



Status: Complete

December 5, 1946 THE SLATER NEWS Page Three

[column one]

Friends of Mr and Mrs. John
A. Lane are glad to learn that
Mrs Lane is doing fine follow-
ing her recent illness.

Mr. and Mrs. Turner Jones
were recent Sunday dinner
guests of Mr. and Mrs. G. T.
Smith and Marietta.

Mrs. Vegie Harvey has been
named new secretary and
treasurer for the flower club on
the third shift in No. 2. She
will collect dues on Friday

We wish to welcome the fol-
lowing newcomers to the third
shift in No. 2 and hope they
will enjoy working with us: L.
B. Vaughn, Pearl Ledford, Wil-
liam McK. Cody, and R. A. Wil-

Mr. and Mrs. Crayton Brady
and family spent Sunday with
Mr. and Mrs. Turner Jones.

Mrs. Bertha Laws was out
sick last week. We are glad to
see her back at work.

We are sorry to hear that
Miss Mary Chastain's brother
is in the hospital. Mary, we
hope he will soon be fully re-

Mr. Jack Cashion and Mr.
John Summerall had birthdays
this past week. Look out, boys;
you're getting older every day!

Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Clary
visited Mr. Clary's sister, Mrs.
J. F. Ingle, last week-end.

Mr. John Summerall has been
out from work recently due to
illness. We are glad to see him
back at work

Third shift employees in the
Weaving Department are glad
to have Mr. George Pridmore
as their new general overseer,
but they are sorry to give up
Mr. Pierce to the second shift.

We are glad to see our cloth
boy, Carlos Poole, back at work
after a few days absence due to
a car wreck.

We welcome Miss Louise
Cobb on Job 3, third shift, as
a weaver, and hope she enjoys
working with us. Miss Cobb
reports she had a grand day
Sunday with friends.

Mr. and Mrs. Mays Stroude
were recent supper guests of
Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Bridwell
of Traveler's Rest.

Marshall Johnson, cousin of
Nellie Barnette, was a recent
visitor in Nellie's home. Mar-
shall was recently discharged
from the Army and is a former
employee of this plant.

All friends the friends of Mrs.
Minnie Findley extend to her
their deepest sympathy in the
recent death of her mother,
Mrs. Ledbetter. Mrs Findley
is employed as a battery hand
on Job 3, third shift.

Friends of Mr. Ben Madden
also extend to him their sym-
pathy in the death of his

We are glad to have Mrs.
Priscilla Bruce on the third
shift and hope she will enjoy
her work. Mrs. Bruce former-
ly worked on the second shift.

Miss Pearl Pierce's sister,
Elise Elliott, and family from
Canton, N. C. spent the past
week-end with her.

Lonnie Crowe had to be out
from work for several days due
to the illness of his family. We
are glad to hear that they are
much better.

Joe Earl Foster visited in

[column two]
Weave Room No. 2 last week.
Joe Earl, we are all glad to see
you home again.

Roy Ogle enjoyed a delight-
ful weiner roast at Paris Moun-
tain State Park Thursday night
with several friends. Everyone
had a grand time.

James Hendrix was absent
from work recently due to the
illness of his wife. No wonder
Jim looked so happy when he
returned to work; he has a big
baby boy at his house. Con-
gratulations, Jim!

We are sorry to learn that
W. K. Bramlette got some steel
in one of his eyes while on the
job recently. We are glad it
wasn't serious and hope Bill's
eye is O.K. now.

Pearl Price's sister, Mrs. L.
B. Strickland, is now in the
hospital. Pearl, we wish for
her a speedy recovery.

James Hendrix wishes to
thank his fellow workers for
the donation they gave to him
recently. It was greatly ap-
preciated and will be used in
the family needs.

Employees in No. 2 were cer-
tainly sorry to give up their
overseer, Mr. Ralph Aiken. Ev-
eryone really did enjoy work-
ing with him and wish to thank
him for his understanding and
cooperation while he was over-
seer. Best of luck to you, Mr.
Aiken. Mr. R. W. Couch is the
new overseer in No. 2 on the
second shift. Employees wel-
come him and pledge to give
him their best cooperation in
the days to come.

We are glad to see Bernice
Foster back at work after being
out due to illness.

We are sorry to hear that
Richard Lynch's stepmother,
Mrs. Dora Lynch, is in the hos-
pital. Richard, we hope she is
doing fine now.

[picture spanning columns 2-4, group of highschool students. Captioned:
This fine group of boys and girls are members of the Beta Club of the Slater-Marietta High
School. In order to be a member of this club, it is necessary for the student to maintain an
average of 85 or better.]

[column 3]

Theatre Guide
December 6, 1946

Esther Williams
Van Johnson

December 7, 1946
Cary Grant
Alexis Smith
Monty Wooley

December 9, 1946
Elizabeth Taylor
Frank Morgan
Tom Drake
December 13, 1946
James Craig
"Butch" Jenkins

December 14, 1946
Danny Kaye
Virginia Mayo

For Trade
Will trade heavy brass dou-
ble bed, springs, and mattress
for one mahogany-finished twin
bed, springs and mattress - or
will buy. See Fred Clarke,
Geer Highway, Marietta, S. C.

