Page 172


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11 revisions
Marie Richards at Jun 22, 2022 03:16 PM

Page 172

pardessus. Il sont ancores daultres fontaines chaul
des qui font aveugler les larrons lors quilz se parvi
rent du delit quilz ont commis touchant leur larcin.
Et se len le charge de larcin sans raison et il boit de
celle eaue certes il aura meilleur veue que devant.
De telles choses ne poeut len rendre raison fors
tant que nous devons entendre que tout che proce
de par miracles. Ancores a daultres fontaines qui sont
coies et cleres si que quant len joue au dessus dune
vielle ou daulcuns aultres instrumens qui resson
nent en maniere de donner consolation par leur
son leau dicelles sault contre mont a grans boul
lons et sespand avant les voies. Aultres fontaines
sont ailleurs lesquelles sont moult perilleuses
mais pour le present nous vous en faisons a tant
pour racompter de che qui advient par les eaues
qui tiennent leurs cours pardedens la terre et par
dessus dont il advient souvent si grant croslement
que la terre fesment si fort quil convient trebu
chier tout che qui est audessus ja ne sera si mais
sive tour.


on top of the water. There are other hot fountains
that cause thieves to be blinded when they admit
the crime that they have committed due to their theft.
But if someone is wrongfully charged with theft and he drinks
from this water, then indeed he will have better sight than before.
We cannot give a reason for these things unless we
understand that they occur by means of
miracles. Then again there are other fountains
that are still and clear, so that when one plays on a
viol or some other instrument that makes a
sound that is consoling, the water from this fountain
springs up, bubbling, and spreads out in front of the player.
There are also other fountains that are very dangerous,
but for the moment we have done enough in terms of
recounting what happens with the waters that
hold their courses within the earth and above it. And
sometimes great earthquakes happen, by which
the land shakes so much that everything on it collapses,
even massive towers.

Page 172

pardessus. Il sont ancores d'aultres fontaines chaul-
des qui font aveugler les larrons lors qu'ilz se parvi-
rent du delit qu'ilz ont commis touchant leur larcin.
Et se l'en le charge de larcin sans raison et il boit de
celle eaue certes il aura meilleur veue que devant.
De telles choses ne poeut l'en rendre raison fors
tant que nous devons entendre que tout che proce-
de par miracles. Ancores a d'aultres fontaines qui sont
coies et cleres si que quant l'en joue au dessus d'une
vielle ou d'aulcuns aultres instrumens qui resson-
nent en maniere de donner consolation par leur
son l'eau dicelles sault contre mont a grans boul-
lons et s'espand avant les voies. Aultres fontaines
sont ailleurs lesquelles sont moult perilleuses
mais pour le present nous vous en faisons a tant
pour racompter de che qui advient par les eaues
qui tiennent leurs cours pardedens la terre et par
dessus dont il advient souvent si grant croslement
que la terre fesment si fort qu'il convient trebu-
chier tout che qui est audessus ja ne sera si mais-
sive tour.


on top of the water. There are other hot fountains
that cause thieves to be blinded when they admit
the crime that they have committed due to their theft.
But if someone is wrongfully charged with theft and he drinks
from this water, then indeed he will have better sight than before.
We cannot give a reason for these things unless we
understand that they occur by means of
miracles. Then again there are other fountains
that are still and clear, so that when one plays on a
viol or some other instrument that makes a
sound that is consoling, the water from this fountain
springs up, bubbling, and spreads out in front of the player.
There are also other fountains that are very dangerous,
but for the moment we have done enough in terms of
recounting what happens with the waters that
hold their courses within the earth and above it. And
sometimes great earthquakes happen, by which
the land shakes so much that everything on it collapses,
even massive towers.