



Status: Complete

Page Four THE SLATER NEWS December 5, 1946

[column 1]
[enclosed in box: LINES FROM

We would like to take this
opportunity to recognize sev-
eral new members who have
recently affilliated themselves
with the library.
The first of these is Mrs C.
C. Compton, the former Miss
Martha Taylor, who prior to
her marriage was employed in
the mill office. We welcome
Mrs Compton to the library
and are happy to enroll her as
one of our new members.
Mrs. J. M. Dean, wife of the
pastor of the Slater Church of
God, is another new member.
Rev. Dean has been a library
member for sometime, and we
are glad to welcome Mrs. Dean
also. Their daughter, Faye, is
a new member too, enrolling
with her mother.
A number of school children
have recently become members
of the community library, some
of them having joined the li-
brary clubs.
Those joining the clubs are
as follows: Doris Mae Smith,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John
L. Smith, Story Hour. George
Pridmore, son of Mr. and Mrs.
G.W. Pridmore, and John Can-
ham, son of Mr. and Mrs. R.P.
Canham, The Boys' Library
Club. June Pridmore, daugh-
ter of Mr. and Mrs. G.W. Prid-
more, the Girls' Library Club.
Other children who are also
new library members are: Cleo
Lathan, daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. R. F. Lathan; Paul Poole,
son of Mrs. Lena Poole; and
Calvin Cox, son of Mr. and Mrs.
J. C. Cox of Marietta.

Birthday greetings are in or-
der for two of our juvenile
members - Gib Toby and Fuller
Horton. Gib, a son of Mr. and
Mrs. Darrell Toby, was eight
years old on November 13 and
is a member of the Boys' Li-
brary Club. Fuller, a member
of the Friday P. M. Story Hour
Group, was four years old on
November 24. Fuller is a son
of Dr. and Mrs. W. F. Horton.

We were very happy to have
Abie and Gloria Cook visit the
library recently. While living
in Slater, Abie was a member
of the Boys' Club and Gloria was
a member of the Friday P.M.
Story Hour Group. Abie and
Gloria are the children of Mr.
and Mrs. Frank A. Cook. The
Cook family moved to Greens-
boro N.C. when Mr. Cook as-
sumed his duties as Director of
Industrial Relations for a group
of mills which Slater is a

Linda Pace, little daughter
of Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Pace,
recently underwent a tonsillec-
tomy at the Wood Memorial
Clinic. Linda recuperated rap-
idly and is again able to par-
ticipate in library activities.

Sammy White also parted
with his tonsils last week. He
was a brave little fellow during
the procedure and is enjoying
a rapid recovery. Sammy is the
son of Mr. and Mrs. J. A.
White. Mr. White is Plant
Manager of the Slater Manu-
facturing Co., Inc.

Dictatorship: A system of
government where everything
that isn't forbidden is obliga-
toy - Machester Guardian.

[photograph spanning columns 2-4 depicting a wedding party
the caption reads:
Above are shown the members of the Brown-Dewease wedding party. The wedding of these
two popular young people was one of the outstanding social events of the Fall Season here at
Slater. Those in the picture are: Left to Right: Miss Patricia Summey, soloist; Mrs. H. B. Gos-
nell, soloist; Mr. Allison Hathaway, best man; Miss Mary Ann Cunningham, bridesmaid; Mr.
Guilford Dodson, usher-groomsman; Bobby Brown, junior usher; Mrs. Claude Oliver Jones, Matron
of honor; Reverend Chas. T. Thompson, clergyman; Mrs. Dewease, bride; Faye Moore, flower girl;
Mr. Dewease, groom; Reverend B. B. Brown, bride's father; Earl Moore, junior usher; Miss Kath-
leen Henson, bridesmaid; Pearl Ledford, usher-groomsman; and Mrs. W.W. Stephenson, pianist.]

