00_1862-11-19 Letter: Superintendent Winsor to Bond, 1831.016.001.003-005



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D L. Winsor

[Letterhead: Mount Auburn Cemetery.]

Mount Auburn, Geo. Wm Bond Esqr

Dear Sir

Miss A. Skinner with her Mother & Mr. Smith the undertaker came out here on Saturday and looked of 2 lots and went away undecided which to take. Last Evening she came out & decided upon the one in HareBell Path. and I have enclosed to day 2 certificates for a 300 feet lot with bill attached making the amt. of Certificate & Bill of $22000 It seems the young Lady was ignorant of the necessary form of obtaining a lot & I did not thus she had even looked at a lot!

Mr. Vose has 4 Cattacomb graves built in his lot and has never paid for them to my knowledge

Respectfully Yours Daniel L. Winsor

Last edit over 2 years ago by gbenoit
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