that whenever such a connexion of things
takes place, that any number of men
cannot consistently with the good of the
whole have a residence in any commu
nity, but in a state of involuntary sub
ordination, & that their residence in such
community notwithsanding such subordi
nation be in fact best for them & others collectively. Such
subordination tho' involuntary is no viola
tion of the law of nature. Subordination
in this case comes fully within the reason
of the subordination of children, rests pre
cisely on the same foundation, & is therefore
justifiable on precisely the same principles.
Now fully within this predicament lies,
as I conceive, the particular case of Afri
cans in this country. That it is only
in a state of limited subordination,
that these people can consistently enjoy
a residence among us, is, I suppose,
acknowledged by all.
And whether their condition here, notwithstanding
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