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mated to him by the Board that they have in
view a person qualified for the office and will-
ing to accept of it the Board resolved to take
the necessary steps to obtain a person qualified
for the office, the Salary to be four hundred
pounds, currency, per annum.

4th. That there shall be appiointed to
complete the College Senate, in terms of the Char-
ter two Professors, the first of whom shall be
Professor of Hebrew, Biblical Criticism and Chur-
ch History, and the Second to be Professor of Logic
and and Mental and Moral Philosophy, the
Salary to be three hundred pounds, currency, per
annum to each without fees.

5th. That in the appointment of the Princi-
pal and the two additional Professors it shall
be a condition that two months and a half of the
recess in every year shall be at the disposal
of the Board to be employed in visiting the
various congregations within the bounds of the
Synod to advocate the claims and promote
the interests of the College.


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