Waterman Composition No. 2 Page 3


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heidimarie at Jul 02, 2021 02:41 AM

Waterman Composition No. 2 Page 3

(Stationery with picture
of Phillips Academy in
upper right corner)
I am at a loss to know what to write about so
I shall write a few facts connected with my trip down South.
Our Regiment was never in any very severe battles but was engaged
in quite a number of skirmishes; and the first one of any importance
that we saw was fought on the 30th of January 1863 , at a place called
the "Deserted house." I had lain down in my tent on my blanket and
was just going to sleep when I heard our orderly pass down our company
street and sing out "Be ready to fall in men in one hour with three
days rations and in light marching order." Before I heard him I was
almost asleep but you may be assured that opened my eyes quite effectually.
I went up to the cookhouse and put twenty-seven hard tack
in my haversack (that is nine each day) also three good slices of
raw fat pork, went to my tent did up my rubber blanket filled
my canteen with water, went to the captains tent and replenished
my stock of ammunition to the amount of sixty rounds of cartridges
and one hundred caps and then I laid down to wait for further
orders. I dozed the time away until almost twelve o'clock when the
bugle sounded and we were rapidly placed in a line. Our regiment
marched to a road about a mile from camp which was the general
rendezvous. Soon after our arrival the entire column was put in
motion. I believe there were about twelve regiments of Infantry and
one of Cavelry and three Batteries. General Corcoran had command of the
entire expedition. We marched quite rapidly for about three hours.
There was a moon, but it was quite cloudy and the roads were very
muddy. Indeed, we would march perhaps a mile or so on good
ground and then being right in the Dismal Swamp, the mud and

Waterman Composition No. 2 Page 3

(Stationery with picture
of Phillips Academy in
upper right corner)
I am at a loss to know what to write about so
I shall write a few facts connected with my trip down South.
Our Regiment was never in any very severe battles but was engaged
in quite a number of skirmishes; and the first one of any importance
that we saw was fought on the 30th of January 1863 , at a place called
the "Deserted house." I had lain down in my tent on my blanket and
was just going to sleep when I heard our orderly pass down our company
street and sing out "Be ready to fall in men in one hour with three
days rations and in light marching order." Before I heard him I was
almost asleep but you may be assured that opened my eyes quite effectually.
I went up to the cookhouse and put twenty-seven hard tack
in my haversack (that is nine each day) also three good slices of
raw fat pork, went to my tent did up my rubber blanket filled
my canteen with water, went to the captains tent and replenished
my stock of ammunition to the amount of sixty rounds of cartridges
and one hundred caps and then I laid down to wait for further
orders. I dozed the time away until almost twelve o'clock when the
bugle sounded and we were rapidly placed in a line. Our regiment
marched to a road about a mile from camp which was the general
rendezvous. Soon after our arrival the entire column was put in
motion. I believe there were about twelve regiments of Infantry and
one of Cavelry and three Batteries. General Corcoran had command of the
entire expedition. We marched quite rapidly for about three hours.
There was a moon, but it was quite cloudy and the roads were very
muddy. Indeed, we would march perhaps a mile or so on good
ground and then being right in the Dismal Swamp, the mud and