V. 4 No. 33 - The Slater News





[image of mill] Old Slater Mill PAWTUCKET, R. I. EST. 1790



[image of mill] Slater Mill SLATER, SO. CAROLINA 1943

Vol. 4 Slater, S. C., May 1, 1947 No. 31

[column 1]

Glee Club Gives Splendid Recital

A program of sacred music was presented by the glee clubs of Slater - Marietta School at Slater Hall on the Sunday evening of April 20. All churches of the community dispensed with service in order that everyone might attend this program, and practically everyone did attend. All seats were filled and many people were forced to stand.

Miss Farnsworth has done a marvelous work in training these pupils. She has not only trained them to sing, she has trained them to sit still as well, and that is something. When you put more than a hundred pupils on a stage at one time for more than an hour and they sit still and straight without even anything to lean their backs against, that in itself is a a wonderful accomplishment. And the pupils themselves were an inspring sight, a whole stage full of eager faces above white shirts and black bow ties.

But the manner in which they sang those old sacred hymns was more than inspring. From the time the program began with the "Call to Worship" until it ended with the "Evening Prayer from Hansel and Gretel" it was all too short. The sweet young voices blended in perfect harmony to give a soulstirring message to the audience in every song that was sung.

"The Lord's Prayer" by the Girls' Glee Club, "The Name of Jesus" by the Grammar School Chorus with June Pridmore as soloist, and "Oh, Come Let Us Worship" by the High School Glee Club were all exceptional-

(Con't. on page 3, col. 5) _____________________________ MRS. BATES HOST TO CHURCH GROUP

The Woman's Society of Christian Service of the Slater Methodist Church met at the home of Mrs. Jere Bates on Tuesday, March 11.

The devotional was presented by the president, Mrs. Dublin. The subject of the program for the month was "Children and Their Church." Those taking part on the program were Mrs. Ruth Burnette, Mrs. Jere Bates, and Mrs. E. A. McGill.

During the business hour, a chicken supper was planned for March 28 at the church.

There were 11 members present for the meeting. The society was glad to welcome three visitors, Miss Ruth Taylor, Miss Lelya Reid, and Mrs. Sam Saxon.

At the close of the business session, the hostess served a most delicious salad course with hot tea.

[photo of glee clubs, spans col. 2-4] Above are the members of the Glee Clubs of the Slater-Marietta School who recently gave a program of sacred music to a large audience at Slater Hall. Under the direction of Miss Kathaleen Farnsworth, their program was well planned and excellently presented. [column 2]


One of Faith Baldwin's books entitled "Medical Center" has been donated to the Slater Library by Miss Sarah Canham.

Although this book is a pocket edition, it is said to be complete and unabridged.

Since many readers who patronize the Slater Library call for books written by Faith Baldwin, the librarian believes that this new title, "Medical Center," will be in demand. She wishes to thank Miss Canham for her thoughtfulness in donating the book. __________________________ The first principle of education is: Train yourself; and the first rule to follow if you wish to possess yourself of a child's will is: Master your own. — Amiel.

[photo of boy scout troop no. 44, spans cols. 2-4] The members of Boy Scout Troop No. 44 of Slater and their Scoutmasters are shown above. The Troop is very active at the present time, and several of the Scouts have already reached the rank of Star Scout. The Troop is to be commended for its good work.

[column 3]

School Thanked By Red Cross

During the month of March, the students of the Slater-Marietta Schools packed 85 American Junior Red Cross boxes to be sent to children in the wartorn areas of Europe. Each box contained such articles as soap, tooth paste and brushes, wash cloths, towels, writing paper, pencils and crayons, and handkerchiefs.

In recognition of this outstanding service, the school has received the following letter from the Greenville Chapter of the American Red Cross:

April 5, 1947 Mr. W. A. Woodruff Slater-Marietta Schools Marietta, S. C. Dear Mr. Woodruff: I would like to thank your Junior Red Cross members, (Con't. on page 3, col. 1)

[column 4]


Section B of the 9th grade of Slater - Marietta High School gave a chapel program on Wednesday, April 2, in the auditorium of the school.

