Minerals and rocks - geology department cases [catalog of specimens from the Geology Department, Middlebury College, late 19th C.]



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from Tin Mines - near Oruro, Bolivia S. [Am?]. BMS - 1941 - Sabbatical
Chester, Vt. B.M.S. 1930's - with [th +?] Walt. David
Hubbardston, Vt. - Severance, Colection
? ?
Severance, Collection C49a purchase '54? Wards - (student collection #2019) Ottawa Co Okla. - (chert - etc)
Severance, Colection C50a with dolomite - Tri-State-area. Okla Spear-shape-cockscomb. rock chert breccia
Lake City, Colo. P. purchase - gift? B.M.S. 1941. sabbatical. (see also 1718) S.C.
Bethel, N.Y. Adams Col.
Krayerō, Norway P.
? ?
{Sudbury, Ont. and Copper Cliff (Frood + Creighton mines B.M.S. 1926 - summer
Adams Col.
Strensburg, O Rev M.S. Severance Col.
Roxbury, Conn. W. David (1932)
Bridgewater Vt.
[Reward?] Summer 1932? [ryms.?] Judge Barnes W. Addison home near Bridge
? ?
Chittenden Vt ? C.B Adams Coll. - 1847-50 W.T. Page.
Chittenden, Vt. Adams Col. -(W.T. Page?)
" " Adams Col.
Ihlefield-Thuringia-Ger. Adams Col.
Forestdale, Vt. B. M. S. {Rev. Severance Adams Coll. 1847-50 etc. [3?]
" " B. M. S. with 1930s min-31.1 class (C66 - 2 spec.)
Ihlefield - Germany Purchase
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number mineral name etc Notes
C69 Marcasite nodules (FeS2) Turning to Limonite concretions - almost Limonite pseudo morph.
C70 Pyrrhotite, nickeliferous ? Sudbury, Ont
+C71 Pyrrhotite in Veins with quartz Harole E Bishop farm, [Brandon?]
C72 Pyrrhotite FeS - 2 specs. N. of Cuttingsville, Vt Hugh Ridlon + David, + BMS
C73 Cumberlandite - Titaniferous iron ore Iron Mine Hill, dike-like discordant - late diff. Ilmenite + magnetite? "[solid?] solution
C74 - 2 spec Ilmenite FeTiO3 [of?] garnet rim (with magnetite (Fe3O4) Segregation - discordant? Anorthosite rock + garnet [zone?]
C75 " brecciated ore magnetic + flotation separation impurities - magnetite + garnet
C76 a b c (a) Concentrates - [90 - 9590?] FeTiO3 garnet + magnetite mostly removed (c) White pigment from Ilmenite b Core ore plus pyrite (a) conc. plant on mining site area electr-. maagn. sep. Wet sep. Flotation plants in N.J. of E. St Louis Ill. (c) used - for "pure whitest white pigment in paints - also Ti for alloys
C77 (b) from various benches + also Terrain nearby - etc.
C77 Skutterudite Smaltite CoAs3 (+ ni) isometric - crystals rare, massive with dolomite - near diabasic [pe?] - Keweenawan intrusive
C78 + C78a Cobaltite CoAsS (a) 18 Isom. crystals (a) pyritohedron + octohedron often good crystals, cob pyritohedrons + octohedrons + (a) Tetartoidal [cl?] (23)
C70 + 79a Erythrite, "Cobalt Bloom" (Black = shaly-slaty rock) Co3(A5O4)2 * 8H20 - 2nd mineral due to decomp. [?] nearer guide to cobalt + silver minerals - in
C80 (3 specs) Pentlandite in pyrrhotite (FeS) (Fe, Ni)9S8 - commonly used. (Fe,Ni)S Isom. hexoctahedral, octahedral parting spherical masses in white circles along border of Sudbury intrusive (Norite)
C81 Niccolite NiAs with Annabergite (green coating) (Ni3(AsO4)28H20
C82 4 specs (+1 under phyllosilicates) 5 Garnierite H2(Ni,Mg)SiO4+H20 green - 2ndary near surface min. amorphous
C83 Garnierite, amorphous-mineraloid " " " coating Dunite-Olivine rich rock
C84 Pyrolusite - prismatic crystals 3 spec
C85 + C85a Rhodochrosite C85a " good cl. rhombic - (Hex.) MnC03 " " C85a Butte, Mont. Anaconda, Mont.
C86a " MnSiO3 " " with "black Mn["?]O2 coating
C87 " " " " but massive, granular.
