[Across all Columns]
[Sketch of Mill]Old Slater Mill
EST. 1790
Vol. 3
Slater, S.C, September 6, 1945
No. 18
[Sketch of Mill]Slater Mill
[Column 1]
Salesmanship Is
Necessary Factor
If your boss walked up to
you and congratulated you on
being a good salesman you'd
probably be surprised. Especially
if you were a machine operator,
an assembler, a secretary
or an accountant and had
never done any selling in your
entire life. It's ten to one that
you'd think your boss was having
a mild case of hallucinations
— but that's where you'd
be wrong. Because you are a
salesman, and a good one, too,
whether you know it or not!
Every employee of any industry
is a salesman. Everybody
from the sweeper up to
the president is doing a job of
selling during every minute of
his working hours. How come?
It's really a simple explanation.
You see, everything a worker
does is sales conscious. Every
piece of work an employee
turns out is designated for a
potential customer. If his work
is conscientious and exacting,
he's selling the customer a
product which is flawless and
suited to the exacting requirements
of his particular need.
Figure it out for yourself — if
you and your co-workers turned
out inaccurate work, no one
would purchase that completed
product, and the plant would
soon go out of business. The
same applies to the workers in
the offices for every piece of
correspondence that goes out is
intended for a potential buyer
of the company's products.
When you come right down to
brass tacks, every single operation
of the plant is designed to
satisfy a customer, and we real-
(Con't. on page 2, col. 5)
The special summer program
which was sponsored by the
Slater Community Association
for ten weeks, was climaxed on
Thursday night, August 16, by
a special musical program.
Featured on this program
were the "Gay Quartet" and
the "Hall Sisters' Trio," artists
of Radio Station WFBC; also,
Ed Jamison's String Band of
Greenville, and T/Sgt. Bill
Eissing, of the Greenville
Army Air Base, who rendered
several vocal solos.
This climaxing program was
well attended, and the audience
enthusiastically received
the musicians who furnished
the evening's entertainment.
The program was varied, giving
enough different types of
music that everyone present
had an opportunity to hear
some of their favorite numbers.
Many of those who attended
have expressed their appreciation
for and enjoyment of this
program, and have inquired regarding
the possibility of other programs
of this kind for future dates.
[Column 2]
Thanks and appreciation "to
the millions of people on the
home front who supported us
with their labors" was expressed
by Fleet Admiral Ernest J.
Kind, on the official announcement
of the Japanese surrender.
Fleet Admiral King's statement
follows in part: "The day
of final victory has at last arrived.
Japan has surrendered.
Her fleet, which once boasted
that it would drive us from the
seas, has been destroyed. The
U. S. Naval Services played a
major role in this mighty triumph;
therefore, we observe
this hour with a special pride
and satisfaction in our achievement.
Especially do we remember
the debt we owe the thousands
of our comrades of the
Navy, Marine Corps and Coast
Guard who are absent today because
they gave their lives to
re-establish a world in which
free peoples might live. Our
sypmathies go out to their relatives
and friends. At the same
time we extend thanks and
appreciation to our companion
services of the Army, and to
the gallant Allies who fought
beside us and to the millions of
people on the home front who
supported us with their labors
and their prayers. It is as a
team and we have worked and
fought to the victorious conclusion
of the war."
[Heading spread across Columns 2-4]
Army Divisions And Their Nicknames
Are Presented for Identifcation[sic] Use
The "Yanks" are Coming—
Home — and every American
should know what their colorful
shoulder patches stand for.
Following are the nicknames
of combat divisions of the
Army that may be of assistance
in identifying these units as
they arrive in this country.
The list is not complete because
some divisions have never
adopted popular names and are
known by their official designations.
In other cases, one-time
nicknames have lot their
original meanings and are no
longer used by the men of the
outfits themselves. Many of the
nicknames are the product of
World War I. Others are derived
from the hearldry of
their colorful shoulder patches,
and some, largely National
Guard divisions, honor the
states or aresa of their origin.
Unique among the Ground
Forces divisions is the Americal,
the only one which bears
no official number. The name
often is mistaken for a typographical
error and is thought
to mean "American." But the
final letter is "l," the name being
a contraction of "American
Forces in New Caledonia."
The division won fame in the
early days of the Southwest
Pacific campaign.
[Column 3]
Local Officials
Visit School At
Detroit Company
Messrs. Frank A. Cook, Industrial
Relations Manager, J.
H. Barnett, Superintendent of
the Slater-Marietta Schools
and C. C. Compton, Assistant
to the Plant Manager, have recently
returned to Slater after
visiting the Vocational School
of the Ford Motor Company in
Detroit, Michigan. While there,
these gentlemen spent a few
days in visiting the Vocational
School operated by Mr. Ford,
and also went thoroughly into
the setup of the school.
According to Mr. Cook, this
school has been in operation
since 1915, and thousands and
thousands of young men in the
industrial area of Detroit have
availed themselves of the opportunity
of attending. It requires
four years to complete
the course, and many of the
graduates secure employment
with the Ford Motor Company.
