



Status: Complete

their personalities. Don't force him to take naps if he
doesn't want to. Unless you force him awake, he will
get all the sleep he needs. Don't worry about his
apparent inability at times to remember not to be afraid
of people. Give him as much love as you can
and don't frighten him about anything. If he does
train down to hair-trigger fineness, don't let it
bother you.

Honey, you are really not keeping up with your husband
spiritually. He is now a member of the regimental
choir (melody - 2nd tenor- soprano) putting on his first
performance tonight. I have been to 5 church services
this week besides 2 choir practices this week. The chaplain
(Baptist) is a good friend of mine. He & I are trying to
close up the red-light district. I egg him on and he
weathers the blast. So far we have frightened everybody
in command to death. I began a rumor that the
chaplain was going to submit a report and everybody
from the Gen on down is quivering. In one of the
interminable arguments on the subject of closing them
up, the Bn. Exec. Officer made a typical retort.
"What are the men going to do at night if you close them up?"

Honey, you'd better stop expecting me in the spring.
The divisions going home now are composed
only of men eligible to be discharged. (55 points) 54 point
men are left behind. We got some yesterday from the 27th
Div. with 50 points & 18 months overseas. At present 70 points
or 48 months service is necessary for doctors. I have 38 points
& 17 months. Hence, I expect to be screened out of the Div.
when it leaves in April. Some date after that if my
increasing months & their lowered months will coincide. Then truly
will I get home

[Drawn chart titled "Months Necessary for discharge" inserted here. Y axis reads "months" with assending values 0 12 24 36 48. X axis is labeled "Time" with Dec J F M A M J JULY AUG SEPT. Solid line with a positive slope begins at 17 months through AUG. Dotted line with a negative slope begins at 48 months. Lines intersect at vaule 24 months, April with arrow pointing to "Here I connect."]

Only if they decellerate the necessary service much more rapidly
can I expect to get home next summer. I have 24 months
next July. At the present rate it figures to Aug. That I
think is optimistic on my part. It will be later or sooner
depending on whether they increase or decrease their present

I love you with all my heart, darling. Kiss our
son for me & write often.

Your adoring husband,

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Unclear how to exactly transcribe the graph included in the letter. I did my best.