1834 Report on the Committee to Examine the Garden, 1831.034.010



Report on the Committee to Examine the Garden, 1834 (page_0006)

Report on the Committee to Examine the Garden, 1834 (page_0006)

The sluice under Indian Ridge appears to be of doubtful utility. _if intended to carry off the water from the low land upon one side and to fill a pond upon the other, the drain must be taken up and relaid lower; this would be an affair of very considerable expence, and for which there appears to be no immediate requirement._ as however it may be thought requisite at a future day, when a larger number of Lots shall be required for sale, it is recommended to desist putting more gravel into the chasm under the bridge, as it might all have to be removed again, and the bridge should be made safe and passable by immediate repairs._

The views of your committee, as to the improvements in the Garden, have been, as will readily be perceived, confined within very narrow limits; they have thought it advisable to advance by degrees, with small expenditures, until it shall be made capable of furnishing not only all the trees, shrubs &c wanted for the purposes

Last edit over 3 years ago by Elizabeth Casner
Report on the Committee to Examine the Garden, 1834 (page_0007)

Report on the Committee to Examine the Garden, 1834 (page_0007)

of the Garden and Cemetery, but its surplus products be equivalent, as they certainly should at no remote period be, of to defraying the expenses of the labor of conducting it. In the meantime it will be advancing towards that point, when it may be considered not only an object of interest and of utility but worthy of forming a part of the institution of Mount Auburn.

All of which is respectfully submitted.

Elijah Vose.

Joseph. P. Bradlee

Last edit over 3 years ago by Elizabeth Casner
Report on the Committee to Examine the Garden, 1834 (page_0008)

Report on the Committee to Examine the Garden, 1834 (page_0008)

Report on improvements in the Garden & Garden Pond- & on Sluice through Indian Ridge

(The records do not show what when this Report was made. The Com. was chosen on the , The Record Book contains a record of only one meeting of the Garden & Cemy Com.ee after the date of appointment - viz .)

Committee Appointed

Last edit over 3 years ago by Elizabeth Casner
Report on the Committee to Examine the Garden, 1834 (page_0009)

Report on the Committee to Examine the Garden, 1834 (page_0009)

Report of the Committee Apd to examine the Garden

com. appointed (see inside)

Hon. Joseph Story. Chairman of the Garden & Cemetery Comite. of the Mass. Hort. Society.

Last edit over 3 years ago by Elizabeth Casner
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