The devotional was given by Lois Sanders.

A play was then presented, which was entitled "And Then Come Uncle Horace." The cast was as follows: Pete, the janitor — J. C. Cox; Harry Weller, the nephew — Billy Vaughn; Joe Weller, a newphew — Gene Henson; Uncle Horace — Ansel McMakin. Others assisting were Polly Connor, Patricia Summey, Josephine Knight, and Bobby Cashion.

Mrs. Baylis Boston is the home - room teach of Grade 9-B.

[column 5]

Club Delegates Go To Winthrop

On Friday, April 18, "Polly" Connor, who was elected by popular vote, and Mrs. James N. Cleveland, II, Home Economics teacher, left the community to represent the SlaterMarietta J. H. A. of District I at the annual State meeting of the Junior Home-maker's Association.

The meeting was held at Winthrop College in Rock Hill from April 18 through April 20. Two hundred persons were present from all over the state of South Carolina, and 45 of these were from District I. There were 33 girls and 11 teachers from 31 high school chapters in the upper eight counties, and their district supervisor, Mrs. Curt Bearden, was also present. The counties in this district are: Abbeville, Anderson, Greenville, Greenwood, Laurens, McCormick, Oconee, and Pickens.

The program for the weekend consisted of a number of various activities. Friday afternoon and evening everyone was busy registering, finding their rooms, and attending the general meeting, after which a social hour was held and a picture show given on "Posture and Good Looks."

Saturday's activities were planned in advance with committee meetings, business meetings, election and installation of new officers, touring the grounds and buildings, awarding of certificates, and making plans for the coming year.

At noon on Saturday, a special luncheon was held in the college dining room with many honor guests present. That night was Stunt Night with stunts given by members of each district.

(Con't. on page 3, col. 2) _____________________________ BAPTIST GROUP DISCUSS PLANS

On Thursday night, April 10, the Y. W. A.'s of the Slater Baptist Church held their monthly meeting at the home of Miss Jorene Vickers.

After the devotional and a short program, plans were made for the members to spend a week end at Camp Rawls in June. The members also discussed contributing something to the linen shower for the Nurses Home at Baptist Hospital.

Following the business session, delicious refreshments of toasted pimiento cheese sandwiches, potato chips, cookies, and Coca-Cola were served.

Those present for this meeting were: Misses Marion Brown, Mary Dodson, Shirley Scarce, Mildred Farthing, Joan Barrett, Blondine Voyles, Joree Vickers, Sarah Canham, Ruth Campbell, and Mrs. Dot Hawkins.

Last edit 12 months ago by Harpwench


Page 2 THE SLATER NEWS May 1, 1947

[column 1]

The Slater News Published Every Two Weeks By Slater Manufacturing Co., Inc. Established 1790 In The Interest of Its Employees


STAFF ROBERT H. ATKINSON .................. Editor CECIL S. ROSS ...................... Asst. Editor LILY ALEXANDER .......... Circulation Mgr. CLAUDE GUEST ................. Photographer

REPORTERS Weave Room: Nellie Barnette, Gladys Cox, Rosalee Cox, Sarah Canham, Louise Bagwell, Pearl Price, Ethel Clary, and Dorris Jones.

Preparation Dept.: Jessie Vassey, Julia Brown, Bertha Jones, Blanche McCall, NellieRuth Payne, Ruth Campbell, D. P. Garrick, Tom Boggs, and Marguerite Waddell.

Cloth Room: Opal W. Smith

Commissary: Jorene Vickers

Office: Betty Foster and Jeanne Ernest.

Community: 'Ruth Johnson, Ruby P. Reid, and Doris F. Atkinson ______________________________ EDITORIALS Clacking Teeth

Ever since man first learned that he could make noises by clacking his teeth together, talk has roamed 'round the world and back again.

Now, for better or worse, this fragile thread of communication binds the world together by radio, cable and press. Where men once sat around pot-bellied stoves swapping lies or opinions, they now sit at world - wide tables talking about one thing or another.

But the talk now carries broader aspects than whether the sun will shine or whether it will rain. The big question now is whether man and society can survive under the limitations of human natural selfishness.

