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Sanitary Medicine Exercise Folio
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Dr. Michener's Linament Rx (Oil) Acid Acetic or Vinegar [illegible] Whites 5 eggs shaken well together [illegible] to Rect [illegible] [illegible] Turpentine [illegible] XIV Camphorae [illegible] i Mix [illegible] & camphor, then Turpentine and add acid & egg mixture to this Pour this into acid & egg mixture.
Chlor. Hydrate splendid for colic [separation marks between lines] Ammon. carb. dissolved in 1/2 cup water + put in 1/2 pail water - for pneumonia Dr. Gadsden [separation marks between lines] For capillary bronchitis in children. Rx Pvt. Bieromat [illegible] i Sugar of milk [illegible] IX Aquae [illegible]XX No liq- 1 teaspoonful every 10 minutes until symptoms modified. Then every hour.
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Notes on -Lectures delivered to the students of the National Vet. College, first lecture commencing Oct. 25, 1892. (Prof. D.E. Salmon)
(1) Sporadic - a disease which may spread but is not epidemic (2) Enzootic prevailing over a certain section at a time (3) Epizootic prevailing over an extensive territory (4) Panzootic disease affecting all animals at a time ex-Anthrax & [illegible]
(5) The highest loss from restriction on animals (cattle) shipp[illegible] foreign countries was $25,000,000
Before prohibition was put upon shipments of pork 1,200,000,000 lbs wer sent to foreign countries per year It shrunk to 626,000,000 lbs after the restrictions. There was a lost trade of [illegible]0,000,000 during the prohibition