



Status: Complete

Andover March 9th 1858 My Dear Brother -
I was very much
pleased with the note I received from you, because it showed
that you had not forgotten me - and because it contained an
account of what you are doing this term - I suppose it is must
vacation, and you are real glad that you are to rest from study
awhile; well, we get tired sometimes of going to school and do
not find much to interest us in our studies, but we should feel
that those weeks nearest vacation are the most important ones
of the whole term, for we ought to think of how we have improved
in our studies, what we have learned, and if in any thing
which we have been over we are not perfect, we should make
it up, so that we may ever remember it - I hope you have
got along finely in arithmatic also in geography - strive to
make yourself a master of these studies you will never regret
it - I shall expect to see your compositions when I come home -
Your subjects were all pretty good except one - what you could
have written about Rats I know not - perhaps something, how old
Nick used to to catch them in the Barn cellar - but I would
try to write about something more notable and of a different nature
then you will learn much more - you have to speak also you
say - this is a very good exercise and profitable to all who
engage in it - you ask me which is best - this or compositions -
They are both very useful, and I like them both - I am
sorry you do not like your teacher better - you must try and
do the best you can under his instruction although he may
not suit you - But I wish to say a few words about your
resolutions - You break them often you say, and are sorry for

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