With such stakes as worldpeace or war, ill-advised teeth clacking can do much harm. They say that when the old New England fishermen gathered to talk about the fishing weather or the soundness of a certain kind of sailing boat, they knew pretty much what they were talking about. Their teeth clacking had the ring and sound of expert, experienced opinion.

Today, a lot of our teeth clacking about international affairs is not expert. We, the people clack our teeth about things way beyond our experiences, but on hearsay or a quickly - read headline. Yet we speak, condemn and praise as if we knew all the facts first hand.

Now way back when the world was a little place, talk that was ill - advised didn't get a chance to hurt too many people too fast. But that was yesterday when the world was a simple place.

Today, the words of a British statesman are common gossip on Podunk's Main Street before

[article continues on col. 3, middle section]

the man who said the words has had time to brush his teeth. Opinions are formed rapidly, and what was a simple phrase becomes world - wide, misinformed gossip.

This can prove to be a dangerous obstacle to international progress when it happens too often andn causes too much confusion. What is even more serious, however, is that people may fall into a habit of forming opinions on vital issues when only a few of the facts are known.

[column 2, top section]


Half an hour watching the world from our corner on a Sunday evening:

A group of young girls, dressed neatly in black skirts and white blouses, chat gaily as they pass on their way to Slater Hall where the school glee clubs are giving a program tonight—

The tantalizing oder of frying fish as my neighbor cooks Sunday supper of the three pound bass her husband caught at Buzzard Roost last night—

A couple of motorists passing in quick succession and each of them slowing down and sounging their horns at the crossing (Thanks for careful driving)—

A group of pre-school children across the way playing furiously in an effort to squeeze one bit more of fun from the day ere darkness forces them indoors—

A rusty-throated cockerel crowing a farewell to his mates as he goes to roost—

A young swain and his lady fair walking primly up the street and he on the inside of the sidewalk. For shame, lad! Where are your manners? Surely you are not that shy—

Two young boys on bicycles wheel expertly around the corner. It is interesting to watch them hug the corner and turn their bicycles by leaning their bodies in the direction

[cartoon, spans columns 2-3, bottom section]

TRUE [sketch of man with bandages] OF ALL INDUSTRIAL ACCIDENTS . . .

[man hammering spike with hammer] 15% ARE CAUSED BY WRONG USE OF TOOLS.

[sketch of man falling over] 19% ARE CAUSED BY FAULTY HABITS AT WORK.

[sketch of two workers, one being injured] 14% ARE CAUSED BY FAILURE TO USE SAFETY DEVICES.


[Continues col. 3, 2nd article]

they wish to go—

A black and white cocker spaniel sitting forlornly on the sidewalk and waiting patiently for her master and mistress to come home—

Slate gray clouds scurrying across a dull sky and darkness falling without the familiar blazing colors of a springtime sunset— and April shower in the making—

Street lights snapping on and one by one squares of light appearing in windows along the way—

[column 3, top article]

Cloth Room Chatter

Mrs. Elizabeth Rowland was happy to have her brother and mother from Greer visit her recently.

Clara Talley and sisters gave their mother a surprise birthday dinner last Sunday. A large number attended and everyone had a delightful time.

Mr. and Mrs. Jim Hester and family recently visited Mrs. Hester's brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. John Ball, of Brevard, N. C.

Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Johnson enjoyed having J. G. Southerlin as their week end guest recently. ________________________ Work is the yeast that raises the rough.—Virginia McCann, Grit

[headline, spans columns 4 & 5] PREPARATION DEPARTMENT N-E-W-S

[column 4]

We are glad to learn that Mr. and Mrs. J. D. McAuley, parents of Mr. Albert McAuley, have greatly improved after a long period of serious illness at their home on the Buncombe Road.

Third shift employees extend their deepest sympahy to Mrs. Lena Keisler in the loss of her sister, whose death occurred recently in Aiken County.

"Bud" Tripp, Louis Tripp, and friends of Greensboro, N. C., visited local friends and relatives during the past weekend.

We were sorry to hear of Oscar Stroud's automobile accident and wish for him a speedy recovery.