For Sale

24 inch basket grate. Price
$7.00. See Fred Clarke, Geer
Highway, Marietta, S. C.
One upright piano in good
condition. See Mrs. Louise
Lindsey in Preparatoin Depart-
ment or on Greer Highway.
Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Hum-
phries had as their weekend
guests, Mr. and Mrs. James Mc-
Kenzie of Greenville.

[column 4]
Preparation News
(Con't from page 2, col 5)

Bowles' daughter, Lorraine, of
Furman. They also visited Mrs.
Garland at the hospital.

Mr Drury raffled off two nice
pigs recently. Paul Jones and
Fred Cox were the lucky guys.

Recently, Mr. and Mrs. Paul
Goldsmith and family enjoyed
a birthday dinner at the home
of Mr. Frank Guest.

Mrs. Edwin Cole visited with
her mother in Franklin, N. C.
last week-end.

Sunday dinner guests in the
home of Mrs. Fannie Cox were
her mother, Mrs. Leila
Stephens, and her brother, K.
R. Stephens, of Duncan Mill,

Henry McCarson was in
Spartanburg visiting his broth-
er last Sunday.

Mr and Mrs. Tom Boggs and
Mr. and Mrs. O. H. Burgess,
ardent Furman and Clemson
football fans respectively, went
over to see the annual classic
this season.

We are glad to see tht Fred
Cisson is able to be back on the
job after being out sick for a

Everyone sympathizes with
Carmi Ledford Jr. in that he
lost a large portion of clothing
in a laundry catastrophe re-

Miss Inez Cisson was a guest
with the Clarks in Pickens last

Shirley Harrison, daughter
of Mrs. Beulah Harrison, cele-
brated her eighth birthday No-
vember 21.

Congratulation to Rudolph
Looper on his being ordained
as a deacon in a Baptist Church.
Keep up the good work!

Irene Dunn has been out sick
for sometime and we hope that
her return will be soon.

The third shift welcomes the

[column 5]
following new employees: Har
vey Cisson, James Emery, Paul
Harden, Violet Balding, Nath-
alee Barton, and Mildred Ben-

Carroll Tilley has been dis-
charged after five years of ser-
vice. His sister, Mrs. Mary
Capps, is all smiles over his dis-
charge and also the fact that
her sick baby has improved.

Mrs. Maggie Gilreath and
Pansy Bowers attended the
funeral rites of Carl Trammell
at Mackeys Mortuary. Mr
Trammel was the nephew of
Mrs. Gilreath.

Miss Pearl Morrison recently
underwent an appendectomy at
the Greenville General Hospi-

Mr and Mrs Walter Cole-
man had as their guests last
Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. Isham
Coleman, and Helen, Mr. and
Mrs. Clifton Hawkins, and Mr.
and Mrs. Clyde Coleman.

Little Sarah Coleman enjoy-
ed the Santa Claus parade very

Boyce Parnell recently made
a business trip to Atlanta, Ga.

Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Hill tell
us they went to the circus and
had lots of fun.

Oscar Drury, R. A. leader of
Marietta Baptist Church, is en-
joying working with the boys
and is proud of the good deeds
they are doing.

Mrs. Vickers' mother, Mrs.
W. L. McDaniel, of Chesnee is
visiting Mrs. Vickers this wek.

The Junior R.A.'s of Slater
Baptist Church recently ob-
served Focus Week and each
day during the week they met
for some definite purpose and
work. They were entertained
at a weiner roast by the W. M.
S. and were taken to Table
Rock for one night. They were
also carried on a hike up Na-
ture Trail by their counselor,
Rev. Charles T. Thompson.

Mr and Mrs Lloyd Simpson,
with Mr. and Mrs. Winford
Brock of Spartanburg, Mr. and
Mrs. Albert Strange of Hender-
sonville, Mr. and Mrs. John R.
Springfield, Mrs. Beulah Bates
and Albert Springfield attended
the Furman-Clemson football
game at Clemson on November
16. After the game, an enjoy-
able evening was spent at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Simpson.

Mr. and Mrs. Jere Bates and
Vickie and Mrs. Lucille McMul-
lan spent the Thanksgiving hol-
idays with relatives at Darling-

Local Gridders
(Con't from page 2, col. 3)
the local lads missed both of
their tries for the extra point.
In this encounter, Knight,
Capps, Shirley, and Hughes
played good football.
A crowd of several hundred
people witnessed this contest
and were well pleased with the
showing of the local "eleven."
The high school, the players
and Coach Woodruff are to be
congratulated on the fine team
produced on short notice as the
boys did not receive their uni-
forms until approximately the
first of October, and consider-
ing the fact that they had had
no previous football experience,
the season was very successful.
Local enthusiasts of the pigskin
game are looking forward to a
better season next year.

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