[image of mill to left of headline] Old Slator Mill PAWTUCKET, R. I. Est. 1790
[image of mill to right of headline] Slater Mill SLATOR, SO. CAROLINA 1943
[title spans column 1 & 2] Organization Of American Business In Late War Termed Modern Miracle
Highlighting the part played by the Army Service Forces in the production of such miracles as radar, penicillin and the atomic bomb, Gerneral Brehon Somervell, Commanding Gen. of ASF, recently made his report for the fiscal year in 1945 to Secretary of War Patterson and General Marshall, Chief of Staff.
"The Miracle that produced all the other miracles," reported Gen. Somervell, "was something even more American than any one of them. It was organization and vitalizing of this vast machine. It was the miracle of management.
"The ASF came into being, it began to function felt its way, put on speed and power, procured and delivered the goods around the world - two billion dollars worth a month. It produced more varieties of equipment and supplied than any other organization ever has attempted to gather together and kept count of these items, stored them, held them in reserve and shipped them where needed. It took the best out of business and put it into the business of war."
"Victory in the greatest war of all times has come through the leadership, skill and courage of our fighting men," declares Gen. Somervell in his report. "ASF gave a full measure of support to these men in every quarter of the globe. The knowledge that this was done (Con't. on page 4, col. 1)
RUSSELL MERCHANT PASSES AT HOME This community was saddened to learn of the death of Russell Merchant, which occured on Sunday night, November 11, 1945, at his home near Slater.
For many years, Mr. Marchant was an employee of S. Slater & Sons, Inc., and was known to hundreds of people here and in the surrounding communities. Declining health forced his retirement about two years ago, and although his health was poor, his death was sudden and unexpected.
Funeral services for Mr. Marchant were held on Wednesday, November 14, at 2 p. m. at the Middle River Baptist Church and were conducted by the Rebv Marvin Hembree and the Rev. J.M. Dean. Interment was in the adjoining cemetery. Survining Mr. Merchant are his wife, Mrs. Ruth Poole Marchant; four daughters, Misses Gladys, Annie Ruth, Edith Pearl, and Bertha Marchant; and one son, J. L. Marchant. The sympathy of this community is extended the Marchant family in their bereavement.
[column 1] SLATER CHURCHES SPONSOR XMAS PLAY Plans are under way for the presentation of a Christmas play to take place here at Slater on or about December 20th. For the past two years, Christmas plays have been given at Slater Hall by the people of this community.
The play this year is being sponsored by the three churches of Slater - the Slater Methodist Church, The Slater Baptist Church and the Slater Church of God.
Committees have already been selected from each church and the play has been selected. It is known as "A White Christmas" and is by Wlater Ben Hare. Additional copies for the actors have been ordered and as soon as they arrive, practicing will get under way. Robert H. Atkinson, Employment Manager, S. Slater and Sons, Inc., has been asked to direct the play and has accepted. He will be assisted by W. Earle Reid, Director of Educational Recreation, who will (Con't. on page 3, col.1) --------
Good Forement Is Key to Success In any industry the foreman plays a key hole which diretely affects the quality of the product, the efficiency of the worker and the safety of property and personnel.
Foremen all too often fail to appreciate the key position they occupy with the result that they soon lose the respect and friendship of their staffs and cause an endless chain of trouble which creates tremendous havoc in the department or division.
A good foreman is really "Good." There is no in-between status and the foreman who believes that his job consists of merely heading up his department is on the shortest possible rout to the trash can with transportation being supplied by no one but himself.
Let's see what makes a good forement tick and pattern our own actions accordingly. The good foremen makes the following rules his daily creed: 1. Know my job thoroughly. 2. See that workers are properly trained. 3. In case of dispute, try to see things from the worker's viewpoint. 4. Don't shirk responsibility. 5. Encourage ideas and initiative among workers. 6. Do not criticize a man in front of his fellow worker. 7 Be fair and impartial at all times. (Con't. on page 2, col. 4)
[column 3]
[image of elderly woman with short cropped hair and glasses]
Mrs. Hambright Dies at Slater The entire community was saddened to learn of the death of Mrs. Annie Sue Hambright, wife of Walter R. Hambright, which occurred at the family residence, 14 First Street, Slater, S.C., on Wednesday morning, November 7, 1945. Mrs. Hambright had been ill only a short time, and only the day beofre had returned from a Greenville hospital after undergoing an operation. She was apparently on the way to recovery when suddenly she took a turn for the worse and soon expired.
Mrs. Hambright was a faithful wife, a devoted mother, an excellent neighbor, and a conscientious worker. She was highly esteemed and loved by all who knew her, and her friends were many. She constatnly strove and worked for all things that tended to build for a better community and a more abundant life.
