



Status: Complete

[image of mill]
Old Slater Mill
EST. 1790



[image of mill]
Slater Mill

Vol. 4 Slater, S. C., May 1, 1947 No. 31

[column 1]

Glee Club Gives
Splendid Recital

A program of sacred music
was presented by the glee clubs
of Slater - Marietta School at
Slater Hall on the Sunday even-
ing of April 20. All churches of
the community dispensed with
service in order that everyone
might attend this program, and
practically everyone did at-
tend. All seats were filled and
many people were forced to

Miss Farnsworth has done a
marvelous work in training
these pupils. She has not only
trained them to sing, she has
trained them to sit still as well,
and that is something. When
you put more than a hundred
pupils on a stage at one time
for more than an hour and they
sit still and straight without
even anything to lean their
backs against, that in itself is a
a wonderful accomplishment.
And the pupils themselves
were an inspring sight, a
whole stage full of eager faces
above white shirts and black
bow ties.

But the manner in which they
sang those old sacred hymns
was more than inspring. From
the time the program began
with the "Call to Worship" un-
til it ended with the "Evening
Prayer from Hansel and Gretel"
it was all too short. The sweet
young voices blended in per-
fect harmony to give a soul-
stirring message to the audi-
ence in every song that was

"The Lord's Prayer" by the
Girls' Glee Club, "The Name of
Jesus" by the Grammar School
Chorus with June Pridmore as
soloist, and "Oh, Come Let Us
Worship" by the High School
Glee Club were all exceptional-

(Con't. on page 3, col. 5)

The Woman's Society of
Christian Service of the Slater
Methodist Church met at the
home of Mrs. Jere Bates on
Tuesday, March 11.

The devotional was presented
by the president, Mrs. Dublin.
The subject of the program for
the month was "Children and
Their Church." Those taking
part on the program were Mrs.
Ruth Burnette, Mrs. Jere
Bates, and Mrs. E. A. McGill.

During the business hour, a
chicken supper was planned for
March 28 at the church.

There were 11 members pres-
ent for the meeting. The society
was glad to welcome three visi-
tors, Miss Ruth Taylor, Miss
Lelya Reid, and Mrs. Sam

At the close of the business
session, the hostess served a
most delicious salad course
with hot tea.

[photo of glee clubs, spans col. 2-4]
Above are the members of the Glee Clubs of the Slater-Marietta School who recently gave a
program of sacred music to a large audience at Slater Hall. Under the direction of Miss
Kathaleen Farnsworth, their program was well planned and excellently presented.
[column 2]


One of Faith Baldwin's
books entitled "Medical Cen-
ter" has been donated to the
Slater Library by Miss Sarah

Although this book is a
pocket edition, it is said to be
complete and unabridged.

Since many readers who pat-
ronize the Slater Library call
for books written by Faith
Baldwin, the librarian believes
that this new title, "Medical
Center," will be in demand. She
wishes to thank Miss Canham
for her thoughtfulness in do-
nating the book.
The first principle of educa-
tion is: Train yourself; and the
first rule to follow if you wish
to possess yourself of a child's
will is: Master your own. —

[photo of boy scout troop no. 44, spans cols. 2-4]
The members of Boy Scout Troop No. 44 of Slater and their Scoutmasters are shown above. The
Troop is very active at the present time, and several of the Scouts have already reached the rank of
Star Scout. The Troop is to be commended for its good work.

[column 3]

School Thanked
By Red Cross

During the month of March,
the students of the Slater-Mari-
etta Schools packed 85 Ameri-
can Junior Red Cross boxes to
be sent to children in the war-
torn areas of Europe. Each box
contained such articles as soap,
tooth paste and brushes, wash
cloths, towels, writing paper,
pencils and crayons, and hand-

In recognition of this out-
standing service, the school has
received the following letter
from the Greenville Chapter of
the American Red Cross:

April 5, 1947
Mr. W. A. Woodruff
Slater-Marietta Schools
Marietta, S. C.
Dear Mr. Woodruff:
I would like to thank your
Junior Red Cross members,
(Con't. on page 3, col. 1)

[column 4]


Section B of the 9th grade of
Slater - Marietta High School
gave a chapel program on Wed-
nesday, April 2, in the audi-
torium of the school.

The devotional was given by
Lois Sanders.

A play was then presented,
which was entitled "And Then
Come Uncle Horace." The cast
was as follows: Pete, the jani-
tor — J. C. Cox; Harry Weller,
the nephew — Billy Vaughn;
Joe Weller, a newphew — Gene
Henson; Uncle Horace — Ansel
McMakin. Others assisting
were Polly Connor, Patricia
Summey, Josephine Knight,
and Bobby Cashion.

Mrs. Baylis Boston is the
home - room teach of Grade

[column 5]

Club Delegates
Go To Winthrop

On Friday, April 18, "Polly"
Connor, who was elected by
popular vote, and Mrs. James
N. Cleveland, II, Home Ec-
onomics teacher, left the com-
munity to represent the Slater-
Marietta J. H. A. of District I
at the annual State meeting of
the Junior Home-maker's Asso-

The meeting was held at
Winthrop College in Rock Hill
from April 18 through April
20. Two hundred persons were
present from all over the state
of South Carolina, and 45 of
these were from District I.
There were 33 girls and 11
teachers from 31 high school
chapters in the upper eight
counties, and their district su-
pervisor, Mrs. Curt Bearden,
was also present. The counties
in this district are: Abbeville,
Anderson, Greenville, Green-
wood, Laurens, McCormick,
Oconee, and Pickens.

The program for the week-
end consisted of a number of
various activities. Friday af-
ternoon and evening everyone
was busy registering, finding
their rooms, and attending the
general meeting, after which a
social hour was held and a pic-
ture show given on "Posture
and Good Looks."

Saturday's activities were
planned in advance with com-
mittee meetings, business meet-
ings, election and installation
of new officers, touring the
grounds and buildings, award-
ing of certificates, and making
plans for the coming year.

At noon on Saturday, a spe-
cial luncheon was held in the
college dining room with many
honor guests present. That
night was Stunt Night with
stunts given by members of
each district.

(Con't. on page 3, col. 2)

On Thursday night, April 10,
the Y. W. A.'s of the Slater
Baptist Church held their
monthly meeting at the home
of Miss Jorene Vickers.

After the devotional and a
short program, plans were
made for the members to spend
a week end at Camp Rawls in
June. The members also discuss-
ed contributing something to
the linen shower for the Nurses
Home at Baptist Hospital.

Following the business ses-
sion, delicious refreshments of
toasted pimiento cheese sand-
wiches, potato chips, cookies,
and Coca-Cola were served.

Those present for this meet-
ing were: Misses Marion
Brown, Mary Dodson, Shirley
Scarce, Mildred Farthing, Joan
Barrett, Blondine Voyles, Jo-
ree Vickers, Sarah Canham,
Ruth Campbell, and Mrs. Dot

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