Page Two THE SLATER NEWS November 13, 1947
The Slater News
Published Every Two Weeks
Slater Manufacturing Co., Inc.
Established 1790
In The Interest of Its Employees
[seal of NCIE] [seal of SAIE]
ROBERT H. ATKINSON ----------------Editor
CECIL S. ROSS -------------------- Asst. Editor
LILY ALEXANDER --------Circulation Mgr.
CLAUDE GUEST ---------------Photographer
Weave Room: Nellie Barnette, Gladys
Cox, Rosalee Cox, Sara Canham,
Dessie Burrell, Pearl Price, Doris
Jones, Sarah Lee Foster, and Estelle
Preparation Department: Jessie Vas-
sey, Julia Brown, Bertha Jones,
Blanche McCall, Nellie Ruth Payne,
Ruth Campbell, Marguerite Wad-
dell, Mary B. Capps, and C. D.
Cloth Room: Opal W. Smith.
Commissary: Jorene Vickers.
Office: Betty Gillespie and Jeanne
Community: Ruth Johnson and Ruby
P. Reid.
Victory In Defeat
It seems to us that one of the
concepts which more Americans
need to realize and force them-
selves to practice these days is
the idea that defeat or a
momentary set-back in one's
plans and ambitions, instead of
weakening the individual,
should strengthen him.
Defeat should always re-
activate the individual in some
curious manner, and a dis-
appointment or thwarting of
one's ambitions should recall
and refurnish the exciting
memory and the bright hap-
piness experienced during the
occasions of success.
Defeat should personify, as
nothing else can, the need to
go on, to keep plugging—the
necessity of justifying one's
existence to oneself.
The successful man is always
a lover of strategy; even a dis-
appointment or defeat can be
looked upon as strategic, and
surprisingly enough, a defeat
is often just that—the right
move at the right time, point-
ing the way to further inspira-
Today, tomorrow, or some
day not far off—those are the
words to keep in mind — in
terms of fulfilling one's own
great wish—to advance, to sell,
to produce, to serve, to fulfill
one's life in hundredfold
Forget personal surrender;
the pause to take breath when
the need is to push on. For
victory and success comes to
the individual who presses on
when the achievement of one's
goal seems to stand a slim
chance of coming to pass.
As a rule, anything that is
shouted or whispered isn't
worth listening to.
—Cincinnati Enquirer.
[column 2]
Several people have asked
me for this fudge brownies
I am no cook! After twenty
years of puttering around in
the kitchen, I can't even boil
water without it evaporating.
And anytime I cook anything
that is at all palatable, it is the
fault of the person whose
recipe I am following
This recipe for fudge brown-
ies is one I read in a book. It is
an old book, and the directions
for mixing say to cream sugar
and shortening together until
light and fulffy. Add eggs
which have been well beaten,
and mix thoroughly. Add milk
alternately with flour and
cocoa (sifted together) mixing
thoroughly after each addition.
Add vanilla, mix thoroughly,
etc., etc., mix thoroughly.
Well, that's too much "mix-
ing thoroughly" for me. I just
dump all ingredients into the
mixing bowl at one time and
beat rapidly for three minutes,
counting 150 strokes a minute
and scraping the sides and
bottom of the bowl often.
Really, this "quick-mix"
method turns out a smoother
batter than the old way of add-
ing one ingredient at a time,
and mixing thoroughly after
each addition.
Before beginning to mix
batter, set oven temperature at
moderately slow 350⁰ and
grease a shallow pan measuring
about 10 by 13 inches.
Now! Sift together into mix-
ing bowl:
2 cups sugar
1-1/3 cups presifted flour
¼ teaspoon salt
¾ cup cocoa
½ cup soft shortening
4 good eggs
½ cup canned milk
2 teaspoons vanilla
Mix. Then beat vigorously
two minutes. Then add:
1 cup chopped nuts
1 cup shredded cocoanut
Beat one minute more and
spread ¼ in. thick in prepared
pan. Bake until cake shrinks
from sides of pan — about 20
minutes. Cut into squares be-
fore removing from pan.
These brownies are nourish-
ing for the children's lunches.
They make very attractive
additions to party plates, and
they are exactly right to
supply that much-needed,
quick energy to the man of the
house when he is thoroughly
exhausted from trimming the
low hanging branches from
Mr. and Mrs. F. E. Penland
of Slater announce the engage-
ment of their daughter, Ophelia
Riley, to Randolph Martin of
Williamston, S. C., the wedding
date to be announced later.
Miss Riley is employed in the
office of the Slater Manufactur-
ing Co., Inc.
Mr. Martin is manager of the
Dixie Home Store of Marietta.
[column 3]
Columbus Visited
Middle America
It was in the area which we
now know as Middle America
that Columbus' flagship, the
Santa Maria, dropped anchor
at the end of that famous
voyage of discovery, which
started as a quest for a sea lane
to India and came upon a New
Correctly defined, Middle
America comprises, according
to modern geographers, the
Caribbean Island republics of
Cuba, Haiti, and the Dominican
Republic; and, on the main-
land, Mexico, Guatamela, Hon-
duras, El Salvador, Nicaragua,
Costa Rica, Panama and Col-
Long before Columbus dis-
covered the Western Hem-
isphere, however, pre-Colum-
bian peoples were carving
beautifully sculptured cities of
stone in these middle lands.
Middle America was the
heartland of the Americas, for
it became not only the home of
the most advanced peoples, but
the sanctuary where wandering
tribes first learned to farm and
thus lead a settled existance.
