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Feby 15 1893

When a large part of a lung
is hepatized, in an animal
in an infected district it is
almost conclusive evidence that
the animal has Contagious Pl. Pn

When an isolated suspicious
case is seen be sure and learn
the history of the animal and do
not confound with "'tuberculosis,
(2) Verminous bronchitis - which occurs in adults as well as young --
the lung differs in not being hepatized --
It is also collapsed &
dropsical -- and worms are found
in the tubes, but not always in those
leading to a collapsed portion, as
they migrate to a healthy part
(3) Croupous differs in that the
hepatization is the same through
out & no thrombi present.
(4) Broncho pneumonia --
Lower & ant part of

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word after "(2)" believed to be "verminous", but unsure