Mrs. S. G. Miller has been absent from work due to ill health. Her fellow-workers are hoping that her return will be soon.

Mr. and Mrs. Eddie Waddell and family and Mr. and Mrs. Otis Vaughn and family of Greer, visited Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Waddell and daughter last Sunday.

D. P. Garrick, accompanied by a friend, enjoyed an airplane ride Sunday. It must be fun to take a girl up for her first ride!

Mr. and Mrs. Jessie J. Blackwell spent last week end in New Port, Tenn.

Everyone congratulates Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Hayes and wishes for them a most successful and happy married life.

Mr. and Mrs. Ben Grice have taken new residence in the vicinity of Blythe Shoals.

Dot Ables and Junior Ledford spent Sunday afternoon riding and enjoying the spring scenery.

Recently James"Mutt" Dunn had the misfortune to break a thumb while doing some mechanical work at home.

Last Sunday, Rev. Cook, pastor of Terry Creek Church, was guest in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Howard Tolley.

Fred Cisson was a visitor with Mr. S. B. Pearson at Pearson at Cedar Mountain last Saturday.

Sandra Burgess spent last week trying to recuperate at her grandmother's home in Anderson.

Jack Ledford was recently intiated into the Woodman of the World, a fraternal organization.

Pug Waddell and a number of part-time farmers have really been checking on the weather since the rainy spell started.

Mary Brooks spent a very nice week with her Mother, Mrs. Raxter of Dacusville.

On the sick list are Gladys Holtzelaw, Paul Jones, and Melvin Cable. Melvin is a patient at the Veterans Hospital in Columbia. We wish for them all a speedy recovery.

Louise Hall Cox wishes to thank employees of the quiller room for the nice wedding present recently presented to her by Mr. Drury.

Mr. Lewis and Bud Tripp, accompanied by their girl friends, visited their mother, Mrs. Bessie Swaney, Sunday.

Miss Inez Graham and mother and Clyde Reynolds were supper guests of Mr. and

Last edit 12 months ago by Harpwench


[headline, spans cols. 1 & 2]


[column 1, top section]

Mr. and Mrs. G. T. Smith of Marietta were recent supper giests of Mr. and Mrs. Duck Smith.

We offier our deepest sympathy to Mr. Clinton Burroughs in the death of his wife.

Jimmie Lou Rice has been on the sick list, but we are glad to report that she is back at work now.

Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Turner Jones were Mr. and Mrs. L. T. Jones, Sula Lula, and Roland Jones, and Mr. Elmer Jones and children, all of Travelers Rest, and Mrs. Roy Pitts of Easley and Mr. and Mrs. H. S. Smith of Greenville.

We welcome Frank Brown as a new employee in Weave Room No. 1.

Mr. and Douglas Barnett and Billy Barnett of Marietta enjoyed a visit in the home of Mrs. Barnett's parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. O. Bolt, of Westminster.

We are glad to see Paul Cline back on his job as weaver in No. 1.

Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Thrift spent Easter with Mr. Thrift's father in Concord, N. C.

Miss Mary Chastain was out sick last week but is back at work now. Glad to see you back Mary.

[article continues on column 2, top section]

Mrs. Lillie Trotter has been absent from work for the past two weeks. We hope she will be back with us soon.

Employees of No. 3 were sorry to see Mr. T. D. Arrowood leave them, but welcom Mr. T. E. Waldrop as their new overseer.

Miss Sarah Lee Foster spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Batson.

Mrs. G. J. Vickers and Miss Jorene Vickers visited relatives in Chesnee, S. C. this past weekend.

Friends of Lloyd Price are glad to know that he has returned to his home after having been a patient at Coleman's Hospital for several weeks.

On Tuesday night, April 15, the local Y. W. A. members, their invited guests and their leaders, Mrs. Dot Hawkins and Miss Ruth Campbell, enjoyed a weiner roast and skating party at Cleveland Park.

Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Dodson, Mr. and Mrs. Weldon Parsons, and Mrs. Hubert McJunkins were the Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Sprouse.

