Untitled Page 29




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Time given w [recieved] Locality - Geology etc Donor or via [purchased]
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
1839 - 50+ ? Guiaco, Mexico (given beofre [Pres. Hauilia] by C. Dana? or? Mr. Chapman?) C.B. Adams Coll.? - possibly during H.M. [Sepley] ? - C. Dana
" " Salt Lake, Utah (74) (73 - Rollins Mine, Colo.) [Rev] M.S. Severance C.D.Adams Catalog
p. 1930s Ivigtut - W. coast Greenland N 6 ½° W48° Fjord [@ P⋲i] = early precambrian - granite igneous and gneisses. pegmatites - with chalcopyrite, siderite, sphalerite. p - Wards + World min supply co. Roanoke, VA.
1860-1895? Arsuk, Fjord, - Ivigtut, Frederikshaab dist. Greenland pegmatite in a granite stock. [sei] p 110 - 113 Dana's syst min, 7th Ed. 1951 C.B. Adams. Coll. by Dr. H.M. Seeley. [Prop. of ????] 1960 - 1896 at [Midd.]
p.1951? Heavy [tion] plane[s] Craigmont, Renfrew Co. Ont. Canada. intersecting - rhombic brown bronze - alt to muscov G = 4.02 p.? Foote, Phila 231/176
1930s BMS N. Transvaal, S. Africa, all good Hex. crysts [iso ' cs] p. from World Min Suppl. Co., Roanoke, Va (11/65 - does not exist now)
1917-18+? Burgess - Ont. Canada with Al2O3 - brownish + striations plus magnetite plus feldspar or (rhondonire?) - K. muscov. Biot. amphib.? W.G. Foye instr. or Asst. [Prof] of Geol. at Midd. later Prof. of Geol. - Wesleyan, Conn
1917-18 Burgess, Ont - Canada. W.G. Foyw, samp [as] C 244
1800s ? France, [Baux] ? ? of [ls] at uncomformities [pesid - weath - K - age - T ?] C.B. Adams Coll. ?
1930s Carter Ala or Va [resid. w.] feldsp. rich rocks Latheritization Snitten Harold Snitten's father
summer 1927 Bauxite, Ark. [neph.] syenite, [rpsid.] W. etc Phil Dempsey ' - [and] BM.S. - [Trans. cont. field trip summer 1927]
" " " see [Prof. pappr] - T. ntrusive - pluton a [upper K] - intrusive pluton. P. Dempsey '28 [y] BMS "
p ? Richmond, Mass - C.B. Adams ? or later ? B.M.S. for Ec. Geol.
1926 - 27 ? Chester, Mass. - most famous producing area on U.S. green Turkey - original source areas. [yer] of Diaspore (or [opidote?]) strongly magnetic Danas Sys. Min 7 th Ed. Wol. 1, pp 520 + 523 from type Local visit - ott. by [Geol] - Min classes of Williams College Dr. H.F. [Cleland] 1905-1933
1930 HiFos heated to 500℃ + quenched. after 4 days - strength = 60000 lbs. p.s. inch H. Foster '31 geol. major.
p. ? Tochihari, Hyogoken, Japan - in veins in alt. feldspathic C.B. Adams Coll. ?
when ? " rhyolites + trachytes + [endisitis???] - T - paleocene + neogene p. - when v where ? Foote, Phila.
1949 Louisiana, Salt Dome. in [Paleoq.] T. sed. rocks or [plug] salt plastic etc from [Gedded] - deposits. Poole in Geol 21.1 1st yr. geol.
9/65 Lyons, (Wellington) formation Kan. Saltmine - Permian (Mrs.) Flo. Butler to Dr B. Baldwin. she is wide of Prof. John Butler of Eng. Dept.
[S?ep?t] 1928 Berchtesgarten Bavaria, Germany - 20 miles - Permian Salt. N. ? of Salzburg. Austria. - mine BMS. summer trip to Europe
? Stassfurt, (E.) Germany - near Berlin Taste bitter + very sharp KCl = [57.%] MgCl + 34" ? ? ? ?

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Some of this physically pained my eyes trying to tell what this person wrote and for which line. Good luck.