



Status: Complete

Sapporo, Hokkaido, Japan
15 Dec 1945

My darling son,
About 1 year ago I began a process which was known
at that time as "sweating-out." I was "sweating-
out your birth. Your mother and I were separated
for the first time since we had been married and
your father was very unhappy. The mental turmoil
which I was going thru can be known only by
a man whose wife is a precious and wonderful
as your mother. You see, son, once in a while a
mother and/or her child die during childbirth. Your
father was unable to face the prospect of anything
happening either to you or to your mother. Being a
weak character, he found the prospect almost unbearable.
He didn't communicate this fear to your mother and she
never knew about it, but his associates at the
time can attest to his anguish. When he learned
that you had been born and that both your
mother & yourself were well, his joy was unconfined.
Your Mother has always been a joy to him
and your growth & development have been a
an additional blession. He has only thanks to offer
to God that you both are his. As you grow
older and can appreciate your greatest blessing
(Mother) you will begin to see that besidses her
enormous love for you, she possesses many qualities
that make her a rare and unusual person. I
hope that for your sake you never become as
attached to her as is your Father. If so, you will
be unable ever to enjoy another female companionship,
and shall always be disastified with the humble
accomplishments of other women.

I am enclosing a money order, son, in celebration of
your first birthday, the first anniversary of one of
the greatest events of my life. Your mother will
use it wisely, either saving it for the future, or
buying something for you which she thinks you

My love is, as always, a blanket of infinite depth
enveloping your mother and yourself. God bless
you both.

Your adoring Father

Encl. Money Order #20819 APO #77

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