



Status: Complete



[Sketch of mill building]
Old Slater Mill
EST. 1790

Vol. 4 Slater, S. C. June 12, 1947 No. 34

[Birdseye view sketch of building]
Slater Mill

Summer Program
Gets Underway

The Special Summer Pro-
gram for children will get un-
der way Monday morning,
June 16th, at 9:00 o'clock. Al-
though, officially, it started
last Monday, June 9, there was
no announcement made because
of the Vacation Bible School
being held at the Slater Baptist

This program is sponsored
and supervised by the Slater
Community Association, whose
desire is to furnish wholesome
recreation and entertainment
for the younger folk of the com-
munity. The supervised activi-
ties will run for a period of
ten weeks, excluding the week
of July 4th, and will be under
competent leaders.

Each Monday and Friday at
10:00 o'clock, a free movie will
be shown for the children who
are taking part in the program.
Pictures have been selected
with the thought of education,
fun, and entertainment in mind.
Plans are being made for spec-
ial features, such as: boxing,
community parties, special pro-
grams, and tournaments.

The regular playground pro-
gram will begin each morning
at 9:00 o'clock and end at 12:00
o'clock. The afternoons will be
devoted to club work, scouting,
and special features. Skating
on the tennis courts will begin

(Con't. on page 2, col. 3)


It is hard for anyone to con-
cede that spring is here and
summer just around the corner
until they have some kind of
outing. The Preparation De-
partment's "Good Will Club",
made up exclusively of third
shifters, sprang to its feet and
came out from hibernation on
May 10 with a very successful
first meeting of the year at
Paris Mountain State Park.

Through the cooperative ef-
forts of the members and the
excellent menu prepared by
Loag Landreth, the barbecue
really hit the spot for some
thirty persons present. This out-
ing started the summer social
activities for the third shifters.
It is expected that the club will
reach a very high membership,
during the summer months, for
there is much interest already

Preparation Department em-
ployees are always eager to
create a more friendly attitude
with one another, and this fel-
lowship club provides an ex-
cellent opportunity for carry-
ing out this purpose. The small
club fee provides plenty of fun
and recreation and splendid
meals. Plans are already under-
way for the next outing, which
will be held in the month of

[Photo of gradution ceremony] [Spans columns 2, 3 and 4]
Above are the graduates of the Slater-Marietta High School, along with their guests at the
recent Commencement Exercises held at Slater Hall. Persons desiring copies of this and other
pictures made at Commencement should see Claude Guest before June 30, 1947.

[column 2]


A voluntary fire department
has been organized here at
Slater with the following of-
ficials: Chief, Ansel McMakin;
Assistant Chief, Ibra Peterson;
Captain, Bill Lybrand; Secre-
tary, Allen Suttle.

The purpose of this volun-
tary fire department is to pro-
vide fire protection for the
homes here in the village of
Slater and also for Company

Mr. J. R. Robinson of Shelby,
N. C. who is the fire inspector
for the Carter Fabrics Corpor-
ation group of Mills was pres-
ent at one of these meetings,
and recommends that certain
fire fighting equipment be
bought and placed throughout
the village to aid the firemen
in their work.

A great deal of interest has
been manifested by these volun-
tary fire fighters, and the shifts
have been arranged so that fire
fighters come from each street
and from each working shift.

If a fire should occur, persons
should notify members of the

(Con't. on page 2, col. 3)

School Service Again
Offered Slater Folks

This summer, as in the past
several years, the Home Econo-
mic Teacher in the Slater-Mari-
etta School will be of any as-
sistance possible to those in the
school communities, without
any cost to anyone.

The teacher, Mrs. James N.
Cleveland, II, will open the
Home Economics Department
in the school building every
Wednesday, and at this time,
any of the girls or ladies in
the communities are invited to
come and use any of the equip-
ment in the Department. Mrs.
Cleveland will be present to
help you in any posible way.

Mrs. Cleveland will also be
glad to come to your home and
help you with any problem that
you might have in connection
with home economics.

[column 3]

Mrs. Burnette Is
Hostess At Meet

The Womans Society of
Christian Service of the Slater
Methodist Church met at the
home of Mrs. Roy Burnette at
7:30 p. m. on May 15.

The topic for the month was
"The Child and His Family."
The devotional was rendered
by the president, Mrs. Dublin,
with prayer by Mrs. Henry
Taylor. Those presenting the
program were Mrs. Nell Ad-
dington, Mrs. Lucile McMullan,
Mrs. Hand, and Mrs. Roy Bur-

During the business session it
was reported that a total of
$6.50 had been realized by the
Society from selling brooms.
The new Society of the color-
ed women was also discussed.
The local colored women are
showing much interest in their
new club, and it is hoped they
will enjoy and derive much
good from it.