Friends of Mr. Oscar "Flip" Stroud are glad to know that he has returned home and is recuperating from injuries received in an automobile accident some time ago. ___________________________

[column 1, bottom section]

School Thanked (Con't. from page 1, col. 3)

through you, the eighty-five (85) gift boxes that they have packed for the children in the war-torn area. These were shipped Friday and I'm sure will bring lots of joy and happiness to children who otherwise would not have these gifts without your generosity.

Sincerely yours, Mrs. E. A. Jones Sec., Junior Red Cross _______________ Card of Thanks

Mrs. Fannie C. Epps and children wish to thank employees of Slater Manufacturing Co., Inc. for the beautiful floral offering sent at the death of their husband and father, Mr. Harvey C. Epps, Sr. _______________ Character, like emboidery, is made stitch by stitch.—Mary Lyon, quoted in Ladies' Home Journal. _______________ There are two kinds of people in the world: The thinkers who never do anything, and the doers who never think. Due to the efforts of the rare intermediate type, civilization has survived. _______________ Nothing is more pathetic than the "someday" talk. Someday is never. Youth is the time of possibilities. If you start living when you are young you do not arrive at middle age. You remain young until you are old. —Stephen Graham.

[column 2, bottom section]

Club Delegates (Con't. from page 1, col. 5)

The Slater-Marietta Chapter is proud to announce that they received a certificate of Superior Rating on their J. H. A. activities for the past year and a certificate of Superior Rating on a home project entered by Harriette Talley, a member of the local club. They also received a certificate of Superior Rating for camping last summer at the J. H. A. Camp at Mountain Rest, S. C. ________________________ In 1904, a French scientist named Benedictus dislodged a bottle from its shelf in his laboratory, and it fell to the floor with a crash. It shattered, but to the scientist's astonishment it retained its shape. None of the particles were scattered. Benedictus remembered he had been using collodium in solution in this bottle. By some chance, the solvent had evaporated, leaving a skin of cellulose nitrate on the walls of the bottle. A few days later, he read in his newspaper of an auto accident in which a young woman had been seriously cut by flying glass. The two events connected themselves in Benedictus' mind, and laminated safety glass was the outcome.

[column 3]

Theatre Guide

May 3, 1947 "THE LOCKET" Starring: Larraine Day Robert Mitchum Briance Aherne _____ May 5, 1947 "THE STRANGE LOVE OF MARTHA IVERS" Starring: Barbara Stanwyck 'Lizabeth Scott Van Heflin _____ May 9, 1947 "SUNSET PASS" Starring: James Warren Nan Leslie John Laurenz Jane Greer _____ May 10, 1947 "SWING THE WESTERN WAY" Starring: Western Players _____ May 12, 1947 TO BE ANNOUNCED _____ May 16, 1947 "MR. DISTRICT ATTORNEY" Starring: Dennis O'Keefe Adolphe Menjou Marguerite Chapman _______________ Agreeable people are those who agree with you. — Richard Armour. _______________ Money is the supreme test of domestic management.—Gamaliel Bradford. _______________ Happiness is a form of courage.—Holbrook Jackson.

[photo of Jimmie Pierce, spans cols. 3-4, bottom section] Jimmie Pierce represented the Slater-Marietta School in the district declamation contest held recently at the Simpsonville High School, Simpsonville, S. C. and won third place. This young man is to be congratulated on his forensic activities. He is the son of Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Pierce. His father is an employee of this company.

[column 4, top section]


Employees can now get coffee from the dope wagon. We are sure everyone is enjoying this new service which was added recently.

First shifters are enjoying having Leroy Reeves work with them.

Oscar Stroud, who was out for some time recuperating from injuries he received an automobile accident, has returned to his job on the third shift.

Now is the time to clean up —and paint up! We have plenty of outside white paint for sale. We also carry grass seed and the necessary tools for gardening, so why not beautify your home?

We notice that Ray Dean seems to be in high spirits since he is ending the end of his school career.

We are glad to announce that the Commisary is prepared to give you refreshing, cold soft drinks this summer as Mr. Suttle has had the refrigerator overhauled recently.

"Battling" Bayne, our third shift "dope boy," is glad to be one of the first dope boys at Slater.

