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Date received Locality + goel etc Donr or purchase.
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1937 1930? or '31 N. Chile, Atacama Desrt area - source - origin? Tarapaca form Volcanic rocks of Andres - very dry region. p. Ward's [or?] World mim? [va?]. Rock.N.Y.
1839-50 C.B.Adams coll.
Summer 1965 To Dr B. Baldwin Hardin Co. Ill (SE) Crystal Mine (Minerva Min. Co.) 4 mi. NW of"Cave in Rock"city SE 1/4 Sec 34, T[11?]S, R[9?]E Fredonia Is. meramec, miss system Knot, College P.L.? LaMotte Knot College ( c-262 insitu
1839 - 50? Debry shire, Engl. ? (record lost?) - with sphalerite. C.B. Adama Coll., ( ?)
" " 1124 DeKalb Co. N.Y. = (264 a) ? 16 - Cumberland R.I or Eng? 15 Governeur N.Y. (264 b). on quartz # C264 C.B. Adams Coll
1942 S.E. 111 - Rosiclare area [hypogeiyp - ppig.?] fiss. vein + geodes + vugs - small calcite rhombs - white p. by BMS (geol - 1925 - 65) Summer Trip
1839-50 Rosiclaire, Ill. ?? Locality unknown? CB. Adams Coll.
1839-50 (England? or Conn.? MO.? like 155 O.N) number epigen. hydroth. Heavy Sp6. 4.3-4.7 " " ?
" " O.N. 169 Hartz Mts., Germany Tabular - Cl = 110 or 001 " " ?
" " ? " " 28 " ? " ? " ? South - hampton, Mass. epigen. Lamellar hypogene Longest axis is b " "
" " ? Cheshire, Conn., (nice terminated qtz. crysts. " "
" " G = 5 4.3 - 4.7 heavy " "
? 1839 - 50 1930's? Hexham, Eng. crystalline - gray - white heavy carbonate G= 4.2 - 4.35 P. by BMS [bic?] C.B. " " ? 1930's ?
1957? Washington, Co., Mo C.W Potosi Dolstone, [O-f?] used for oil drilling muds C.W. Welby Inst. Assoc [Ref.?] in Geol 1954-58.
1948 Hamm, Westphalia, Germany used sugar indust. Wards`s p. 1948 (BMS)
1948 San Bernardine, Co. Calif G = about 3.7 " " ? (")
1948 Fidalgo Island, Puget Sound " " (1930`s ?)
1839-50 Girgenti, Sicily, Italy - great S. area + much Aragonite ? CaCo3 C.B Adams Coll.
p 1930's Put-in Bay, Ohio - geode or Vug - filling. p, Wards
1958 ? ? ? ? miss Stella
1839-50? Girgenti?, Sicily, Italy 2nd spec. in with crystals

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