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4 revisions
vant at Aug 09, 2020 04:42 AM


139 To be so broad minded that we can love other nations as well as our own and believe in other nations as much as in our own - is the feature of a great mind and a big heart — it must lead to a brotherhood of men and a federation of the world. Sofje Lovvna Friedland Moscow Russia March 8th 1902. In commenaus of any {eternal amid} of sympathy - love for God in most clearly sung now. And for this human kind - Florence A. Fuchan - [..] [...] [...] [...]


To be so broad minded that we can love other nations as well as our own and believe in other nations as much as in our own - is the feature of a great mind and a big heart — it must lead to a brotherhood of men and a federation of the world.

Sofje Lovvna Friedland
Moscow Russia
March 8th 1902.

In commenaus of any {eternal amid} of sympathy - love for God in most clearly sung now. And for this human kind - Florence A. Fuchan - [..] [...] [...] [...]


139 To be so broad minded that we can love other nations as well as our own and believe in other nations as much as in our own - is the feature of a great kind and {loving?}heart - it must lead to a brotherhood of men and a federation of the world. Tofje Lovvna Friedland Eleanor Busnia March 8th 1902. In commenaus of any {eternal amid} of sympathy - love for God in most clearly sung now. And for this human kind - Florence A. Fuchan - [..] [...] [...] [...]


To be so broad minded that we can love other nations as well as our own and believe in other nations as much as in our own - is the feature of a great kind and {loving?}heart - it must lead to a brotherhood of men and a federation of the world.
Tofje Lovvna Friedland
Eleanor Busnia
March 8th 1902.

In commenaus of any {eternal amid} of sympathy - love for God in most clearly sung now. And for this human kind - Florence A. Fuchan - [..] [...] [...] [...]