We have noticed that many Comissary customers are wearing glasses, which is an asset to their appearance as well as vision. Keep up the good work, Mr. Reid.

In closing, we would like to congratulate the Glee Clubs of Slater-Marietta School on their fine program at Slater Hall Sunday night. _______________ Wealth lost, something lost; honor lost, much lost; courage lost, all lost.—Goethe.


The youngsters who attend the library clubs are very enthusiastic over the recordings called "Tuneful Tales" which were recently purchased for the library. These recordings are both educational and entertaining, and can be used advantageously in the children's club work. The recorded stories just mentioned consist of the following, each told with a musical background: "The Laughing Jack O' Lantern," "The Little Engine That Could," "The Shoemaker and the Elves, " "The Three Little Pigs," "Johnny Cake," "White Easter Rabbit," and "The Nutcracker and King Mouse." _______________ Two of our Story Hour girls, "Jackie" Clary and Carol Ann Richardson, recently celebrated birthdays. We hear that these birthdays proved to be happy ones, and we hope that each of these little girls will enjoy many more celebrations of this kind.

"Jackie" was seven years old on April 13. She is the youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Clary.

Carol Ann celebrated her fourth birthday on April 3 by entertaining a group of her little friends. She is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. H. S. Richardson. ______________ We are constantly adding to our reading shelf called "Best Sellers You May Have Missed." The latest additions are: "Wide Is the Gate," Sinclair; "Arch of Triumph," Remarque; "Deep River," Buchmaster; "David the King," Schmitt; "The King's General, Du Maurier; "Peace of Mind," Liebman; "Last Chapter," Pyle; "Pleasant Valley," Bromfield; "The Life of The Heart," Winwar; "All Our Lives," Miller; "The Great Tradition," Keyes; and "Glamorous Dolly Madison," Desmond.

Many of our readers are taking advantage of these "best sellers" and are thoroughly enjoying them. If you are not reading these books, why not come to the library today and select those of your choice? We believe you will like them. ______________________________ Glee Club (Con't. from page 1, col. 1)

ly well given.

But the best number on the program was "The Holy City" sung by the Girls' Glee Club. Many people siad they had never heard this fine old song given so well or in such a vivid manner.

We are proud of the pupils and their accomplishments, and we are grateful to Miss Farnsworth for arranging and presenting this program. _____________________________ Card of Thanks

I wish to thank my frends in this vicinity for their kindness and sympathy shown at the death of my husband, Sgt. J. E. Poole. The beautiful floral was also appreciated. Mrs. Isabelle Poole

Last edit 12 months ago by Harpwench


Page Four THE SLATER NEWS May 1, 1947

Births Mr. and Mrs. C.M. Styles of Travelers Rest are receiving congratulations on the arrival of a son, James Claud, at the Wood Memorial Clinic on April 13. The little boy weighed almost 9 lbs. at birth. Mrs. Styles is the former Miss Myrtle Pace of Taylors. Mr. Styles is an employee of Southern Bleachery at Taylors.

Mr. And Mrs. Clifton Eugene Taylor of Marietta announce the birth of a son at the Wood Memorial Clinic on April 12. The baby has been named Carl Edward. Mrs. Taylor is the former Kiss Kathleen Moore of Spartanburg.

Announcements have been received here from Mr. and Mrs. J. Woodrow Cunningham of Darlington, S. C. of the birth of a daughter on March 3. The little girl has been named Eleanor Marie and weighed 7lb. 4 oz. at birth. Mrs. Cunningham is the former Miss Louise McMullan of Slater and is the daughter of Mrs. Lucile McMullan.

Mr. and Mrs. Wilton Henson announce the birth of a daughter, Mary Elizabeth on April 12 at Coleman's Hospital in Travelers Rest. The little girl weighed approximately 7lb. at birth. Before her marriage, Mrs. Henson was Miss Edna Davis. Mr. Henson is employed as a cloth doffer in the Weaving Department of our plant.

