No work is to be done in any case without a written order.
For the year 1874 Red and White stakes will be used to designate the lots under the care of the corporation Gardener. No work is to be done nor plants furnished nor repairs of last years work made on any lot without a ticket and all repairs needed are to be referred as promptly as possible to the Supts. Office, in order that Tickets may be issued without delay Tickets for repairs will be issued by Supt. only All tickets to be signed when the work is done and to specify the time and material used A Red stake will be put into all lots unles[s] the ticket calls for a white one. All lots are to be cared for; for which tickets are issued and the tickets to be signed by the section Foremen. On White staked lots the numbers of hours spent in the care of the Lot will be returned each day on the yellow card against the number of the lot Except for aa special Job where tickets are given out. Then be careful to return the time on the tickets only
White staked lots must be kept in the best possible order. These lots are marked in Red Ink in Gardeners book Red staked lots are marked in black ink in Gardeners Book Red staked lots are to be kept in the best order that the force of men will admit, and will be treated equally well. The numbers of the Red staked lots worked on each day to be marked on the white cards. The Gardener will bring in his Book as often as possible that the new lots may be entered. But he will be held responsible for the care of any lot for which a ticket is issued whether on his book or not
Instructions to the Gardener, per order James W Lovering Supt per Childs
Lot 794 - Corp Repair sodding
Dear Sir:
Please find with this MS Scudders check for $3.00 to your order as Supt. of Cemetery which please endorse over to HB Mackintosh Treas. & return to me
Very truly yours James W Lovering Supt per Childs
Dear Sir:
Please make an estimate as near as you conveniently can, and return to this office, of the amt of Loam, Brick, Slate Covers, block Stone & stone part, and other supplies that we have on hand at the present time
Yours truly James W Lovering Supt. per Childs.
Mt. Auburn
Chair. Comm on Lots
Dear Sir
There are now ready for use (with the exception of marble fronts) 50 catacombs in the New Receiving Tomb forming the first section next to the vestibule. The door to the Rec. Tomb is of wood, and no tiles have been laid on the floor of vestibule or the section of catacombs, nor has any ventilator been put on.
The size of the catacombs is so small as to prevent the general use of the tomb at once even if the marble fronts were provided.
I would propose that at least one section near (of larger) catacombs be built & I think two would be better. If 40 catacombs of larger size were built in each of the new sections, these with the 50 ^new built would make 130 a number large enough to provide for all wants, unless the Trustees propose to sell a permanent right of burial.
If the tomb is not continued through to Fountain Ave the grade of this avenue can be raised so as to make a better road, and by filling a considerable amount of good land can be prepared for sale