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12 revisions
Wjhoward at Jan 27, 2017 08:47 PM


February (???) (187)3 Sir The enclosed are copies of telegrams just received from the Engineer of the 13th District in regard to Cape Foulweather lanterns. They are not entirely intelligible but you are requested to consider them in connection with the Boards letter of yesterday asking if you (wa?)nt glass for the lantern and when. It is feared that as Cape Foulweather is so nearly inaccessible that considerable delay will occur in the lighting of the Light House. Very respectfully George H. Elliot. Major of Engineers, U.S.A. Engineer Secretary Col. I. C. Woodruff Eng'r 3rd L.H. District New York.

February (???) (187)3


The enclosed are copies of telegrams just received from the Engineer of the 13th District in regard to Cape Foulweather lanterns. They are not entirely intelligible but you are requested to consider them in connection with the Boards letter of yesterday asking if you (wa?)nt glass for the lantern and when. It is feared that as Cape Foulweather is so nearly inaccessible that considerable delay will occur in the lighting of the Light House.

Very respectfully
George H. Elliot.
Major of Engineers, U.S.A.
Engineer Secretary

Col. I. C. Woodruff
Eng'r 3rd L.H. District
New York.


February (???) (187)3 Sir The enclosed are copies of telegrams just received from the Engineer of the 13th District in regard to Cape Foulweather lanterns. They are not entirely intelligible but you are requested to consider them in

February (???) (187)3


The enclosed are copies of telegrams just received from the Engineer of the 13th District in regard to Cape Foulweather lanterns. They are not entirely intelligible but you are requested to consider them in