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C = Hall cases Top fl.W. Sci. [bldg] - S.C. = student collect. - R [13]

number Mineral + cryst syst Comp. + Descript. etc + assoc mins. O.N. Old num. + S.C
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
C 259 Soda Niter Hexocta. cl Hex. R. NaNO3 crysts. rhombic but rare massive - incrusts - in caves - p.
C 260 Soda Niter "Caliche" (2 specs.) NaNO3 + NaCl + sulfates + carbonates [of] Na + Ca[)] 2 bottles + 2 little specimens 1 bottle 1929 2 nd - " 1954
C 261 Fluorite Isom. Hexocta. CaF2 cubic crystals, octah. cl- 4 planes green cut = on corners of cubes O.N. 11 pr[???] SE Ill.
C 262 " " " purple, cubes - some [xtls] fluresce white see circular 342 Ill.st.G.S. ---
C 263 " " Isom CaF2 - purple - [interpenet.] cubes Oct. cl. light - flouresces - very beautiful ON 17
c 264 AND 264a 264 B = ii 15 " " 3 SPECS (1124 = A) " yellowish, Transp. [penetr.] cubes, Oct. cl, corner [, 11] faces - 264 a+b - good cubes small O.N. 1124. large " 15 " " 16
C 267 Bsrite 2 specs [orthorh?] bipyramid. BaSO4 (heavy spar) Tubualr b-long [axis?] (large) perfect col cl. and 110 cl. [co?] shortest axis O.N. 21? O.N. 22
C 268 2 specs " " " crystals Heavy - G + 4.3 - 4.7 a [less than] b, c [less than] a O.N 169 [X?]28
C 269 " " " " " ON 157
C 270 " " " with malachite heavy [tub?] [cu?] carbonate etc [also?] - quartz [4 stls?] ON 155
C 271 " " " cut and polished O.N. 24
C 273 Barite " BaSO4 fibrous, [concentric?] - shape with fluorite - CuF2 p 507?
C 276 " " " concret. radiating, botryoidal S.C 1893
C 277 Celestite " with Sulfur yellow with CaCO3 + dolomite crystals SrSO4 perf. 001 nad 110 cl. { Tubular prismatic Botryoidal, white to light blue - Transp - Translucent O.N 132
C 280 " 2 specs [intermediate?] with sulfur, beautif. large orthorh crysts. 1003

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(1) Lines 5 (C258), 25 (C278), and 26(C279) so not seem to be appearing in the preview for some reason? (2) several illegible words (3) some difficulty in distinguishing which rows certain words belonged to, author seems to try and separate rows with underlining but not sure