Horticulture Invoice: Hovey & Co., 1869 January (recto)
Horticultural Warehouse and Seed Store - - 53 North Market Street, opposite Faneuil Hall Boston 186 [Image: Bowl of assorted fruit produce, agricultural tools]
Mount Auburn Cemetery Bought of HOVEY & CO. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN# Seeds, Fruit Trees, Grapes, Currants, Strawberries, &c., Ornamental Trees and Shrubs. Greenhouse and Hardy Plants, Bulbous Roots, Horticultural Implements, Horticultural Books, &c., &c. TERMS CASH. CATALOGUES ON APPLICATION
Dec/68. 6. Mahonias. $6.00
Recd payment Exd Jany 27/69 Hovey & Co [?]
Approved by Daniel L Winsor July 25/69 paid by A.J. Coolidge 16 Pemberton Sq
Horticulture Invoice: Hovey & Co., 1869 January (verso)
Hovey & Co No 2 $6. 00 Paid Jan 27, 1869 Approved W Bigelow