C88; 88a; 88b Dendrites, MnO2 88 - Potsdam SS? [f?] - 2 specs. - along Bed. pls. 88b - Lithographic dolostone + clay - or FeCO3 88c - in aplite - rhyolitic dike rock - Igneous
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Needs Review

O.N. = old-number (S.C. - student coll. R 13)
Date etc Locality Donor or purchase
19[5?]9 - 1937 Greenwich, N.Y. R.S. Tefft '40.
1850? ON 654 Sudbury, Ont Rev. Severance Coll. for C.B. Adams
1961 (S.C # 60b) Brandon-Forestdale B. Baldwin and Min. class L. Green, clay, Moser, Wallace, Bill and Kasvinsky. '62 class
1934 etc? Fall Min. Class Fall Trip Old Mine for FeS_ n. of Sodalite-Syenite replace. in ls? H. Ridlon, W. David, BMS
inclusions of anorthosite [diagram of specimen with labels] rock garnet inclusion anorthosite Tahawus, N.Y. Explored etc Adirondacks 1940-44 by Ivan Hagar Mr. Wheeler geol. and
same same Open-pit-mine-Archean rocks Largest Ti mine (ilmenite in U.S. Min class - 59, 40, '47, '48 etc. Mr. Wheeler min class - 1949-1958.
(a) 1949 1947-1956? (a) Tahawus, N.Y. Adirondacks (a) Mr Wheeler + Min classes 1947-1958
(b) to give outline (b (b) of ore body - also 1950-64 use air born - magnetometers etc. (b) Mr Wheele [ets?] see above
Summer 6/1934 Cobalt. Ont. mines rocks - Huronian? Congls - [Oowganda?] B.M Schmidt 1925-1965
e - epigenetic - veins dodecahedron forms P 1931 C78a conglomerate (Tillite) - some Tunaberg Sweden. Keewatin? and Timiskaming [sq.?] Ward's Rochester (9/65)
surface Cobalt Ont. area B.M.S 1934 (C79a O.N. 121 Nipissing Mine, Cobalt, Ont. A.E.Burt) (C79 - 3 specs )
[diagram of rock layers with labels] Huronian whitewater 1926 Lopolith Keeweenaw?n? Frood, Frood Extension - Coniston Creighton-Coppercliff, [mand-ni Corp limited?] Am. I. Ni Co Sudbury - up to 1950 - [So+ofc of Hi - ore.?] Cobalt, Ont. 2 spec.
(C89 purchase 1928? 1930s? Riddle, Oregon purchase Ward's Rochester (S.C. Number 1896 - under N.Y. " C82 (5a) " selicates
P[1?] Wards 1931 Jackson Co., N.C. 1931 - Ward's Rochester
? ? ? Adams Coll?
1930s purchase? Butte, Mont. (possibly from Philipsburg, Mont. area? BMS 9/65) purchase in 1930s
ON 295 " 1847-50? Anaconda, Mont. Plainfield, Mass " " C.B. Adams Coll.
O.N> 589. - (probably) Cummington, Mass. " " " coll. }1847-50s
purchase 1931 Ward's Rochester W. Cummington purchase 1931
O.N. 237. [cull?] - started May 18, 1839 Swanton, VT. ??? (for C88a probably Ohio. Ky. C.B. Adams - Coll. " " " began in 1815/1839
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(C) Hall Cases Number Mineral etc Composition - Notes etc crystal Old number etc
C88 labradorite (gray) {in Anorthosite rock Labra. = Ab50An50 to Ab30An 70 gray-greenish, Archean Triclinic, pinacoidal SpG. = 2.7. none
C90 89. Albite twinning striations plagio. felds. on basal 001 face 2 planes, perfect - basal (001) + brachypinacoidal (101)? - L = 86°3"
C90 Garnet (top of case (1.good crystal - 1') and 2nd (poorer crystal) almost 1' in diam. Isom. dodecahedrons, pЄ, Archean? Grenville. dodecahedral parting student coll 2003
C91 Garnet dodecahedrons (on top of case) in light colored syenitic? gneiss none
C91 Garnet " in gabbroic - gneiss, Archean [pf?] - Almandite and pyrope var etc none
C93 " " mostly Almandite? var. (H=75-8.) sy Mpt. schistose large Amphibole - black monoclinic - crystals + chlorite? ?
C94 Garnet Schist with muscovite (sericite), Kyanite and qtz. meta. rock. Mt. Holly complex - Gassetts, Vt.
C95. Pyrite FeS2, 2 specs. Iron Sulfid, granular, Isometric pyritohedron crystals (some cubes?)
C96 Magnetite 5 3 specs. Fe3O4 fine grained, massive. dike-like - (open-pit) Discordant, Late magm. segreg. type. ---
C97 " 1 spec. granular, Isom. crystals, Octahedral - with Calcite rhodonite, willemite? pЄ? ---
C98 Gypsum - 2 spec {large smaller CaSO4*2H2O - Monoclinic, fish-tail twins, fibrous striated. with Sulfur ?
