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S. T. Snow Esq

Chair. Comm on Lots.

Dear Sir

Please find below a sketch of Lots
4333 and 4334, bought (but not yet paid for) by N. P. Whitney and his
[diagram of lots] son in law Geo. [Nupick?]. These lots were
sold without passageway & the sale
has been approved.

This leaves next to the Mound avenue
side a border of 10 ft. I consented to make it this width
as I left no passageway between the lots, so that I lost no
more land in borders & passageway than if I had sold the
lots to separate parties with a passageway.

Mr. Whitney has learned that in some cases small
spaces left have been sold as small lots, and he
decidedly objects to having one on the corner of Spruce &
Mound Ave. I have told him that we can make no change
in the deed, and that he has as good a title to the
border as the owners of other lots, still he does not feel satisfied.
I suggested to him to purchase the 10 ft width as ornamental

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Based on the names in the DB: Washburn for 4333 and Hastings for 4334, I assume that these lots were never acquired by parties referenced in this letter and these lots were resold.


Note: The current map of Sector 24 shows lots 4333 and 4381, but no 4334 in between. Lot 4334 is shown on Laurel Ave.


N. P. Whitney is located in lot 277, on Walnut and Mound Ave.