Slater Company
(Con't. from page 1, col. 1)
Superintendent of Education
Jesse T. Anderson, Commander
H. N. Slater, W. J. Carter, H.
C. Carter, J. A. Lybrand, Jr.,
the members of the Greenville
County legislative delegation,
Dr. John L. Plyer, President of
Furman University; Dr. R. F.
Poole, President of Clemson
College; Admiral Norman
Smith, President of the Univer-
sity of South Carolina; and
many others.
Last year, the Slater Manu-
facturing Co., Inc. donated
$50,000.00 to the local school
as a nucleus for a building
fund for a modern and up-to-
date high school here at Slater.
Plans for this high school have
already been drawn by Pickell
and Pickell, special school
architects, and when completed
it is estimated this school will
cost approximately $325,000.
Present plans do not call for
the erection of this school
immediately, as it is felt that
the present cost of building
materials is prohibitive and
then such materials are still
All patrons and friends of
the school are urged to be pres-
ent at this meeting, and a large
crowd is expected.
J. A. White is Chairman of
the Board of Trustees, and the
other members are Robert H.
Atkinson and Henry Jarrard.
J. H. Barnett is Superintendent
of the local school.
When you buy things "for a
song", watch out for the
accompaniment. — Sunshine
A whole bucket of notions
will not weigh as much as one
little stubborn fact.—Sunshine
Every time a woman gives a
man a piece of her mind, she
loses a piece of his heart.
—Helen Rowland, quoted in
[headline, spans cols. 4-5]
GOINGS-ON - - - -
[column 4]
Miss Pearl Price spent the
week-end in Greenville with
Evelyn Altman.
Employees of Weave Room
No. 2 miss W. H. Anderson,
who was recently transferred
to No. 1. Best of luck to you,
W. H.
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Keith of
Easley were the Sunday dinner
guests of Mr. and Mrs. James
Allison and family.
Bernice Cantrell has re-
turned to work in No. 2 after
being out for several months.
Bernice says she is glad to be
back with all her old friends
One of the bemberg weavers
in No. 2, Milton Smith, has
been very lucky lately. Milton
has received the dollar bonus
twice. Nina Allison is also to
be congratulated for her good
work. The spun weavers on the
second shift in No. 2 should
also be recognized for the good
work they are doing, as they
have received the bonus several
times recently.
Mrs. Bernice Foster visited
her sister, Mrs. W. C. Brown of
Dacusville, Sunday afternoon.
Mr. and Mrs. Buford Bellamy
and daughters, Carolyn Ann
and Elaine, are visiting their
grandparents, Mr. and Mrs.
Holman Fowler of Danielsville,
John Humphries, accom-
panied by R. E. Ruppe, is
[article continues on col. 5, top section]
leaving Saturday for a trip to
Fayetteville, N. C.
Bernice Cantrell and friends
visited Mr. and Mrs. Lonnie
Chapman in Rosman last Sun-
If anyone wishes to take a
horseback ride, just go and
help Frank Foster gather his
corn. Frank says he needs some
We are sorry Arthur Brown
had to be out from work
recently due to his sore arm.
Cecil Barnett took over
Brown's job during his absence
and did a fine job, as loom fixer.
Serina Case tells us she will
soon be moving into her new
Melvin and Lucy Chandler
went house-hunting last week,
but had no luck. We hope they
will soon find the kind of
house they want.
G. R. Davis has been trans-
ferred from No. 2 to No. 3.
Employees miss him in No. 2
but wish him the best of luck
on his new job. John H. Ford
is now working in Mr. Davis'
place in No. 2.
Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Price of
Detroit, Michigan were visitors
in the Weaving Department
last week. They report an
interesting trip to Slater.
Pearl Price's brother-in-law,
Lewis Strickland, and family
have recently moved into their
attractive new home.
[column 4, bottom section]
Safety Meeting
(Con't. from page 1, col. 4]
and Mr. Green stressed the fact
that many accidents are pre-
ventable, and that an accident
is always costly to all con-
cerned. Throughout the confer-
ence, emphasis was placed on
the fact that there is always
economy in safety, both for the
employee and the employer.
The conference also featured
an address by the Rev. A. Carl
Adkins, pastor of the Dauphin
Way Methodist Church in
Mobile, Alabama, and president
of the Mobile Safety Council.
Speaking on the subject, "I Am
My Brother's Keeper," the Rev.
Adkins said that in the matter
of safety, we are more than our
brother's keeper — we should
consider ourselves our
"brother's brother."
Lighting System
(Con't. from page 1, col. 3)
he received from J. A. White,
Plant Manager, and R. P.
Alexander, Office Manager. He
further stated that this spirit
of cooperation had permeated
this entire organization and
everyone was very cordial and
pleasant from the top to the
Mr. Granger echoed these
sentiments and said he agreed
with everything Mr. Campbell
said. Both gentlemen expressed
the hope that they would be
able to return to Slater before
very long for another job.
One trouble with marriage is
that so often the parties marry
their ideal, and it turns out to
be an ordeal.—Farm Jnl.
[column 5, bottom section]
On Saturday evening,
October 11, Miss Marie John-
son, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Charlie Johnson, became the
bride of Boyce D. Parnell in
rites performed at Henderson-
ville, N. C.
The bride wore for her
wedding a suit of blue wool
with black accessories and her
corsage was of pink carnations.
The bridegroom is the son of
Mr. and Mrs. Manuel Parnell
and is currently employed in
the Preparation Department of
the Slater Manufacturing Co.,
The SAFE Way
[sketch of worker walking on left side of road]
[text bubble]
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