However, it is not compulsory
for graduates to join the Ford
Motor Company as they are
free to go anywhere upon
graduation to seek employment.
While in Detroit, these
gentlemen visited Winsor,
Canda, which is just across
the United States - Canadian
border. They report that it is
(Con't. on page 2, col. 3)
Infantry Division Nicknames:
1st—"The Red One"
2nd—"Indian Head"
3rd—"Marne" or "Rock of the
5th—"Red Diamond"
6th—"Sight Seein' Sixth"
25th—"Tropic Lightning"
27th—"New York"
29th—"Blue and Gray"
30th—"Old Hickory"
32nd—"Red Arrow"
33rd—"Illinois" or "Golden
35th—"Sante Fe"
43rd—"Winged Victory"
63rd—"Blood and Fire"
76th—"Liberty Bell"
77th—"Statue of Liberty"
79th—"Cross of Lorraine"
80th—"Blue Ridge"
[Column 4]
Because of the distance and
kind of terrain involved in
liberating islands and fighting
over and through mountainous
sections and jungles, the general
lack of established wire
communications, and roads, the
war in the Pacific was predominately
a radio war.
Another communications
weapon for U. S. Army ground
troops, formerly sent in quantity
to the Pacific was the
Signal Corps Radio Set, SCR-619,
designed for use of Field
Artillery and in tank destroyer
units. It is a voice communication
set, frequency modulated
and has a normal range of operations
of about five miles
over average terrain. Weighing
about 50 pounds, the set may
be carried by one man on foot
or by pack animal, and with
added accessories may be
mounted in a vehicle. It operates
in the very high frequency
band on any one of the 120
crystal-controlled channels,
with a choice of two preset
channels instantly available. It
is smaller and 5 to 40 pounds
lighter in weight than the SCR-609
and 610 sets; it will replace
and has simpler arrangement
for changing the channels of
operation. The set is powered
by 6-volt or 12-volt batteries depending
on whether it is operated
by man, pack, or in a vehicle.
87th—"Golden Acron"
88th—"Blue Devil"
90th—"Texas-Oklahoma" or
"Tough 'Ombres"
91st—"Powder River"
106th—"Golden Lion"
Airborne Division Nicknames:
82nd Airborne Division — "All
101st Airborne Division —
"Screaming Eagle"
Armored Division Nicknames:
2nd Armored Div.—"Hell on
3rd Armored Div.—"Spearhead"
4th Armoted Div.—"Breakthrough"
5th Armored Div.—"Victory"
8th Armored Div.—"Snow
10th Armored Div. "Tiger"
11th Armored Div. "Thunderbolt"
12th Armored Div.—"Hellcat"
[Column 5]
Good Attitude Is
Essential On Job
Your job is what you make it.
It can be a constant drudgery,
a distasteful task to be gotten
out of the way in the shortest
possible time, or a source of
job and pride in personal
achievement. It has been demonstrated
that a round peg won't
fit in a square hote which tends
to prove that if a man's heart
isn't in his work he's getting
nowhere fast. The worker who
has a deep interest in his job is,
on the other hand, bound to be
happy and of a healthy, stable
Your attitude toward your
job is reflected in your home
and community life. If you are
inclined to petty jealousies and
are envious of your fellow
workers, you're bound to be
dissatisfied with your occupation.
You'll probably feel that
other fellows get all the breaks
while poor, unfortunate you are
overlooked every time. As a
result, you'll be hard to get
along with and you'll probably
take it out on the folks at home.
If you fall into this particular
catgegory, don't be dismayed.
You have plenty of company,
for a good many men suffer
from an unhealthy mental attitude
toward their jobs and
are distinctly unhappy as a direct
result. Such people are not
blessed with congenial homes,
and if they took investory of
themselves they'd find that
their unhappiness could be
cured by a cessation of brooding
and discontent.
Take pride in your work, and
you'll find that the days will
(Con't on page 3, col. 1)
Equipping and maintaining a
soldier in continental U. S.
for his first year in the Army,
now costs Q. M. C. $533.88, or
nearly 15 per cent over the cost
of $465.06 in 1944. These costs
are averages and represent the
costs for a composite soldier
equipped for all climates in all
the various arms and services
of the Army, and computed for
the entire Army strength. This
year the soldier's food will cost
$226.30, his clothing, $128.19,
at the outset, but $83.82 is added
to that for a year's maintenance.
His individual equipment
has an initial cost of $47.72 plus
$16.21 for maintenance, and his
barrack equipment comes to
$28.15 with $3.50 added to
maintain it for the year. In
theaters of war the maintenance
cost of clothing rises to
$145.10, and on individual
equipment $16.22 to $33.88. Increased
costs of equipping and
maintaining the composite soldier
in 1945 is partly due to
higher costs of materials and
manpower, but largely because
of improved equipment.
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