Leavenworth July 24, 1870
My dear sister, Mrs. Robinson,
I received a short letter from thee yesterday, which surprised me to learn that thee was to be married today, and the wrote nothing so I could know at what [hower?] the [underline]was to be[/underline] married, but as it is now 20 minutes past 12, [think?] [shure?] the is no more sister Ann Stevens, and so thee will doubtless know who this letter is addressed to, and I think it will get to E.M. before you leave the place!
Dear sister, and brother, I hope that today is as pleasant at [underline]Vermont[/underline], as it is at Kansas, for there is not a cloud to be seen to darken the face of the whole country around here & now and then a cold pleasant breze [flods?] along, making it more pleasant for each person, and as I sit here and look out over the pleasant country [underline]East, & South, of here[/underline[, I
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able to go to the Fort to draw pay yet so unkle Sam owes me nearly $50.00 now which I will get in a few days I hope, Monday [eve?] dear sister unkle thinks I nevr [?] to [watch?] any more dont know wheather I will or not, I am much [wise?] to say good bye dear [?] Sster love from Charley
see what seems to me might be many [underline]pleasent homes[/underline], and my thoughts wander back to the [underline]pleasent home of my chldhood[/underline] whare I can seem to see you [underline]you[/underline] two just abought starting out upon the journey of life, and as I see the many pleasent homes all over and near this big City, I think of you, and wish and, hope that the home you are so soon to have some whare together may [underline]be [now?] the less pleasent to you and all thoes around you[/underline], than are thease homes to thoes who live in [underline]them[/underline], in this beautiful western country, dear sister and brother, you have many kind wishes from [underline]me[/underline] for your welfare and happiness, all through the life you are now just starting upon, and I hope you may each ever prove yourselves true to each other, perhaps you may think me young to give advise to those so much older, but that you may live a long and happy life, and be [underline][honored?][/underline] members of [underline]society[/underline], and a blessing to the [underline]Lord[/underline] is the wish of your true and loving friend & brother Charles Stevens.
I think ere this reaches you, you will doubtless be some what anxious abought [underline]me[/underline,] unless your mind and time is so much taken up with family affairs that is no time left to think of [underline]me[/underline] so far away, if so it is the reverce with me, for I have been thinking of home and you all the day and last night as I did not sleep but very little, but I will hasten to write that I am able to have my cloathes on and go out doors and take care of myself, but today I do not feel neare so well as for the past two days as you may know I [donot?] feel very tough, as I have been more than two hours a writing thee for in this letter for I write a few lines then lay down to rest, then get up and go at it again. I never was so very weak before and be able to be on my feet, for me to walk but a few [rods?] tires me more than several miles travel would when I am well. I dont know what is best for me
to do but thought yesterday morning I would pack up and start for Pontiac but I am not able to watch or travel yet nor do I expect to do either this weak. Unkle gave me a good bit of praise yesterday which made me feel very fine and this morning when they were all but cousin Abbie gone to Church, she told me, she had many times heard her father say since I commenced to watch that he could go to bed and rest good for Charle is a good [underline]night watch[/underline] and I can trust him with out a feer of any+++++++++++++++++++++ thing being stolen so this makes me feel some better, and perhaps I had better not watch any more, but quit when my credit is good, but I think I will stay here a few monhs more but dont know. If I were back at Pontiac I would be very glad of it, and would not hanker for any more of this part of the world. Haying is done all on this farm and nearly all the men are discharged. I have [not?] been
Pay yet so Leavenworth July 24 1970 My dear sister. Mrs. Robinson,
unkle Sam owes to me nearly $50 I know whi'er I will get in a few days I hope. Manage dear sister until there's I nevr (illegible) watch any more don't know wheather I will or not I am much wisw today (illegible) bye older sister Star love from Charly