By birth, Mrs. Hambright was a native of Georgia, as she was born in Elbert County of the state. She was the daughter of the late Marion and Lucinda Bond Daniel, and at the time of her death was 57 years of age. Her education was received in the common schools of her native state.
Early in life, Mrs. Hambright moved to Greenville, S.C., and resided there for 31 years. Three years ago she came to Slater to make her home and (Con't. on page 2, col.5)
NOTICE Effecive November 23, 1945, the name of this company was changed from S. Slater & Sons, Inc. to SLATER MANUFACTURING CO., INC. It is felt that this change will be of interest to all of our employees, since the mill first operated as Slater Manufacturing Company in 1928. There will not be any change in management or policy.
[column 4]
A chapter of the National Honorary Beta Club has been organized in the Slater-Marietta High School. The installation of the Beta Club was held at the school on Wednesday, November 14, with Mr. "Bob" Hellams, Field Secretary of the Club, presiding.
The Club charter was presented to the temporary Secretary-Treasuer, Kathleen Nelson. Individual certificates for membership and Beta Club pins were given to the following members: Fances Miller, Kathleen Nelson, Elisie Lee Pittman, Barbara McMullan, Doris Hargrove, Mildred Shelton, Selma Jean Cole, Fannie Mae Burton, Inez McGrew, Ruth Laws, Frances Poole, Jimmie Pierce, Russell Hampton, Clelle Buchanan, H.S. Richradson, Jr., and Billy Vassey.
The sponsor for the club is Miss Wilma McAbee.
The following were elected officers of the newly-organized club: President, Midred Shel(Con't. on page 3, col. 3)
Safety Engineer Is Good Fellow
The safety Engineer - he's the fellow who eternally argues with the foreman about keeping the job free from accidents and injuries. He's the fellow whom the foreman blames for hindering production with his safety gadgets and rules. He's the inconspicuous character who wanders about the shop conferring with supervisors and workers about cutting down accident rates. He's the fellow who has a worried look when he leaves the First Aid room after scanning the monthly accident reports. He's the lad who gets put on the griddle when an accident occurs. Not a very popular fellow - your safety engineer - is he?
But there's another side to your safety engineer which you and I seldom see. He's the fellow who keeps men free from accidents and poor health through his insistence on safety on the job. He's the lad who keeps countless workers out of hospitals and sick beds. He's the individual who prevents serious eye injuries by making safety glasses available in occupations where they are needed. He's the man who ferrets out the causes fo accidents and sees that they are eliminated. He's the fellow that management appointed to be your guardian angel as fas as accidents, injuries and health are concerned. Not a bad fellow - your safety engineer - is he?
[column 5]
[title spans top of column 4 & 5] Boy Scouts Complete Organization of Local Troop 44 Here At Slater
Boy Scout Troop No. 44 here at slater has gotten off to a good start since its reorganization recently.
The Troop has been divided into four patrols and patrol leaders have been selected. The patrols and leaders are: Beavers, Dickie Gossett; Wolfe, A. B. McMakin, Jr.; Panther, C. G. Lane; and Flying Eagle, Bobbie Cashion.
Ray Johnson and George Snipes, Jr. have been named Senior Patrol leader and scribe respectively.
Interest in the troop is at afever heat and boys around 12 years of age are busily learning the scout rules, oath, and the necessary tests in order to pass their tenderfoot tests and requirements. These requirements are necessary before a boy may be enrolled as a scout. The Troop meets each Tuesday night at the Scout Hut at 7 o'clock. Here various games are played, tests are passed, and the business sessions are held.
Members have also done good work in repairing and cleaning up the hut and considerable work has been spent in putting the grounds in excellent shape. A new walkway from the street to the hut has also been built.
Recently the Scout Committee met with the troop and after the Scouts had been dismissed, the committee heard a discussion by one of the Scout Executives from Greenville. Messrs. Suttle and Cook were (Con't. on page 3, col. 2)
The news of the death of Miss Loraine Hayden, a former employee of S. Slater and Sons, Inc., has caused widespread sorrow in this community. Miss Hayden was 27 years of age. She was a native of the Pleasant View Church section of this county and died at her home on Sunday night, Novemeber 18th after a long illness.
Miss Hayden was the daughter of J. C. Hayden and the late Lizzie Pittman Hayden. All of her life had been spent in Greenville County.
Funeral services for Miss Hayden were held in the Camp Creek Baptist Church, Tuesday Morning, November 20th at 11:00 A.M., and were conducted by the Rev. Cullen Stockton a nd the Rev. W.M. Belcher. Internment followed in the church cemetery. Miss Hayden is survived by her father, one sisiter, Mrs. Boyce Bramlette and a brother, Alvin L. Hayden of Slater.