Preparation News (Con't. from page 2, col. 5) land received his honorable discharge from the Army on April 20. Mrs. Norman Bowles tells us Meadows' Tulip Farm is very beautiful and furnishes a lovely scene on the way to work. Mr. and Mrs. Wyman Raxter visited relatives in N. C. recently. Mr. and Mrs. C. D. Rice must really have the air of spring. We have seen them working in their flower garden a lot recently. Miss Margie Bolt spent the week end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. O. Bolt, in Westminister, S. C., returning to Slater under the watchvare of the Army. Much curiosity was shown in the quilling department recently when one of the fixers imitated an ostrich by sticking his head in every can or box he came to, and a faint noise could be heard coming out of the box like "Papa." All of this came to light, though, when Mr. and Mrs. Henry McCarson announced the arrival of a 7 1-2 lb. girl born April 14. She was named Linda Gale. Mrs. McCarson before marriage was Miss Elizabeth Poole and a quiller hand on the third shaft. Mrs. Janie Madden spent the week end with her sister in Westminister. Miss Jessie Tate and sister, Sue, had the pleasure of seeing the picture, "The Best Years of Our Lives," in Greenville Saturday.

[a photo of a girl, Katherine Guest] Winner of first place in the district oral interpretation contest held recently at Simpsonville, S. C. was Miss Katherine Guest, the young lady pictured above. She is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Claude Guest of Marietta, S. C. Her father is employed in the Cloth Room of his plant and is the official photographer for The Slater News.

FOSTER--HAYES Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Foster of Marietta announce the marriage of their daughter, Sarah Gwendolyn, to Wilmer Clyde Hayes on April 12 at 5 o'clock at the home of the Rev. C. B. Lockee of Greenville. The double ring ceremony was used. The bride wore a spring suit of blue gabardine with black accessories. Her corsage was of gardenias. The bride is a graduate of Slater - Marietta High School and is now employed in the office of Slater Manufacturing Co., Inc. Mr. Hayes is the son of Mr. and Mrs. F. N. Hayes of Dacusville, and is a graduate of Dacusville School. He served with the armed forces for three years, and since his discharge has been employed in the Preparation Department of the Slater plant. The many friends of this popular young couple wish them a long and successful married life.

Mr. O. H. Burgess is spending painful Saturdays lately in Easley with the dentist but he will be all smiles with the storebought teeth he hopes to get soon.

For Sale Lots 75 x 120 ft. at $125.00 each. Located on tar and gravel road, on mail and bus route. Electricity available. Will sell on terms or for cash. See E. W. Bruce, Holiness Hill.

Complete success is not purchased at any one time, but rather on the installment plan. --Fraternal Moniter

Katherine Guest Contest Winner Miss Katherine Guest, ninth grade student of Slater-Marieetta High School, won first place in the district oral interpretation contest held in the Simpsonville High School auditorium on April 11. Jimmy Pierce represented the local school in the declamation contest held at the same time and won third place. There were seven contestants competing in oral interpretation and four in declamation from this district. These contests were held annually prior to the war and were resumed this year for the first time in several years. In selecting the winners who will represent the local districts in the state contests, the following items were considered: (a) Selection must be of literary merit (b) Contestant's interpretation and appreciation (c) Stage presence (d) Tone quality (e) Diction (f) Character interpretation. The maximum time was twelve minutes. Since Katherine Guest placed first in the oral interpretation contest for this district, she went to Columbia on April 24 to compete with district representatives from all over the state.

For Sale Twenty-acre apple orchard, with 125 trees Stark's red double delicious, 200 Concord grapes on trellis, 4 stall barn, 100 ft. laying house and 40 ft. baby chick house. Six room house with bath, hot and cold water. 200 ft. deep well with electric pump. Abundance of flowers in season. See A. H. Sides, Route 2, Travelers Rest, S. C.

