Februrary 14, 1946 THE SLATER NEWS Page Three
[column 1]
[headline, spans col. 1-2, top section]
GOINGS - ON - - -
Mr. Tom Huffman, of Second
Street, celebrated his sixtieth
birthday on January 30.
Miss Ruth Norton and a
party of friends enjoyed a trip
to the mountains Sunday.
We are glad to see Miss
Gladys Banks back at work in
Weave Room No. 2 after being
out for several days.
Mr. and Mrs. Willie Williams
and son spent the past weekend
at Travelers Rest with Mr. and
Mrs. Hugh Duncan.
The employees in No. 2 wel-
come Mr. Thomas Waldrop to
the first shift, and hope he will
enjoy his work at Slater.
Mrs. E. J. Stone is expecting
one of her friends, Cpl. Nettie
Hudson, home from overseas in
the near future. Nettie work-
ed in our plant before entering
Miss Betty Cox had as her
weekend guest, her cousin, Miss
Margaret Johnson.
We are glad to see Mrs.
Naomi Bruton back at work,
after being out sick for several
days. Miss Rosa Lee Cox was
also out recently due to an at-
tack of flu.
Mr. Willie Williams was off
from work recently due to the
death of his mother-in-law,
Mrs. Dunn.
Miss Sarah Canham, Miss
Mary Jane Dugger, and Mr.
Roy Tate were the dinner
guests of Miss Lila Kate Arms
We are sorry to lose Mr.
Woodrow Robinson, who has
quit to work on his farm.
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Southerlin
and family have moved from
[article continues on column 2, top section]
their home on Third Street to
their home in the country.
We are glad to have Harold
Robinson back with us. He has
recently been discharged from
service after serving for 4½
The third shift in No. 1 wel-
comes Mr. Russell Jeffries as a
new weaver.
Jackson Finley, of Woodruff,
recently spent the week with
his parents, Mr. and Mrs. T. A.
Finley, of Marietta.
Sgt. Herman Martin, of
Camp Lejeune, N. C., was a
visitor of Miss Connis Snipes.
Margaret Gossett is all smiles
since her sailor boy friend has
come home for a furlough.
Estelle Bolt, of Marietta, re-
cently spent two days with her
parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. O.
Bolt, of Westminster.
We regret to hear that Miss
Juanita Hollingsworth is ill
with the mumps, and hope she
will soon be back at work.
The employees of No. 3 are
very happy to have Ray Bur-
nett back with them as a
weaver on the first shift. Ray
was in the Army for two and
one-half years, most of which
time was spent overseas.
Pfc. William B. Trotter has
returned to Camp Lejeune, N.
C. after spending a thirty day
furlough at home. He visited
Miss Dovie Garren while home.
We are glad to see Alice
Cody back on the job. She was
out sick for almost a week.
Miss Margie Friddle was a
recent visitor in Nine Forks
Sunday, and was very happy
to see all her friends there.
[column 1, bottom section]
Slater Men Named
(Con't. from page 1, col. 5)
war, the Employment Depart-
ment contributed much to the
Company and the war effort.
The relations of the Company,
through this department, with
Government and other agencies
was highly satisfactory.
Prior to coming with the
Slater company, Mr. Atkinson
was connected with the Nation-
al Youth Administration, where
he served as Assistant State Di-
rector of Youth Personnel. He
has also been connected with
the Agricultural Adjustment
Administration, the Civilian
Conservation Corps, and is a
former member of the South
Carolina House of Representa-
tives of the General Assembly
of South Carolina.
He is a graduate of the Uni-
versity of South Carolina in the
Class of 1930 with the degree
of Bachelor of Science in Com-
merce. He also attended Law
School at the same institution
for two years.
The new Industrial Relations
Manager is married to the
former Miss Doris Franklin, of
McCormick, S. C., and resides
at Slater. He is a member of
the Episcopal Church. Mr. At-
kinson is a Mason, being a mem-
ber of Ebenezer Lodge 101, A.
