Untitled Page 17
x456. Plende - Miners' Black Jack, Mineral Point, Wisc. L.E. Knoppe
457. Feldspar, Niagara Falls " "
458. Red oxide of zinc " "
459. Quartz with Kyanite, Montpelier Claude M. Severance
x460. Quartz - grease " " " "
x461. Quartz colored with iron & infused and inclosed in amurated foreign matter, Claude M. Severance
x462. Pearl mica
463. Sandstone picked up on Parsonage Boscawen, N.H. M.L.S.
464. Bone made exoileous by exposure to potash in earth
465. Slag from old iron works of Hammond, Crown Point.
466. Sandstone - a fragment of the old wall at Fort Ticonderoga, N.Y.
467. Core of slate taken from quarry, Poultney, Vt. by H.J. Severance ^ diamond drill.
468. " " marble " North Middlebury quarry " " " " "
469. " " " " Rutland, Vt. " " " " " "
470. Frur stone (artificial) used for building in Lowell, Mass.
471. Carpolithic - Brandonensis, fossil fruit, carbonated. See Hitchcock's Geology, p. 133. Brandon, Vt.
472. Band of copper from navy yard at Washington, D.C.
473. Piece of sponge picked up on Guilford beach by M.L.S.
474. Granite
475. Moss from Black Sea, by a former parishioner, now missionary, Mary M. Patrick
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Cabinet No. 1 from Holy Land. Presented by Mrs. Wickes
476. I. Stone from Jerusalem (calcareous lime)
477. II. Cedar from Lebanon
478. III. Husks of the Carob tree
479. IV. Seeds of Biblical plants
480. V. Water from the River Jordan
481. VI. Shell " " Mediterranean
482. VII. Fossil from Mt. Lebanon
483. VIII. Tessara " Jerusalem
Cabinet No. 2 from Holy Land By Willie Wright.
484. Contains 28 specimens, See Catalogue, Scallops marked (No.1)
485. (2) Pebbles of granite from Montpelier by Claude
486. Coal from my coal bin which I believe is from Penna.
487. Sandstone colored with iron? Orwell, Vt.
488. Fossils from Trenton Period, Larabees Pt., Shoreham, Vt.
489/91. Fossil shells, Trenton Period " "
493. Columnaria, taken 20 ft. below surface of quarry, Crown Pt., N.Y.
494. Fossil coral, Crown Point, N.Y. L.E. Knapp.
495. Chaetilic [?] Lycoperdon, " " " " "
496/7. Fossils (Trenton), Addison, Vt. " "
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