The sympathy of all the employees of Slater is extended the Hayden family in their bereavement.
Page 2 The Slater News November 29, 1945
[column 1] The Slater News Published Every Two Weeks By Slater Manufacturing Co., Inc. Established 1790 In The Interest of Its Employees
[Illustrations of two small shields; the first has the letters " NCIE" across the widest part of it, the second has "SAIE" formed to the inside shape]
STAFF Robert H. Atkinson ------Editor Cecil Speights -------Asst. Editor Reporters Weave Room: Ernestine McCall, Nellie Barnette, Walker Reid, Gladys Cox, Rosalee Cox, Sara C. Chitwood, Dovie Faust, Louise Bagwell, and Margaret Johnson.
Preparation Dept.: Jessie Vassey, Dorothy Hawkings, Julia Brown, Mildred Mull, Mary Wallace, Lucille Tate, Ruby Drury, Nellie Ruth Payne, Stanely Hawkins, Irene Cox. Cloth Room: Opal W. Smith. Community: Mrs. Raymond Johnson, W. Earle Reid, Ruby P. Reid, Doris F. Atkinson.
Look Ahead In any well-regulated business there are stated intervals when the business must take s tock of itself to wee whether it is operating at a profit or loss. This interval is often known as "the inventory period," or in mercantile establishments as "taking stock."
When inventory time comes around, the business frequently stops, and no business is transacted during this time. This is necessary in order to get a true value of the worth or assets of the business so that a true picture of the business can be reflected in the statement of the business, or financial statement, which is always prepared at the inventory period.
The Financial statement gives a true insight into the worth of the ocmpany and is used by the officials of the company to set its future course. If the company is failing to make the profit it should the officials try to find out the reasons why and attempt to remendy the situation. If the company is in extra good circumstances, the officials usually try to expand the business, or at least to create reserves to take care of times when the profits will be small.
We often wonder how many individual ever stop to take inventory of their personal business. Perhaps more individuals do this than we suspect, but somehow or other we have the idea that few people actually do. We think that if more people did this, the world would be better off.
Now, if well-regulated business establishments take time to ascertain their status and from this, chart their course for the future, why can't we as indivisuals do teh smae? Let us, therefore, look into the future and see if we can ascertain what it has in store for us. We make our living by our
[article continues to the bottom half of column 2]
work. Work collectively may be siad to costiitue a term or condition which we designate as business. Now, business has ups and downs which are known as cycles. When business is up, we say that it is good, and when it is poor, the reverse is true and it is down.
A cycle of business may be good or it may be poor. Most of us are old enough to remember the days in the early 1930's when business was extremely poor. It was very hard to get a job, and even then employment was uncertain and often part-time. Then slowly the cycle began to rise, and like a wheel turning over business began to be better until we reached the era of war.
The war created a somewhat artificial condition, for men were called into the armed forces, and at the same time it was necessary to produce more goods than ever before for the war effort. This naturally led to a cycle of good business with good wages and full-time employment for everyone.
The was is over now, so what are we to expect? As near as we can see, business will continue to be good for a period of from one to five years. The fator, which will determine the slump in business, will be when that saturation point is reached and a supply of all types oof consumer goods are on hand and are backed up and stored away in warehouses. When this time is reached, a cycle of poor business will
[article continues to the bottom of column 3] probably have begun.
In order to meet this period, shoulcn't we stop and take inventroy in order to set our course? We think anyone will agree. The advice we can give is siple, but it will probably be adequate. It is simply do this: Do no spend all of your wages, but save some back against the needs of the future.
No, one of the best ways to save is to invest your savings in a secure place and way. We know of no better way than to invest in Victory Bonds. Building and Loan association and Savings Banks are also good. Perhaps there are many other sound ways of investing, but to the average person the ways mentioned above will probably be adequate.
The main idea is to stop and look ahead, for the future will no doubt be governed largely by the past, and as certain as the sun rises eacy day, so will business cycles come and go. Since business is now good, the next cycle will no doubt be a poor one. We repeat --Look Ahead!
[return to column 2, top]
SLATER DAY BY DAY Some months ago this column mentioned a Teen-age Canteen as one of the things our village needs. Call it a youth center if you like, but we do need some place where our young people can meet and have an outlet for their energy and satisfy their desire to be together.
At present they gather on street corners, sit in parked automobiles, or huddle in dark corners of dim-lit living rooms while the family is away.
Such conduct is not conducive toward the building of desirable future citizens. And any community should feel it an honor to provide adequate wholesome entertainment for its most important inhabintants.
According to one teen-ager whom I questioned, such a place should provide games, (quiet games such as checkers, etc. and active games like ping pong and bowling), music and refreshment facilities.
