is a great improvement on the wild Ground Cherry. They grow well on almost any dry soil; are easier raised than the tomato, and are Prolific bearers, and oh! such lucious [luscious] fruit. For sauce they are excellent, and for pies nothing can equal them in flavor and taste. They are delicious as preserves, and when dried in sugar are are much better than raisins for cakes and puddings, and they will keep if put in a cool place in the shuck, nearly all winter. No one after [raising them?] once will ever make a garden again without devoting a small portion at least to the Ground Cherry. Per pkt. 5c., 1/2 oz. 25c., oz. 40c.

CELERIAC. OR TURNIP-ROOTED CELERY.--Grown exclusively for its roots, which are turnip-shaped, very smooth, tender and marrow-like. The roots are cooked and sliced; used with vinegar, they make an excellent salad. They are also used for seasoning meats and to flavor soups. Per pkt. 5c., oz. 20c., 1/4 lb. 50c., per lb. $1.70.

PURPLE HUSK TOMATO. This fruit is quite popular in some places. The plants produce handsome purple fruit in great abundance, which are from one to two inches in diameter and enveloped in a husk similar to the Ground Cherry. Per pkt. 10c.

[Right column] EGG PLANT.--Ger. Eierpflanse. One ounce will produce about 1,000 plants. A tender plant, which should be started quite early in a hot-bed or box in the house, which must be kept warm. Late in the spring transplant to open ground 2 1/2 feet apart each way in warm, rich soil. Soon as weather becomes warm they are thrifty and easily grown. They are a decided luxury which everyone should grow.


EARLY LONG PURPLE.--Hardy and productive, six to eight inches long. Per pkt. 5c., oz. 25c., 1/4 lb. 90c. IMPROVED NEW YORK.--Our strain of this leading market variety we believe to be unsurpassed. Very large size, skin deep purple, flesh white and of excellent quality. Very productive. See cut. Per pkt. 10c., oz. 40c., 1/4 lb. $1.25.

CRESS or Pepper Grass. Ger. Kresse. One ounce will sow about 16 square feet. EARLY CURLED.--A well known salad. Sow thickly and at intervals during the season; cover seeds lightly. Per pkt. 5c., oz. 10c., 1/4 lb. 25c. TRUE WATER.--One of the most delicious of small salads. Will only grow where its roots are covered with water. Sow the seeds along the border of running water and cover lightly. Per pkt. 5c., oz. 25c. UPLAND.--Can be grown on high, dry ground, and has the identical flavor of the Water Cress. In packages only, each 10c.

ENDIVE.--Ger. Endivien. One ounce will sow 60 square feet. One of the best and most wholesome salads for fall and winter use. Sow early and thin, cover slightly. Soon as large enough thin to nine inches apart. When leaves are eight inches long tie them together with string near the top to blanch. This must be done when quite dry. Before cold weather, take up for winter, being careful to leave a small amount of dirt around the roots. EXTRA CURLED.--Per pkt. 5c., oz. 20c, 1/4 lb. 75c.

Your pansy and pink seeds proved to be excellent for me. MRS. SAMUEL KUHN, Horsington, Kas.


Last edit about 1 year ago by lelfrank



[Left column]


Introduced by us and it has been highly praised wherever tried. It resembles the Vine Peach in manner of growth, but is distinct in that the unripe fruit is striped with very dark green, nearly black, while the Vine Peach is plain green, and when ripe is not russeted like the Vine Peach. Fruit is of shape shown in our engraving, and is somewhat smaller than Vine Peach, has thinner flesh, and is most decidedly more acid, thus dispensing with the sliced lemons which are so important in putting up the Vine Peach. Cultivate like musk-melon, in hills three feet apart each way. Full directions for cooking in various manners accompany each packet. Per pkt. 5c, oz. 20c.

KOHL RABI--Ger. Kohlrabi. One ounce win sow a 200 foot drill. An excellent vegetable, intermediate between the Cabbage and Turnip. Sow in rows in May or June, eighteen inches apart, thinning to eight inches between the plants. Cook as Turnips.


EARLY WHITE VIENNA--Flesh white and tender; best market sort. Per pkt., 5c, oz. 20c, 1/4 lb. 65c, lb. $2. EARLY PURPLE VIENNA--Per pkt. 5c, oz. 20c, 1/4 lb. 65c, lb. $2. LEEK--Ger. Lauch. One ounce will sow one hundred feet of drill. Sow early in spring, and when plants are three or four inches high, thin to eight inches apart. Hoe the earth well up to the stalk to blanch it. LONDON FLAG--Very hardy. Per pkt. 5c, oz. 10c, 1/4 lb. 35c. LARGE ROUEN--Largest and most uniform of all. Per pkt. 5c, oz. 20c, 1/4 lb. 60c.


