Untitled Page 18
498. Calitic Lycoperdon, Addison, Vt. L.E. Knapp
499. Fossils ( ) Conalarca?? " " " "
500. Fossil coral. " " " "
501. Fossil Trilobite +c " " " "
502. Leptaena alternata [drawing that looks like gridded hemisphere] " " " "
503. Fossil (prob coral) " " " "
504. " Trenton Period " " " "
505/6. Chalitic Lycoperdon " " " "
507. Fossils- Trilobites +c " " " "
[no 508]
509/10. Coral fossil in lime, Trenton P. " " " "
511. Columbian marble, West Rutland, Vt.
512. Quartz from top of White Face by M.L. + E.A. Severance
513/5. Chalitic Lycoperson, Shoreham, Vt. M.L.S.
516. Petrified moss from Glens Falls "
517/9. Slate from West Castleton - 517, Green; 518) Red; 519, purple. "
520. Rain drops in water ripples, Glens Falls, N.Y. M.L.S.
521. Fossils " " " "
522. Crinoidal stems " " " "
523. Quartz, feldspar + magnetic iron ore, John Brown pasture
524. Iron ore from new mine, Port Henry, by O.L. [Spinner?]
[page break]
525. Gypsum? from N. Scotia per Goodrich plaster mill Test in chem. L & Min. Lab. KNO3 Niter (Saltpeter) (slight test for Cl) not test for S__ 12/6/65 BMS
526. Brontozourus Cast of foot print from Turner's Falls S. Allie
527. Acorn from Soldier's Home, Washington, D.C.
x528. Cinnabar 75 Quicksilver. Sanbruno Co., Calif.
x529. Orthoclase. Amizon stone, Pikes Peak, Col.
x530. Copper ore, Wyoming. H.J.S.
x531. Silver, South Barcelona "
x532. Iron pyrite rich in gold. Marysville, Cal. H.J.S.
x533. Amethyst, Colorado. Centennial Exposition
x534. Antimonial silver, Mariposa Minn. Spanish Belt Dist.
x535. Kyanite, Norwich, Vt.
x536. Tourmaline, " "
x537. Buhrstone, France
x538. Actinolite, Bethel, Vt.
x539. Albite, Apalite, & Columbite
x540. Cinnabar, Calif.
x541. Core of diamond drill
542. Tourmaline
543. German agate, Niagara Falls
x544. Antimonial silver, Nevada
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