C99 Tyuyamunite uranium oxide 2 spec. 1.a slice Ca(UO2)2(VO4)2nH2O greenish yellow flouresces - yellow green - Silicified Log. ---
C100 Uranite UO2 "Pitchblende" in bedded SS - near base of Chinle ([TR?]) resting on Moenkopi (lower Triassic) mudstone ---
C101 Chromite Fe(Cr, Fe)2 O4. Colraine? old mines S. of Thetford + Asbestos, Que in Gabbroic-simatic instrusive? - 2 Specs
C102 + Sphalerite in quartz ZnS isometric - octa-tetra-and dodecahedral (dodecahedral cleavage) 691
C103 Sphalerite, dolomite, pyrite marcasite? and galena, ZnS. geode. replacement type same [cl?] as in C102 along - layers - also cavity filling C3 C=Catalina
C104 Calena, Isom. 9 specs PbS isom. cubic - 3 pl of cl. prepend. (90°) 55
C104a Galena, " cubic PbS with calcite (hex. rhombic) 55
C104b Galena, 150m. cubic " with calcite and pyrite -(striated pyritohedrons ---
C105 Galena, " cubes + octahedrons PbS. + pyrite sphalprite and dolomite SC. # 1854
C106 Galena PbS. with calcite, plus fibrous - sheath-like Barite? or celestite or Anglesite - cubes - octahedrons of PbS. 690
C107 Galena with Cv and Ag + Zn minerals PbS - 9% ore, Sphalerite (2nS), 4% chalcopyrite CuFeS2 3% - 5 oz of Ag. S. C. 2039
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Date Given Locality - any geol? Donor etc w purchase (P..)
received 1946-1950? Tahawus - Ti (ilmenite) open-pit - wall rock. Adirondacks intrusive - gabbroic? discordant Mr. Wheeler, EcGeol 31.2 classes - 1946-1955?
play of color blue-green-yelow iridescence Assoc - with simatic-basic ign. rocks. - ([?] (Labradorescence - due to fine Albite twinning striations or inclusions) (on top of Hall Case).
1953 Gore Mt. Barton Mine, North Creek, N. Y. contact Met. - met. intr. gneiss. gabbroic McCoy '54 Geol 31.2 class Spring field trip
1953 same - N. Creek. Barton Mines, C. Barton Asst. Supt.
3 Spec plus others in Stud. collection 1953? N. Y. S Mus bull. 602 Gore Mt. - North Creek N. Y. p. 137 - Nov 1 1915 Barton Mines. Min. 1952-53 etc class Ec. Geol 31.2 - C. Barton Asst. Supt.
? Green Mts. - main mts ? also contains qtz ?
1948-'49? Gassetts, Vt. - near Garnet Mine - east of river - Hiway 103 bridge Geol 31.1 class and BMS. Fall field Trip.
Summer 1927-28 Davis Mine, Rowe, Mass. in pЄ schists etc. north from Charlemont Mass. B.M.S. (Bruno M. Schmidt) 1925-1965
Summer 1955 of '54 Kiruna Sweeden. N. of Arctic Circle - shippeed to Germany - during W. WII via Narvik, Norway. Tomas Feinger '56
Aug. Summer 1926 Franklin, N. J. Sterling Hill area, [Metani]? B. M. S. (1925-65) 9/65
? ?? ??
Spring? 1955 Anaconda mine? Laguna, N. M. Westwater memb., Morrison fm. Jurassic Replacement, metasomatism - by Ground H2. Tomas Feininger '56 (a Geol major)
Spring? 1955 near Moab, Utah La Sal Shaft Homestake Supergene H2O? circulation Tomas Feininger '56 "
Sept 13 1931 Colraine? - S of Thetford - (Asbestos mines) Que - spec shows sed. [app?]. BMS and Mr Walter David 1931 and his young camp Keewaydin friend.
1860's ±? Joplin, Mo. ( in Miss. rocks, Boone chert etc The Rev. M. L. Severance Coll. 1860-70?
summer 1926-27 ?? Catalina Island - Calif. epigenetic Phil Dempsey + B. M. S. class '28
? ? Rev M. L. Severance
? ? " " " "
Oct 1945 Vt. ? Benjamin Rogers of Middlebury, Vt.
1983-50? Derbyshire, England C. B. Adams, Coll.
11/18/64 Buchans N. F. This is a famous Pb.2n [canip?]. His paper on Camp was - award (4,000) - best Ec. Geol paper in Canada - etc Richard L. Brown '53. Geol. for Am. Smelt of Refine, Co his father was Prof. of English at Midd. 1931 - until his death.
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