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quite wide awake. I am glad of this, because
the other place was very sleepy. I can
see already that I am going to have much
to do for a few weeks - but I have now
begun my letter & I will try very hard to
add same on each day & push off 8 or 10
pages every 4 or 5 days.

Dearest Love & good night, sweet, lovely darling XXX Harry.

Friday 12 Sept. - I must tell you about my visit to Damascus
last week. I was very cross about it at the time, as I
was in the middle of all this hand over. I was just
going there & back in one day, by car & fear hard drive
either way, to be a witness in a Court Martial. But
I am delighted that I have done it, in case I do not
get another chance. The country itself is nothing - just
brown, barren & dull - completely flat on one side, but
relieved to a certain extent by Mount Hermon & its
range of hills on the other. The Court was held in a
place called Mezza Barracks - a big, pink, stucco building,
& now occupied by a British Infantry Btn, I managed
to get away by 11.30 & set off to have a look
at the town. I had brought Sgt Labilseh with me,
for company & someone to talk to & also because
he was very anxious to come - he jumped up &
down with excitement when I finally told him he
could come along. Really, he is remarkably good
& efficient as an Orderly Room Sgt. - but he is
frightfully girlish. We left at 0530 in the
morning & had thermos tea & bananas on

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