F. M., and is serving this year
as its secretary. He is a mem-
ber of Omricon Delta Kappa,
and Kappa Sigma Kappa fra-
ternities, a member of the
Greenville Textile Club, and of
the Greenville Personnel Asso-
[article continues on col. 2, bottom section]
In addition to his duties as
Industrial Relations Manager,
he is also editor of The Slater
News and is a member of the
Southwestern Association of
Industrial Editors and the Na-
tional Council of Industrial Ed-
Mr. Atkinson has been suc-
ceeded as Employment Mana-
ger by Allen Suttle, who for
the past two and one-half years
has been Assistant to the In-
dustrial Relations Manager.
Mr. Suttle is an experienced
personnel man, having worked
for a number of years with the
North Carolina Unemployment
Compensation Commission at
its offices in Shelby, N. C. He
attended Wake Forest College
at Wake Forest, N. C., where
he attended both the under-
graduate and law schools.
The Suttle family resides at
Slater, and in the family are
Mrs. Suttle, the wife, and two
children—Billie, age four, and
Shirley, ten months old. The
Suttles are Presbyterians. Mr.
Suttle is a member of the
Greenville Textile Club and the
Greenville Personnel Associa-
tion. He is a member of the
Board of Trustees of the Com-
munity Chest of Greater Green-
ville and a member of the
Board of Directors of the
Greenville County Red Cross.
W. Earle Reid, for the past
two years Director of Educa-
ional Recreation, has been pro-
moted to Assistant to the In-
dustrial Relations Manager.
During the two years as Direc-
tor of Educational Recreation,
Mr. Reid has contributed much
to the well-being of the village
[article continues on col. 3, bottom section]
of Slater through these activi-
Mr. Reid is a member of the
Slater Baptist Church and
teaches a class in the Sunday
School of that church. His wife,
the former Miss Ruby Phillips,
is the popular librarian at
Friends of these men and of
the company wish them much
success in their new posts of
[column 3]
Theatre Guide
February 15, 1946
Danny Kaye
Virginia Mayo
Vera Ellen
February 16, 1946
Ken Curtis
June Storey
Andy Clyde
February 18, 1946
Robert Mitchum
Barbara Hale
Richard Martin
February 22, 1946
James Craig
Donna Reed
Marjorie Main
February 23, 1946
Roy Rogers
Gabby Hayes
Dale Evans
February 25, 1946
Jean Crain
Dana Andrews
Dick Haynes
Wounded Veteran
In Training Here
The Slater Manufacturing
Co., Inc., in cooperation with
the Veterans' Administration,
is glad to announce that it is
able to give training to Fred
Knight, a returned veteran who
was injured in the European
theater of operations over a
year ago while taking part in
an airborne operation that
hurled the Germans back to-
ward Germany.
Fred Knight is the son of E.
J. Knight, of Slater, who is a
loom fixer in our plant, and
worked here prior to going into
service. This injury to Fred's
leg is classed as a sixty per
cent disability; however, so far
as the Slater company is con-
cerned, this disability does not
handicap him in his work.
Under the arrangements with
the Veterans' Administration,
Knight is enabled to work part
time in our Weaving Depart-
ment and also to attend classes
in loom fixing. In this manner,
he is enabled to take this train-
ing for a definite period.
The company is very glad to
be able to work out this agree-
ment for the benefit of Knight,
and thus give him an oppor-
tunity to advance himself in
textiles, his chosen field.
[column 4]
The pupils of the Slater-
Marietta Schools are using the
Slater Library extensively. On
several occasions, members of
the Boys' and Girls' Library
Clubs have devoted a part of
their club periods to securing
material on certain subjects as-
signed to them at school. We
feel that it is fine to coordinate
the club and school work in this
fashion, and are glad that the
children themselves asked for
an arrangement of this kind.
Too, special material has been
obtained for some of the high
school students who are writing
research themes. Upon request,
the librarian will be glad to se-
cure material for any student
who is working on a paper re-
quiring material from several
sources. School children are
always welcome at the Slater
Library, and the librarian is
anxious to coordinate the lib-
brary activities with the work
of the school whenever possible.
* * *
Some of the members of
Boys' Club had birthdays re-
Buddy Stephenson, son of
Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Stephen-
son, was 11 years old on Jan-
uary 3.
