reefed fore topsail : every appearance of dirty weather : for the last
three weeks we have enjoyed a succession of gales of wind with
much rain - 9 on the Sick List, reducing our complement to 69.
Towards evening it rained very heavily with thunder & lightning
and occasional heavy squalls.
June 13th At 2 am a breeze came away from the SW and
we squared yards running 5 knots - At 4 going 8. At 9 saw the
land. 10 saw Nova Redonda. At noon passed Raza Island.
At 1 came to an anchor in Rio, found there the Flag, Trident
and Sharpshooter - 2 went on board Trident to dine with my
old friend Eversfield, returned with him at 4. At 6 went
on shore with Purser about mess accounts, got on board by
midnight. Mail closed at 5, wrote to Mother in a hurry.
June 14th Rio de Janeiro 1855 - At 8 the English Minister
went on board the Solent, Mail Steamer and was saluted by
the Flag Ship. In the forenoon Captain Stope came on board
had a chat with him about old times. Noon Dr Clift paid me
a visit and smoked a pipe. 4 Eversfield came on board,
went ashore with a large party to the Opera, which we
found shut: supped at the Exchange, came off at Midt
June 15th A Survey on Engineers and Carpenter's stores - Purser
went to Cobras for Provisions. Engineer joining from HMS
Sharpshooter - In the afternoon Purser got very screwy -
At 6 went ashore with a party to the Opera : Saw Anne
of Boleyn - got on board by 1.
June 16th Employed refitting - Our Boatswain's Mate appointed
Boatswain of the Vixen - several of our men drunk. In
the evening Eversfield and Crocker came on board : had a game
of Vingt'un. 10 Commander and Coleman came off
Made Saturday night and turned in about 11 PM
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