Such an enterprise would likely need adult supervision at first. Supervision of a type that would not "cramp their style," no misunderstand youth and its problems. Later perhaps the young people themselves could assume more responsibilities.
Membership, of course, should be based on certain standards of behavior.
Did someone gripe about the cost of such an enterprise? Not near so expensive as jail houses and juvenile courts and prisions and crimianl courts. And a mighty good way to convet potential jailbirds and public enemies into solid citizens and distinguished leaders.
[column 3, top]
Cloth Room Chater Mrs. Opal Smith enjoyed a birthday dinner recently given in honor of her grandfather, C. R. Poole, of Traverlers Rest. Mr. Poole was 71 years old.
the Cloth Room employees wish to welcome a new grader, Dorothy Pace, to their department. They also welcome back two of their old members, Venetia Tate, cloth grader, and Lloyd Turner, shearer.
On October 19, the Cloth Room employees presented Mrs. Annie Johnson with a lovely black purse, gloves handkerchief, and compact as a birthday gift. Mrs. Johnson takes this opportunity to thank all for the lovely gifts. They were greatly appreciated.
Margaret Link's brother, Robert Lee Batson, S-1/C, is home on a 30 day furlough visiting his paents, Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Batson, of Marietta. A dinner was given in honor of Robert Lee, and those present were: Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Lazar and family, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Guest and family, and Mr. and Mrs. Edward Batson and son, and Mr. and Mrs. L.T. Link.
Pfc. Albert D. Pace, borther of Thurman and Henry Pace, has recently been discharged from the Army at Camp Gordon, Ga. He served with the thrid army in England, Belgium, France, Luxemburg, and Germany.
Mr. and Mrs. George Garland had as their weekend guests, Mrs. Garland's mother and sister, Mrs. E. S. Higgins and Mrs. Gay Carter and familyof N.C. They also had as their Sunday afternoon guests, Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Gilreath, of Greer.
A recent visitor in the Cloth Room was Alvin Henson, of the U.S. Navy. Alvin was employed in the Cloth Room before entering service. His many Slater friends are looking forward to the time when he will be back to stay. ---------------------------- A good thing to remember, and a better thing to do, is to work with the construction gang, and not with the wrecking crew. ------------------------- [title spans top of column 4 & 5] PREPARATION DEPARTMENT N-E-W-S
[column 4] Mr. and Mrs. Dalton McWhite spent a few days last week in Florida. While there they visitied Daytona Beach, Bradenton Beach, Silver Springs, and many other interesing places.
Flora A. Batson, Seaman First Class of Patuxent River, Md., sister of Mrs. Allie Mae Stockton, is expected home with a discharge soon. She has served in the WAVES for one year, but will be home with her sister near Travelers Rest real soon.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Terrel and children spent Sunday afternooon in Greenville.
Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Robinson, of Shelby, N.C., are spending the week with their son, Mr. Vick Robinson and his wife.
Mr. and Mrs. Carl Aiken are having as thier guests this weekend, Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Cagle, of Taylors.
Joyce and Mary Sue Garrett
[article continues to top of column 5]
and Lowell Edens made a tour last Sunday of Pickens, Cateeechee, Norris, and Liberty, S. C. We are sorry to hear that Bess Moody is ill in the hospital, and wish her a speedy recovery.
Miss Louise Batson had as her guest Sunday, Mr. Edward Singleton, of Dacusville. Edward has just returned from overseas and recieved his discharge.
Second shift employees wish to welcome Coleman Finley back to his old job. Coleman was in service for 4 1/2 years, and overseas for 37 months.
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Williams and friends enjoyed a trip to North Carolina mountains last Sunday.
We are glad to hear that Mr. and Mrs. Carl Aiken are housekeeping in their new home.
Employees of the second shift welcome Cecil Duncan to the Slasher Room.
[return to column 4]
Good Foreman Is (con't. from page 1, col. 2)
8. Praise ability and good work. The bad foreman- and there is at least one in every large industry - suffers from one or more of the following faults: 1. Doesn't know his job. 2. Fails to see that workers are properly trained. 3. Lacks patience with his men. 4. Is quick to "pass the buck." 5. Scoffs at suggestions 6. Berates workers in public. 7. Never investigates complaints. 8. Fails to give credit where credit is due.
That's the story in a nutshell. Now sit down and analyze you own abilities and shortcomings. Are you a good foreman or a bad one? If you think you fall in the latter category it's not too late to change for the better, for realization of your own faults is a sure sign that you've got something on the ball.
Let's all be good foremen. Men working under peacetime conditions need a lot of understanding and guidance and it's your job, as a foreman, to see that the job runs smoothly, efficiently and cooperatively at all times.