[column 2]
Mrs. Jeanne Ernest attended
an informal dance at Clemson
College recently.
Miss Vera Hembree and Jim-
mie Ballock, Jr. attended The
Citadel and Davidson football
game in Charlotte, N. C. on Sat-
urday, November 23.
Mr. and Mrs. Troy Hannon
visited Mr. and Mrs. M.S. Tate
of Taylors last Sunday.
Miss Gwendolyn Foster at-
tended the wedding of Miss
Frances Coleman and Mr. Riley
Farr on Saturday, November
The following persons at-
tended the Clemson and Fur-
man football game on Satur-
day, November 16: Jeanne Er-
nest, Betty Foster, Connie Hen-
derson, Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Fin-
ley, Clara Schweirs, Vera Hem-
bree, Gene Cason, Mr. and Mrs.
C. C. Compton, Eleanor Cole-
man, and Mr. and Mrs. Robert
H Atkinson.


Mrs Grace Williams Bar-
nette announces the marriage
of her daughter, Sybil Wil-
liams, to Leland Barnette on
November 16.
At present, Mrs. Barnette is
employed in Greenville. Mr.
Barnette is employed in the
Weaving Department of Slater
Manufacturing Co., Inc. They
are making their home with the
groom's father, Mr. Otis Bar-
nette, near Marietta.
Mr. and Mrs. Barnette have
many friends in this area, who
wish them a long and happy
married life.



S/Sgt. J. L. Kirby arrived
home on September 25 after
serving 24 months in the In-
fantry. He will receive his (con't column 3)

[column 3]
Brannons Fete
Wedding Party

Immediately following the
rehearsal for the Brown - De-
wease wedding on Saturday
night, November 2, the rehears-
al party and a number of other
friends and relatives of the
bride and groom were enter-
tained at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. F. J. Brannon on Fourth
Lovely white Chrysanthe-
mums and ivy were used as dec-
oration throughout the living
and dining rooms.
Mrs E. A. McGill poured cof-
fee from a beautifully decorat-
ed table on which was used an
imported cut-work linen cloth
centered with a crystal bowl of
white chrysanthemums flanked
by burning candles.
Mrs. C. A. Henson assisted
the hostess in serving dainty
open-faced sandwiches, cakes
and mints. The unique favors
presented each guest were
hand-made, being a penny box
of matches dressed in frilled
crepe paper and green ribbon
and bearing the inscription,
"it's a match."
The bride was presented a
china rolling pin dressed in
white crepe paper and net and
tied on either end with long
green streamers. This was used
as decoration on the mantel.
Approximately 35 persons
were present on this occasion.


[con't. from column 2]
honorable discharge on Novem-
ber 25.
While in service, S/Sgt. Kir-
by won the following honors
and ribbons: Combat Infantry-
man badge, Good Conduct
medal. Occupation Ribbon, Vic-
tory Ribbon, Phillipine Libera-
tion Ribbon, Asiatic Pacific
Theater Ribbon, and Presiden-
tial Unit Citation.
J. L. was employed in Weave
Room No. 1 before entering
service, and we hope he will
soon be back with us.


[column 4]
Miss Frances Coleman be-
came the bride of Mr. Riley
Farr in a double ring ceremony
on Saturday evening, Novem-
ber 16, at 8:30 p.m. The rites
were performed by the Rev.
Victor Ross at the home of the
The bride wore a light blue
suit with black accessories and
a corsage of pink rosebuds.
Mrs. Farr is the daughter of
Mrs. Adelia Coleman of Route
2, Travelers Rest, S.C. She
is a graduate of Traveler's Rest
High School, and for the past
two years has been employed in
the office of Slater Manufac-
turing Co., Inc.
Mr. Farr is the son of Mr.
and Mrs. Lewis Farr of Mari-
etta. He served in the U.S.
Army for sometime and receiv-
ed his honorable discharge sev-
eral months ago.
The many friends of Mr. and
Mrs. Farr wish them a long and
happy married life.

Ninth Grade Presents
Interesting Program
On Tuesday, November 12,
one section of the ninth grade
of Slater-Marietta High School

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