Jimmy Revis was nine years
old on January 19. Jimmy is
a son of Mr. and Mrs. Floyd
February 3 was "red letter"
day for Kenneth Waldrop,
since he celebrated his eleventh
birthday on this date. Kenneth
is the son of Mr. and Mrs. J. T.
* * *
One of our newest library
members is Mrs. Jean Williams
of Marietta. Coming from New
York, Mrs. Williams is a com-
paratively new-comer to Mari-
etta, but she lost no time in
making a visit to the library.
She visits the library regularly,
getting material not only for
herself, but for her husband
and children as well. We con-
gratulate Mrs. Williams and
her family on their interest in
reading, and invite them to
come to the library often.
Mrs. J. C. Bledsoe and Miss
Betty Foster, both office em-
ployees in the plant, are also
new library members. We are
always happy to add the names
of employees to the library roll,
and hope that the library can
be of real service to them.
Mrs. Eleanor Horton, wife of
our druggist, is also a new
member. Although she and Dr.
Horton have lived in Slater
only a short time, they have
already made many friends
here. It is with great pleasure
that we welcome Mrs. Horton
as a new library member.
Listed among our new mem-
bers is Angelan Hunt, of Mari-
etta. She attends the local
high school, being a member of
the eleventh grade. Angelan
has already secured some spe-
cial material for a paper she is
writing, and we hope that she
will continue to come to the li-
brary for help of this kind.
The secret of success in con-
versation is to be able to dis-
agree without being disagree-
[column 5]
Word Quiz Tests
Your Knowledge
The following word quiz is
composed of words which are
commonly used in newspapers
and light novels of the day.
It will determine your ability
to read properly. A score of 10
is excellent, 8 is fair, 6 is pass-
ing. If your score is 6 or below
you'd better consult your dic-
tionary frequently!
1. Pinnacle means: (A) a
fruit (B) a spire (C) a tool.
2. Jeopardy means: (A)
danger (B) a nation (C) an
3. Nonpareil means: (A)
without an equal (B) a danger-
ous enemy (C) a worthwhile
4. Noxious means: (A) a gas
(B) to insult (C) harmful.
5. Portly means: (A) athletic
(B) corpulent (C) political.
6. Sanction means: (A) to
encourage (B) to discourage
(C) to remove.
7. Pariah means: (A) a dog
(B) an outcast (C) a cooking
8. Harass means: (A) a hair
style (B) a weapon (C) to an-
9. Extirpate (A) to love (B)
to destroy (C) to preach.
10. Timorous means: (A)
fearful (B) brave (C) an is-
Answers: 1 (B); 2 (A); 3 (A);
4 (C); (5) (B); 6 (A); 7 (B);
8 (C); 9 (B); 10 (A).
Slater Gets
(Con't. from page 1, col. 1)
was married to the former Miss
Mary Elizabeth Thompson, of
Greensboro, N. C. The South-
erlands do not have any chi-
dren. He is a member of the
Presbyterian Church, and has
been prominent in civic affairs.
While attending college, he
worked for a time at the Erwin
Cotton Mills of Durham, N. C.
Following his graduation from
N. C. State, he came to Carter
Fabrics Corporation in 1938;
and has continued with this
company until the present time
except for three years spent in
the U. S. Navy.
Mr. Southerland began work
in the Preparation Department
of the Carter Fabrics plant at
Greensboro as a yarn man, and
has steadily worked himself up
to his present position. He has
been overseer and assistant su-
perintendent of the prepara-
tion Department of the Greens-
boro and the South Boston
plants, and before entering ser-
vice had risen to the position of
assistant superintendent of all
work at the Greensboro plant.
Mr. Southerland entered the
Navy as an Ensign and was
trained at the Naval School at
Hollywood Beach, Fla., and af-
terward was sent to the Per-
sonnel Department of the Navy
with headquarters in Washing-
ton, D. C. When he received
his discharge from the Navy,
he held the rank of Lieutenant,
Senior Grade.
In an interview, Mr. South-
erland stated that he was glad
to be at Slater, as it was a
beautiful, modern, and up-to-
date place in which to work. He
and his wife will reside here.
Friends of the Southerlands
and this company are glad to
hear of this promotion and wish
him well in his new work here.
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