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5 revisions
Carolebar at Mar 29, 2022 03:23 PM


porch and lawn, we are fishing out antique cribs and furnishing our vacant brain cells. With this number the present staff of "In Cap and Gown" takes leave of its gentle readers. We trust the magazine has met with your approval and that your kind forbearance will consign its faults to oblivion. We thank all the contributors who have so willingly helped us in our work [so crossed out: ?] and may next year's "In Cap and Gown" be bigger and better than ever.

porch and lawn, we are fishing out antique
cribs and furnishing our vacant brain

With this number the present staff of "In
Cap and Gown" takes leave of its gentle
readers. We trust the magazine has met with
your approval and that your kind forbearance
will consign its faults to oblivion.
We thank all the contributors who have
so willingly helped us in our work [so crossed out: ?]
and may next year's "In Cap and Gown"
be bigger and better than ever.


porch and lawn, we are fishing out antique cribs and furnishing our vacant brain cells. With this number the present staff of "In Cap and Gown" takes leave of its gentle readers. We trust the magazine has met with your approval and that your kind forber ance will consign its faults to oblivion. We thank all the contributors who have so willingly helped us in our work [so crossed out: ?] and may next year's "In Gap and Gown" be bigger and better than ever.

porch and lawn, we are fishing out antique
cribs and furnishing our vacant brain

With this number the present staff of "In
Cap and Gown" takes leave of its gentle
readers. We trust the magazine has met with
your approval and that your kind forber
ance will consign its faults to oblivion.
We thank all the contributors who have
so willingly helped us in our work [so crossed out: ?]
and may next year's "In Gap and Gown"
be bigger and better than ever.