(seq. 48)


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12 revisions
dschigiel at Jul 27, 2022 04:04 PM

(seq. 48)

Sunday 8:20 am

P.O Box 207
[South ??]
Mass, 02566

Dear friend Miriam
Received your sweet letter
and was as always was happy
to know that you are fine.
Yes I will forward too meeting
your friend when she come up.
I know that you would come
up if you were able. So I'm
greatful that you are sending
her up, yes I will finish up
my sentence next year but
I still feel that maybe
the Board will give me on
change this year then if not
they will just have too for
get about me, because it
would surely be stupid
of me to take a parole

(seq. 48)

Sunday 8:20 am

P.O Box 207
[South ??]
Mass, 02566

Dear friend Miriam
Received your sweet letter
and was as always was happy
to know that you are fine.
Yes I will forward too meeting
your friend when she come up.
I know that you would come
up if you were able. So I'm
greatful that you are sending
her up, yes I will finish up
my sentence next year but
I still feel that maybe
the Board will give me on
change this year then if not
they will just have too for
get about me, because it
would surely be stupid
of me to take a parole