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D. L. Winsor Jany 16th/62
[Main part of page] Mount Auburn Cemetery ―――― Mount Auburn
George Wm Bond Esqr Treasr MtAuburn Cemetery
Dr Sir
I wrote you in regard to the post taken up from Mr Jacob Sleepers lot; that they were short and not suitable to reset on any lot.
To day Mr Sleeper came out here, and in the course of conversation I learned he wanted to dispose of the Old "Plynth" with the stub posts also, and was a part of the lot estimated upon by Mr Mann. I told him I would take him with me, but he was not inclined to take the cold ride to view thence. but concluded I had better examine the Plynth this afternoon and write you this evening I have examined and measured it. tis 2 ft. 10 square and from 9 to 11 inches in thickness very roughly hammered and
is too thin to hammer over & sell for a "plynth" again, as the small Monuments of $8000 cost, are generally over 1 foot thick I think if we ever use it - should split it in two and make a "step" of it - I think if you allow him $1800 for the Plynth and Stub posts tis all they are worth to us. Mr. Sleeper I suppose will think it a low figure. but I would not buy them of an outsider. and. give. what I have estimated tis in consideration of giving us the job to set his Curb, fix lot &c that we ought to allow him all. we possibly can.
Enclosed please find his bill sent me. by. yourself I. think
Respectfully yours Daniel L. Winsor