Ebenezer Lodge Elects Officers at Meeting
The regular communication of Ebenezer Lodge, Number 101, A. F. M. will be held on Monday night, December 3, at 7:30 P.M. in the Lodge Hll. All members are urged to be present at that time as officers for the coming year will be elected. All visiting Masons will be welcome. John L. Reaves Secretary -----------------
Good breeding consists in concealing how much we think of ourselves and how little we think of the other persons - Mark Twain
[column 5] Mrs. Hambright (con't. from page 1, col. 3)
continued to reside here until her death. For many years Mrs. Hambright had been engaged in textile work, and at the time of her death was employed as a weaver in Weave Room No. 3 of this plant.
As a young woman, Mrs. Hambright was married to Walter R. Hambright, who survives her. To this union was born one son, who also survives. He is a Technician Fifth Grade Marion B. Hambright, of the Army of the United States, and is not stationed at Camp Croft, Spartanburg, S.C. In addition, Mrs. Hambright is survived by four sisters, Mrs. G. E. Conwell, Mrs. B. N. Harris, Mrs. Lucy Gause, and Mrs. C. B. Cave; three brothers, Marion Daniel, W. T. Daniel, and J.L. Daniel; and a number of nieces and nephews.
By religious preference, Mrs. Hambright was a Methodist, and at the time of her death was a member of the Slater Methodist Church.
Funeral Services Funeral Services for Mrs. Hambright were held on Friday afternoon, November 9, 1945 at 2 p.m. at the Thomas McAfee Funeral Home in Greenville, and were conducted by the Rev. Clyde M. Johnson and the Rev. R. H. Chambers. Internment was in the family plot at Graceland Cemetery, Greenville.
Serving as active pallbearers were six nephews of Mrs. Hambright.
The lovely floral offering was a tribute to the esteem in which Mrs. Hambrigh was held by all who knew her.
In this bereavement, the sympathy of this entire community is extended the Hambright family.
[illustration of a dog holding a card labeled "idea" over a voting box]
Novenber 29, 1945 THE SLATER NEWS Page Three GOINGS - ON----- IN WEAVE ROOMS (inside a heading frame)
Cpl. Milton Smith, of Califoria, was a recent visitor in the plant. Before entering service, Cpl. Smith was employed in Weave Room No. 3.
Employees in No. 3 are glad to have Mr. G.A. Henson back on the job, as loom fixer, after an absence of several weeks.
Mr. and Mrs. C.B. Cathcart, of Norfolk, Va., were recent guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. O. Cathcart.
Sgt. J. T. Witmore recently visited Mr. and Mrs. G. C. Grubbs.
Friends fo Thomas Jewell, of the U.S. Army, were glad to see him in the plant recently. Thomas was employed in our Weave Room before entering service over four years ago. Third shift employees on Job 2 will miss Mr. M.B. "Pete" Jones since he has received a promotion as overseer on the second shift. They welcome Mr. Bill Stephenson as their new overseer. Mrs. Perry M. Rampey had as her dinner guests Saturday evening Mr. and Mrs. Joe S. Ward and Miss Janie McCluney. They report spending a delightful evening. We welcom Mrs. Annie Brown back to work in Weave Room No. 1 after a few days of absence. Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Garrett are all smile ssince their only son, Alvin S. Garrett, ARM 2/C, of Memphis, Tenn., spent the past weekend with them. Mr. Earnest Tatham, of No. 1 grins and eats pork since he butchered a hog last week. We welcome Mr. Jasper K. Voyles back to work on his old job in No. 1 He has been away for some time serving in the U.S. Navy. Third shift employees in No. 1 are glad to have Mrs. Grace Jones back, after being out almost a year due to illness. She is employed as a weaver on Job 2. They also welcom Mrs. Marie Cobb backto her old job as weaver. The following new employees are now working on the third shift in No. 1: C.R. Tinsley, Leonard Hayden, and J.C. Forrest. Pvt. Roy Smelcer, of Donbridge, Tenn., is visiting Mr. and Mrs. T.R. Chandler. Mr. and Mrs. Dorsey Rice and children were recent visitors of Mr. and Mrs. A.M. Rice of Georgia. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Foster and Mr. and Mrs. Duck Smith recently motored to Seneca, S.C. We are glad to see Joe Ellenburg back at work in No. 2. He has been in the Navy for the past nine months. S/Sgt. Austin Strange spent a few days with his sister, Mrs. T.R. Chandler. Mr. and Mrs. Duck Smith spend the weekend with Mrs. Smith's mother, Mrs. Rosa Gaines, of Greenwood. Births (picture of a stork) Mr. and Mrs. Buford Bellamy announce the birth of a daughter on November 11 at Wood Memorial Clinic. Mr. Bellamy is emplyed on the third shift in No. 2 Weave Room. Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Tankersley are the proud parents of a son, Lewis Ray, born at the Wood Memorial Clinic on November 2. Before marrage, Mrs. Tankersley was Miss Agnes Dunn. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Brock, of Route 2, Travelers Rest, S. C., announce the birth of a daughter, Tuesday, November 6, at the local clinic. Mrs. Brock is employed as a slasher tender in our preparation Department.