There were eight members
present at this meeting and the
club was very happy to have
Mrs. Burns as a visitor.

At the conclusion of the
meeting, Mrs. Burnette, assist-
ed by her sister, Miss Ruby

(Con't. on page 2, col. 3)


Dating from Monday, June
9th, Blue Bird Bus tickets will
be sold in the Commissary by
Mr. R. P. Canham.

These tickets are for the per-
sons who ride to work on the
three shifts here at Slater. It
is our understanding that no
one be allowed to ride these
these buses unless they have a
ticket; no cash fares will be ac-

A clever man tells a woman
he understands her; a stupid
one tries to prove it.

[column 4]


A new anchor fence has re-
cently been put around the
baseball park here at Slater.
The new fence will replace the
old wooden fence which had
fallen into decay during the
war years when the park was
not in use.

In addition, the Coca Cola
Bottling Co. has built a new
score board in center field for
use in Slater games. The score
board is to be used for the first
time on Saturday, when Mana-
ger Rampey and his team play
the strong Arial outfit.

In addition to the fence and
score board, the grand stand is
also being enlarged and extend-
ed 35 feet on the 3rd base side
of the stand. Underneath these
new stands will be dressing
rooms, lockers, and showers for
the use of the Slater Team. Hot

(Con't. on page 2, col. 3)

Home Economics Class
Visits Slater Plant

On Wednesday, May 14th,
the Second Year Home Econo-
mics Class of the Slater-Mari-
etta High School, their teacher,
Mrs. James N. Cleveland, II,
and Mr. J. H. Barnett, Super-
intendent of the school, enjoy-
ed a very interesting and edu-
cational tour of the Slater
Manufacturing Co., Inc.

The class had been studying
clothing construction, cloth and
its finishes, and this was the
climax of the unit.

Mr. W. Earle Reid accompan-
ied the group through the
plant. The members of the class
who enjoyed the tour were:
Betty Bruce, Vivian Camden,
Eva Jean Chapman, Jean
Drake, Joyce Drake, Hattie Al-
ma Ervin, Nancy Ervin, Mil-
dred Farthing, Jean Hester,
Ruth McCarson, Christine Rey-
nolds, Deloris Robinson, Made-
line Robinson, Shirley Scarce,
Alice Talley, Betty Talley, Mar-
garet Talley, Betty Vassey, and
Sarah Wylie.

[column 5]

T. B. X-Rays To
Be Given Soon

Representatives of the Green-
ville County Health Depart-
ment and the Hopewell Tuber-
culosis Association will be here
at Slater on June 23rd, 24th,
and 25th to X-Ray all persons
at the Slater Plant for tubercu-

The methods of making these
examinations have materially
changed during the past few
years. Formerly, it was neces-
sary for persons to disrobe
from the waist up in order to
make these X-Rays, but with
the new equipment now in use,
persons taking these tests will
not have to disrobe.

Tuberculosis testing is no
new thing to the people in Slat-
er, as this kind of testing has
been made here on several oc-
casions before. Throughout
Greenville County this program
will be carried out, and it is
hoped that at least 20,000
people employed in the textile
mills in the county will be X-

The Management of Slater
endorses these X-Rays highly,
and is confident that all per-
sons at Slater will want to be
X-Rayed, although it is not

Those found to have active
tuberculosis will be notified
personally, and also their fami-
ly physician will be notified.
In this way they can begin
treatment for the disease at

(Con't. on page 2, col. 4)


The Young People's Class of
Slater Baptist Church recently
enjoyed a picnic at Paris Moun-
tain State Park. The members
of the class and the invited
guests left Slater at 6:30 P. M.
and reached the park at dusk.

Everyone carried a picnic
lunch, and while these lunches
were being placed on the tables,
and the drinks being iced, a
freezer of ice cream was prepar-
ed. After these delicious re-
freshments were served, several
games were played until time
to return to Slater.

Those attending the picnic
were: Mr. and Mrs. W. Earle
Reid, Rev. and Mrs. Charles
Thompson, Mr. and Mrs. H. S.
Richardson, Mr. and Mrs. Rus-
sell Hampton, Mr. and Mrs.
Bill Cashion, Mr. and Mrs. Jack
Cashion, Miss Elizabeth Am-
mons, Miss Marion Brown,
Miss Ellen Huffman, Miss Ann
Thompson, Miss Carol Ann
Richardson, Miss Mildred Far-
thing, Miss Jorene Vickers,
Mrs. Ann Koonce, Mr. F. J.
Brannon, Miss Frances Duncan,
Mr. Maynard Veal, Miss Elaine
Foster, Miss Clarissa Camden,
Mr. Dillard Veal, Mr. Billy
Knight, Miss Mary Dodson, and
Miss Louise Booth.

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