OFFICE NEWS Miss Jeanne Ernest enjoyed the day Sunday at Walhalla and the Oconee State Park. Mrs. Paul Fowler and daughter, Paula Ruth, from Charleston, S. C. recently spent two weeks with Miss Ruth Taylor. Mrs. Fowler is Ruth's sister. Mrs. Connie Henderson and Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Henderson motored to Chimney Rock, N. C. and returned by Lake Lure. Mr. and Mrs. James Balloch, Jr. motored to Charleston, S. C. April 8 and returned on April 10. We are glad to see Mrs. Marjorie Cooper back at work after an illness of two weeks. Dr. and Mrs. T. L. Takacy and young son, Teddy, returned to Slater this week after speanding a week's vacation in Florida. Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Carter, Miss Maxine Carter, and Miss Imogene Carter motored to Charlotte, N. C. Sunday and visted in the home of Maxine's aunt, Mrs. Frances Stanley. While there they visited Tulip Gardens at the Ivey's Estate.

MUSIC TEACHER CALLS ON CLUB Miss Kathaleen Farnsworth, music teacher in the local school, visited the Boys' Library Club on April 23, having charge of the club activities for the afternoon. Miss Farnsworth's program for the boys centered around a number of recordings featuring "Peter and the Wolf," "The Nutcracker Suite," and "The Sorcerer's Apprentice." She also talked with the boys, discussing the stories recorded, the instruments used to represent various animals, and the descriptive nature of the music. The librarian states that this program of recording arranged and presented by Miss Farnsworth was enthusiastically received by the boys, and that it was not only a period of entertainment, but that it was also one of music appreciation. It was very kind of Miss Farnsworth to devote one of her afternoons to the Boys' Library Club, and we greatly appreciate her doing so. At the end of the club period, Pepsi-Colas, furnished by the Slater Community Association, were served. Club members present on this occasion were: Sammy Johnson, Jimmy Davis, Walter Anderson, Tommy Cole, Bobby Hawkins, and George Pridmore. Also: Will Cox, Kenneth Hayden, Clarence Canham, O'Neal Cooper, J. B. Norris, and Tommy Ballenger.

TINY TOTS HAVE EASTER EGG HUNT A group of approximately fifty children of Story Hour age fathered at the library on Thursday p.m., April 3, for an Egg Hunt. While the eggs were being hidden in the grounds around Slater Hall, the youngsters remained in the library to listen

Girl Scouters Enjoy Outing On Wednesday, April 9, 1947, the Senior Girl Scout Troop of Slater went on a hike and cookout for their regular weekly meeting. The girls met at Slater Hall before leaving for the hike. One group of girls went ahead of the others and laid the trail. The second group followed the trail to see where they would have their cook-out. They hiked to the railroad trestle and had the cook-out under the trestle. The troop was divided into the following committees: The shopping committee, composed of those who got the wood and built the fire; the food committee prepared the food; and the clean-up committee cleaned up after the meeting was over. The girls had roasted potatoes, wieners, tomatoes, lettuce, rolls, and drinks for their dinner. They all enjoyed laying and following the trail and the cook-out very much. When the cook-out was over, they discussed taking a trip to Table Rock the week - end of April 25. The troop will rent a cabin and each girl is looking forward to the trip. The girls enjoying this outing were: Marion Brown, Mary Dodson, Josephine Knight, Frances Poole, Clara Ramsey, Madge Robinson, Patricia Summey, and the leaders, Mrs. Buchanan and Miss Loftis.

to a group of recordings called "Tuneful Tales." This program featured a very appropriate number called "The White Easter Rabbit," which, of course, proved to be the children's favorite. According to the story, Little White Rabbit wanted to be an Easter Bunny, but everyone was too busy to tell him how to become an Easter Rabbit. That is, everyone except Mother Birth--she told him what to do, and he did it. To the children's delight, Little White Rabbit did become an Easter Bunny! Those assisting with the Egg Hunt were: Mesdames Mary Ledford, Minnie Pitman, J. B. Wilson, W. F. Horton, and C. W. Eldridge.

Odds And Ends We think you'll get a kick out of these old supersitious remedies against the "evil eye" of sickness: The skin of a hyena's forehead. The kernel of the fruit of the palm tree. Spitting in the right shoe before it's put on. A necklace of jacinth, sapphire, or carbuncle. Sweeping a child's face with a branch of a pine tree. Giving in drink the ashes of a rope with which a man has been hanged. Hanging the key of a house over a child's cradle. Hanging around a child's neck, fennel seeds or bread and cheese. Hanging blue beads around the necks of animals and children.

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