Upon the first call for help the Salisbury Red Cross Motor
Corps, through the Captain, Mrs. E. C. Gregory, immediately volunteered
its services and worked both early and late in the distribution of food,
the carrying of nurses to and from their homes, and countless allied
errands of mercy. allis in the early morning and late at night were
answered without a question. It should be a perculiar gratification
to the Motor Cops, so recently organized, that its initial efforts
should have been of such paramount importance. Mrs. Gregory, who
had worked with never flagging devotion through all the early days
of the epidemic, was most unforunately called out of town on Wednesday
October 18th, by the illness of her son. As Captain of the Motor Corps
she appointed Miss Mary F. Henderson and Miss Grace Overman to command
the corps in her absence, which position they filled with efficiency
and the utmost devotion to duty. From the organization of relief
work, Miss Henderon had also held the position of Executive Secretary
to the Chairman of the Enfluenza Committee. An immense burden of work
fell upon her. This she accomplished with dauntless energy, and the
Chairman feels that the success of the Relief movement is largely due
to her ability and exactitude. With the Motor Corps must be associated
the ladies who vounteered to assist in disributin the food to the
stricken families. This Committee supplied each day workers to go out
with the motors, who were willing to go into the homes of contagion.
Often there was no one well enough to receive the food, and in such
cases the workers served the patients before leaving the house. Through
the first two weeks of the epidemic Salisbury extended its Relief work
to Spencer and East Spencer. Some of the most pitiable cases were found
in these localities. Mrs. L. M Hand gave me invaluable assistance be-
fore the Relief work was taken over by East Slpencer. Nurses were also
provided for two desperate caes in China Grove and Landis. It should
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