00_1862-12-16 Letter: Superintendent Winsor to Bond, 1831.016.001.003-006



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[In the left margin:] D L Winsor

[Upside down in the left margin:] Geo. Wm. Bond Esq.

[Body of letter:]

[Letterhead: Mount Auburn Cemetery.]

Mount Auburn December 16, 1862 George Wm Bond Esqr.

Dr Sir

Enclosed I send you two packages of John Borrowscale's Bills

A "Set" that you formerly settled by, and another set, which are correct and show a balance due him of $2252

I have notified him by teller that the Bills have been sent to you and by calling at your office the matter will be set right

Respectfully Yours,

Daniel L. Winsor

Last edit over 1 year ago by gbenoit
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