Slater Churches (Con't. from page 1, col. 2) assist in staging the production. The play will be somewhat similar to the plays given the past two years and should be equally as good or better than plays given heretofore.
To remind a man of the good turns you have done hime is very much like a reproach. -- Demosthenes.
Boy Scouts (Con't. from page 1, col. 5) named as members of the finance committee. Claude Sprouse is the new scout master and Hines S. Richardson is the Assistant Scoutmaster.
Theatre Guide November 20, 1945 "THE SUSPECT" Starring: Charles Laughton Ella Raines Dean Harens ----- December 1, 1945 "TROUBLE CHASERS" Starring: Billie Gilbert ----- December 3, 1945 "THE GAY SENORITA" Starring: Jinx Falkenburg Jim Brannon Steve Cochran ------ December 7, 1945 "SUDAN" Starring: Maria Montez Jon Hall Turhan Bey ---- December 8, 1945 "MAN FROM OKLAHOMA" Starring: Roy Rogers George "Gabby" Hayes Dale Evans ------ December 10, 1945 "SALOME WHERE SHE DANCED" Starring: Yvonne De Carlo Rod Cameron David Bruce ---------------- Beta Club (con't. from page 1, col. 4) ton; Vice-President, Kathleen Nelson; Secretary, Barbara McMullan; Treasure, Russell Hampton; and Reporter, Elise Lee Pittman. ------------------- LINES FROM THE LIBRARY
New Books A good supply of new books for children has just been bought for the library. These are being catalogued as rapidly as possible, and will soon be ready for the shelves. In selecting these books, careful attention was given to both reading matter and illustrations. As a result, we have books which are beautifully illustrated in all the colors which attract a child. Have the little folks of your family come to the library and see these new books. We know they will like them.
Schedule for Library Clubs Girls' Club (ages 8-12)- Monday p.m. - 3:00 O'clock Boys' Club (ages 8-12)- Wednesday p.m. - 3:00 O'clock Story Hour (ages 3-7) First and Second Streets - Thursday p.m. - 3:00 O'clock Third and Fourth Streets - Friday p.m. - 3:00 O'clock --------------- Story hour Girls Promoted The following members of Story Hour were recently promoted to Girls' Club: Barbara Godfrey, Fern Barrett, Doris Abernathy, and Barbara Ann Thorton. These girls have done splendid work in Story Hour, and we known that they will do the same in Girls' Club. ----------------- New Members Again, we are glad to wlcome a number fo new library members. The first of these is Clara Veal, little daughter of Mrs. Estelle Veal. Clara's mother is employed in the Weaving Department of our plant. All of us know Clara's grandfather, Mr. T. C. Veal, gate watchman. Linda Burnette, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Burnette, is also a new member. Although she is a tiny little girl, she's a good Story Hour member and we welcome her. Linda's father works in the Preparation Department of our plant. Among the new members are two little sisters, Margaret and Carolyn Hayden. These little girls are daughters of Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Hayden. Their father is employed in the plant here and is a loom fixer. Catherine Pittmon is another new member. She is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Carl Leon Pittmon Mr. Pittmon was formerly employed here, but is now serviing with the armed forces overseas. Another one of our new members is James Harold Wilson. He is a son of Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Wilson. James Harold's father is now in service. Grady and David Eanes are also new members. They are the sons of Mr. and Mrs. George Eanes. Their father is a loom fixer here is Slater. The other new member is Robert Joe Garland son of Mr. and Mrs. George Garland, of Marietta. Robert Joe is in the sixth grade in the local school. --------------- Birthdays Barbara Godfry, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Godfry, had a birthday on November 2. She was eight years old. Fern Barrett was eight years old on November 8. She is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Horace Barrett. --------------------- CARD OF THANKS Mr. Vannoy Armstrong, who is employed in the Slathers Department, whishes to take this opportunity to express his appreciation for the flowers sent for the funeral of his mother-in-law, Mrs. Evie Tate. --------------- Wrongs are often forgiven- Contempt never. - Chester - field ------------------------------- --ADVERTISMENT-- COMMUNITY DRUG STORE SLATER, SOUTH CAROLINA "We Save You Money" FILLING PRESCRIPTIONS IS OUR SPECIALTY Choose your druggist with just as much care as you do your family doctor. It is important to your health. A graduate registered pharmacist is always on duty at the Community Drug Store. WATCH FOR YOUR CHRISTMAS DISPLAY! We fill any doctor's prescription - "Your Friendly Store" - W. F. HORTON, Manager B.S. in PHg.. Reg. PHg.
