



Status: Complete

Sapporo, Hokkaido, Japan
13 Dec 1945

My dearest darling,

Today I received 2 letters from you dated 1 & 2 Dec.
I was so happy to hear from you again. It had
been several days since I last heard from you.
I have no room to complain, as you do, because it has
been much longer since I have written to you. I hope
you will excuse me if I bring up the subject I love,
darling, but I love you very much. (The last statement
won the critics award for being the "understatement of the year").
I worship the ground you tread and am only being fair
to you when I say that you are the sweetest, most
precious, most adorable wife, woman and mother in
the whole world. Now that Christmas is here (it will be
when you get this) my thoughts involuntarily turn to
you and Barrett. I love you both so much that I
am sad about it. It isn't right for such love to be
separated, honey.

I can't find anything worth sending to you for a X-mas
present, so I'm sending you a money order for $100.00.
Please buy yourself something nice with it. I don't want
it spent on anything for Barrett or anything for all
of us. This is yours to buy something for yourself
with. Buy a coat or a fur or something that you have wanted
but haven't gotten. Please let me know what you have

I have gotten 3 or 4 boxes from you including the one
with the bedroom slippers and muffler and gloves. I
wish you would try to get me some fur-lined
bedroom slippers as it is amost too cold to wear
any other kind. Night before last the water on my
stove (humidifier) froze during the night. We have 4-6 inches
of snow now which shows no sign of melting & which
we expect to keep in greater or lesser amount until April
or so. Our keeping-warm facilities are fairly good.
I have 7 blankets & a sleeping bag & can add sleeping
clothes at will. They have even begun to issue
overcoats! I am becoming used to our mackinaw-type

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