


Insight Vol 1_026

Insight Vol 1_026

your present abode is of great interest to you and it is legitmate for you to inquire about. The spiritual world needt your own is a world anologous to your present one and when you reach it, you will enjoy yourselves in many ways as you do in your present one. It will also be a world in which you will learn to know yourself as you really are, for you will then be unclothed.

Q. What is the correspondance between the planetary chain as described in Esoteric Buddhism & your statement? A. There is a great deal of truth in what you mean, but that refers more to material things than to spiritual things.

Q. How do those teachings agree with the numbers you give us? A. He has an idea, but it is not exact for he does not really mean spiritual things but only the repose that follows w well-spent day.

Q. Do you know anything about the "Adepts" in India?

Last edit 11 months ago by kelseydchung
Insight Vol 1_027

Insight Vol 1_027

A. I see what is in your mind and the thought is correct, but do you not see that force belongs to matter, not spirit?

Q. I thought there was a spiritual force that could be utilized in this world? A. There is a spiritual force, but it does not exercise itself or spend itself on the forces of nature.

Q. Then there are no adepts who have power over the hidden forces of nature? A. No, they have great power by cultivating some of these forces at the expense of all others and this is not true development because all such is, under all circumstances harmonious.

Q. We do not quite understand? A. These men as I see them thro' your mind, which is clear to me, are "Adepts" as you call them and they have great powers, but their power is not the highest - not as high as a good harmonious life may lead to in the end.

Last edit 11 months ago by kelseydchung
Insight Vol 1_028

Insight Vol 1_028

Feb 17th 1885

"Insight" - What is to subject for us?

Q. Explain the difference between Buddha and Christ as far as their divinity is concerned. A. Buddha was one of the many predecessors of Christ and was not divine in the same sense. Buddha was a teacher. Chirst was a divine manifestation.

Q. Was not Buddha divine? A. Buddha taught many great truths, but humanity was not ready for the divine when he appeared.

Q. What was Buddha's name on his second incarnation? A. That was not the same spirit.

Q. Please explain more fully? A. His followers wished to set aside some of his teachings and claimed that this second spirit was sent for that purpose.

Q. Do you not believe in re-incarnation?

Last edit 11 months ago by kelseydchung
Insight Vol 1_029

Insight Vol 1_029

A. Yes that is one of the fundamental truths. The believers in Buddha are not making prayers because they keep what they conceive to be Truth, for the few.

Q. And it is purely selfish? A. Yes, you are right.

Q. Are you, "Insight" here in presence, or do you influence the writer from your place in the world of spirits? A. From where I always am, and you are with me - not I, with you.

Q. Then there is no spiritual presence here? A. The spiritual presence of what you are, is always with you.

Q. Do you go to many people, as to us? A. All who desire insight into real truth come to me or to one of my company.

Q. How could we commune with you if we had no one who could write? A. The conditions are unusual which is the cause of the freedom of our intercourse.

Last edit 11 months ago by kelseydchung
Insight Vol 1_030

Insight Vol 1_030

Q. In writing thro' "Endurance" do you extract her vital force? A. I use her physical strength in the same manner that all thought uses the brain force.

Q. Are there any beings in the world, around us, who have never been mortals? A. There are no empty places, what you call space is full of intelligent life and it strives to hold communion with you.

Q. Tell us something more of Buddha? A. He was one of many who have been sent of God - Men do not preserve the right meaning of such teachings, but pervert them. He taught many useful things of the external or outer world and much that he taught has been lost and so had to be re-discovered.

Q. How? A. Thro' the growing intelligence of man. Christ taught nothing of the outer world. His teachings were of the inner

Last edit 11 months ago by kelseydchung
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