Page Four
November 29, 1945
[Header spans columns 1-2] Our Servicemen Here And There
Soldier Is Due Home Very Soon
S/Sgt. William K. Barmlette, husband of Mrs. Gwendolyn E. Bramlette and son of Mrs. Allie Bramlette of Route No. 1, Taylors, S. C., has been relieved of duty with the Signal Service in Leyte. Sgt. Bramlette is in the "70 point" class and is expected home shortly.
Sgt. Bramlette has been overseas since January, 1944, and is, at present, Mess Sergeant. He previously worked in the Signal Center and Telegraphic Repair Units. His unit took an active part in the North Solomons, New Guinea, and Philippines engagements.
He foremerly worked at S. Slater & Sons, Inc. As a leaseout man in the Warping Department, but left in December, 1942 to enter service.
A young son, Charles K. Bramlette, three years old, eagerly awaits his father's return home. ------------------------------------------- CHAPLAIN WHITMIRE SPEAKS TO BAPTISTS
The Reverend T. Q. Whitmire, a chaplain in the U. S. Army, was guest speaker at the regular morning worship service at Slater Baptist Church on Sunday, November 18.
The scripture he read was the twenty-third Psalm, and his talk was based on his experiences as a chaplain while in the States and while in the European theater of war.
Chaplain Whitmire is a very interesting speaker, and his message was delivered from the standpoint of human interest and experiences.
Chaplain Whitmire is a brother of Roy Whitmire, who is manager of the local Dixie store here at Slater, and he is home on leave from military duties. -----------------------------------------------
Organization Of (Con't. from page 1, col. 1) is ASF's reward for the brains, sweat, courage and perseverance devoted to the task by its millions of soldiers and civilians, men from professions, industries, captial and labor."
Thereupon Gen. Somervell quotes what he calls the "brash and boastful slogan" of the ASF: "The Impossible We Do at Once; the Miraculous Takes a Little Longer." The first year after the organization of ASF, he reports, was devoted to doing the impossible; the second two years saw the achievement of the miraculous.
Gen. Somervell's dramatic recital of the story of the ASF officers were professional sol[end of column 1]
[column 2] [Photograph of man standing in front of a window with someone's feet sticking out of it]
The above picture of Pfc. Roy Jack Carman was made by his barracks in Munich, Germany. The two big feet in the window belong to his buddy.
Jack came to Slater in Jan., 1944 and worked as a cloth doffer and filling hauler until he entered the Army in October, 1944. He was stationed at Camp Croft, S. C. for several months and was sent overseas in March, 1945.
Pfc. Carman is now serving with the 47th Infantry in the Third Army in Germany. He writes that he is fine, and hopes to be back with us real soon. ----------------------------------------- [continued from the bottom of column 1]
diers; the others had come from civil life, had put on the uniform and gone to work."
Referring to the beginning of the third year of ASF activities, Gen. Somervell writes:
"On the morning it started, the invasion of Normandy was twenty-four days old. We had stormed ashore in 4,000 ships, packed with men and with everything men need to fight on foreign soil. It was the mightiest fleet the world had ever seen. We had fought our way up the beaches, had established ourselves, and were pouring guns and ammunition, tanks and trucks, food and barbed wire and telephones and radio sets and hospitals on the continent, millions of tons.
"The German generals back in Berlin and Munich were trying to explain to Hitler that they had not been out-generaled, that their soldiers were still supermen — it was the outstanding weight of American weapons and supplies which pushed them back. We were glad to provide the excuse."
In recounting the "miracles" performed by ASF, Gen. Somervell starts with the story of radar.
"The Signal Corps," he says, "working on British beginnings, had made radar a weapon of war from a scientific curiosity. Our planes were equipped with this device in rapidly increasing numbers and its application both on land and sea for offense and defense gave deadlinness to our attack and certainly to our defenses."
"The army communications network," says the report, "with telelphone and teletype, telegraph and radio, tied together the cities of the world,"
[End of column 2]
[Column 3] Juniors Present Play Tonight
The Junior Class of the Slater-Marietta High School is presenting the play, "Two Days to Marry," on November 29 at 7:30 p. m. The play will be given at Slater Hall and the admission prices are 17c for childred and 27c for adults.