[Middle column] GOURDS. The following four varieties will be found quite serviceable in any household. No one would think, without having tried them, of the many uses they can be put to. Cultivate as cucumbers; or they may be trained over lattice work or utilized to cover stumps or fences. JAPANESE NEST-EGG--Grows almost uniformly to the size, color and shape of a hen's egg, although some vary in size from a pigeon's egg up to a goose egg and so exactly like an egg do they appear as to almost deceive any one. The shells are hard and durable, and make the very best nest eggs, as they do not crack. The largest ones, when sawed in two, make excellent pots for starting tomato, strawberry and other plants. The Nest-Egg Gourd is a rapid and desirable climber; quickly covering old sheds or any unsightly object with a mass of green foliage, thickly dotted with beautiful white eggs. Pkt. 5c, oz. 25c, 1/4 lb. 75c, lb. $2.25. DIPPER--Makes a more light and convenient dipper than can be bought. Dippers of various sizes, of a capacity of from a pint to a quart and a half, can be had from a few vines. Per pkt. 5c, oz. 20c. SUGAR TROUGH--Very convenient for buckets, baskets, nest boxes, etc. Sometimes grow so large as to hold ten gallons each. Per pkt. 5c, oz. 20c.


LUFFA, or DISH CLOTH--The peculiar lining of this fruit, which is sponge-like, pourous [porous], tough, elastic and durable, makes a natural dish-cloth. The fruit grows about two feet in length, and the vine is very ornamental, producing large clusters of yellow blossoms, in pleasing contrast with the silvery-shaded, dark green foliage. For the bath, and for the toilet in general, the "Dish-Rag Gourd" is taking the place of the sponge. It is, in fact, a sponge, soft brush and a bath glove combined, and is almost indestructible. The seed should be started in a hot-bed or in the house. Per pkt. 10c, oz. 50c. MIXED UTILITY GOURDS--Seeds of the four above varieties mixed together. Per pkt. 5c, oz. 25c.

OKRA, or GUMBO. --Ger. Essberra Hibiscus. One ounce will sow about 80 feet of drill. Why not try Okra this year? It is extra nice for soups, stews, etc., and also much liked when pickled. Sow at the usual time of tender vegetables, in drills two inches deep, leaving the plants from two to three feet apart. DWARF WHITE VELVET--This new variety is well shown by our cut. Pods are round, smooth and of an attractive white velvety appearance, very tender and of superior flavor. Plants are dwarf and produce the pods in great abundance. Per pkt. 5c, oz. 10c, 1/4 lb. 35c, lb. $1.


KALE or BORECOLE --Ger. Blatter-Kohl. One ounce will produce about 3,000 plants. This most excellent vegetable deserves to be more generally cultivated, being harder than Cabbage, and furnishing most excellent greens during winter and spring. It is also a splendid winter food for poultry. It is quite hardy and is improved by frost. Cultivate same as Cabbage. For winter, sow in September, and treat as Spinach, giving it a light covering of straw or litter to protect from severe cold. DWARF GERMAN GREEN--Best for winter greens. Per pkt. 5c, oz. 10c, 1/4 lb. 35c, lb. $1. TALL CURLED SCOTCH--Per pkt. 5c, oz. 10c, 1/4 lb. 35c, lb. $1.

MUSTARD. --Ger. Senf. One ounce will sow about 75 feet of drill. A pungent salad, used sometimes with Cress, also for greens. Sow thickly in rows, and cut when about two inches high. SOUTHERN GIANT CURLED--This mustard is very highly esteemed in the South, where the seed is sown in the fall, and the plants used very early in spring as salad. Per pkt. 5c, oz. 10c, 1/4 lb. 25c, lb. 75c. WHITE ENGLISH, or London--Per pkt. 5c, oz. 10c, 1/4 lb. 20c, lb. 50c. NEW CHINESE GOLDEN--An entirely new variety, quite different from the rank, over-grown, green-leaved variety called Chinese Mustard in some other seed dealers catalogues. Our New Chinese Golden forms a compact, bushy plant. Leaves very thick, finely curled, and of a bright golden yellow color, very slow to go to seed; has no rank, strong flavor like other kinds, and pronounced by all who have tried it the best of greens. Per pkt. 5c, oz. 15c, 1/4 lb. 45c, lb. $1.25.


Last edit about 1 year ago by lelfrank
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