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2 revisions
catslover at Jan 27, 2022 09:30 PM


Poor uncle Timothy is in a very bad
way - he has been feeble all the spring
but latterly he seems deranged & needs
very close attention, seems to think
his claims for mercy are very small
owing to having lived his whole life
unprofitably & selfishly - he has been
a liar & blasphemer he says - he seems
some as aunt Ruth used to -

Williams Davis has returned after a
very prosperous voyage - Sarah Davis is
married - Today we have attended the
funeral of uncle John Gallison - he is
about the last of those who early settled
in this place - had lived with his wife -
(so said the minister, Warren) over
sixty years - Mary Persons is quite
unwell - they fear she is tending towards
consumption - I wrote to thee
last first day - & we have, I think
some of us, written to thee once a week
all along - I think I mentioned that
Aaron Bancroft has a widowed daugh-

[page break]

ter with him whose husband fell at
Ball's Bluff - she has two sons 9 & 11 years
old - she is now lying very low - & it is not
expected she will long survive -

We did not make over 500 pounds
of sugar & most of that not nice -
there has been but little made in
this region - good maple sugar is worth
12 1/2 cts per pound -

Mary is feeling really smart & looks
bright & well - James is going there to
work this week - we have finished plan-
ting & went yesterday & helped J. C. T. fin-
ish his - Maria is gaining, though still
very feeble - Have I told thee that
George Tinckham is keeping store at
Marshfield - he has purchased the build-
ing which is also convenient for a ten-
ement & it is expected he is to be mar-
ried to a [Wheelock?] girl of Calais -

Caroline Gray has discarded Mar-
cus & is keeping company with a young
man from Williamstown - Marcus