Miss Hattie Belle Forrest is director of the play, and the list of characters is as follows: Simon P. Chase, as black as his race—Jimmie Pierce
James J. Dare, a wifeless heir —Russell Hampton
Ruford S. Sawyer, a timid lawyer—N. E. Hughes
Emily Jane, blacker than ink— Kathleen Reynolds
Sadie L. Boise, a widow by choice—Lucille Young
Imogene McShane, a sweet young thing — Selma Jean Cole
Walter M. Blair, a millionare —Paul Shirley
The setting of the play is somewhere in a New York apartment house. ----------------------------------------------------------------- [continued from the bottom of column 2]
linking all the continents and all our secret outposts in Greenland and on the Gold Coast and in the Chinese hinterland. Wherever American soldiers worked or fought all around the world, they were only a telephone call or a radio wave away from headquarters in Washington."
And here is Gen. Somervell's account of the production of the atomic bomb; which he calls "the most spectacular engineering project of the war" and "the greatest calculated risk of history." He says:
"Early in the war the ASF had set up its most secret of projects. It was dubbed, disarmingly, 'the Manhattan Engineer District.' With two billion dollars, 125,000 workers, with all the resources of American science, British aid, our university and industrial laboratories, the Army Engineers began production of atomic bombs.
"The war ended in a flash of atomic energy one month and fourteen days after the end of the discal year."
The report lists the operations of seven technical services in ASF: Quartermaster, Ordnance, Engineers, Medical Signal Corps, Chemical War--------------------------------------------- [Ad spans the bottom of columns 3-5]
LARGE AND SMALL GARBAGE CANS ----------------------.---------------------------- SEE US FOR ALL YOUR HARDWARE NEEDS WE ARE RECEIVING SCARCE ITEMS -----------------------.---------------------------- We also carry a complete line of Pittsburgh Paints & Brushes
The Commissary R. P. Canham, Mgr. Slater, S. C. [end of ad]
Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Campbell, of Greer, S. C., announce the marriage of their daughter, Hazel Janie, to Mr. Ralph Edwards, of Marietta, on November 8, 1945. The ceremony was performed at the home of the Rev. Clyde Johnson, of Slater.
The bride wore a lovely suit of powder blue with brown accessories and a corsage of pink rosebuds.
Following the ceremony, the newly weds left for a short honeymoon at the River Falls. They are now making their home with the parents of the bride. Their many friends wish the young couple much happiness in their married life. -------------------------------------------- [continued from column 3] fare and Transportation. There are seven administrative services; the Offices of the Adjutant, the Judge Advocate General and the Provost Marshal General, the Divisions of Finance Special Services and Information and Education and Education, and Chaplains.
"The Division of Plans and Operations," says the report, "made the overall logistics plans for the war. It had to anticipate requirements, make long-range estimates of how many men and how much of what equipment would be needed where, three months, a year and even two years in advance."
Some idea of the figures included in the report can be gained from the statement that in the fiscal year of 1945, the ASF paid out $54,000,000,000 and that its operations required about 8,000,000 men and women in the Army or engaged in Army work. The Training Division taught 3,500,000 men in 360 occupational specialties and 20,000 soldiers in 32 foreign languages. Special schools of this division qualified 86 percent of the illiterates inducted into the Army and fitted them for military assignments.
"The war is won," writes Gen. Somervell in his conclusion. "It remains for ASF to return our forces from overseas, to move the occupational forces into position, to cut and slash its activities to fit reduced requirements, to terminate its manufacturing activities, to dispose of its inventory now made surplus by victory, to carry out the administrative work incident to the discharge of ---------------------------------------------- [Column 5] Thompson Visits Slater Friends
Chaplain Charles T. Thompson is back in the U. S. from duties in Eurpose. He left New York on Thanksgiving Day and is now stationed at Camp Butner near Durham, N. C., where he will be hospitalized while he is receiving treatment for a recurring illness.
Captain Thompson was a visitor in Slater on Saturday, November 24, for a few hours, and when he returned to Durham Mrs. Thompson and Ann went with him. --------------------------------------------
At a recent meeting of the Girls' Library Club, the girls staged an impromptu program consisting of readings, songs and story dramatization.
The program was rendered by a group of girls who came to the meeting early and was supervised by Madge Robinson, one of the Club members.
Mrs. Reid, the librarian, states that the program came as a surprise to her. She praised the girls for their good performance and added that this activity is a demonstration of the leadership and initiative that our girls are acquiring through their club activities.
Those participating in the program were: Freida Thornton, Carolyeen Smith, Betty Garrett, Margaret Robinson and Martha Robinson, also, Sigrid Gosnell, Madge Robinson, Nancy Abernathy, Carolyn Dixon, and Fern Barrett. -------------------------------------------------- [Continued from column 4]
millions, and to make all the other adjustments necessary in the reduction of the army's strength.
"The postwar military establishment is a decision for the future. --------------------------------- One of the best rules in conversation is, never to say a thing which any of the company can reasonably wish had been left unsaid. —Swift
—O— One of the embarrassments of being a gentleman is that you are not permitted to be violent in asserting your rights. —Nicholas Murray Butler