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November 13, 1947 THE SLATER NEWS Page Three

[headline, spans cols. 1 & 2]

Mr. and Mrs. O. R. Drury
and sons spent last week-end
in Charlotte, N. C. visiting Mr.
Drury's mother.

Mr. and Mrs. Sidney McCall
were the recent week-end
guests of Mr. and Mrs. Way-
mon Raxter.

Frances Hall spent a very en-
joyable weekend with Juanita
Smith of Greenville.

Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Brooks,
Jr. enjoyed a birthday dinner
at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W.
C. Brooks of Danielsville, Ga.

Mrs. Bernice Masters hon-
ored her little daughter, Joan,
with a birthday party recently.
Sixteen youngsters were pres-
ent for this occasion.

Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Cagle
were recently called to Knox-
ville, Tenn. due to the illness
of Melvin's sister. We are glad
to hear that she is much better.

Mr. and Mrs. Carl Aiken
visited relatives in Sylvia, [town of Sylva, N.C. ?]
N. C. recently.

Mr. and Mrs. Frank Batson
recently bought a farm near
Travelers Rest. Bertha says she
enjoys keeping house, and she
is all smiles over the gift pre-
sented her by employees of the
warper room.

Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Jones
recently became members of
the Middle River Baptist
Church. They had as their
recent guests, the pastor of the
church and his family.

[article continues col. 2, top section]

Mary Hightower was more
than thrilled when her brother,
Jimmy, received his discharge
from the Army recently.

Mrs. Pearlie Garland re-
cently received word that her
son, S-2/C Millard (Bud) Gar-
land is at Pearl Harbor aboard
the U.S.S. Spangler D. C.

Mr. and Mrs. Tom McCombs
are happy over their new
home. Tom says it's a slow go,
but we all hope they will be
able to move in soon.

Isabelle Poole recently
celebrated a birthday and was
the dinner guest of Mr. and
Mrs. Junior Ledford. She re-
ceived many lovely gifts.

Miss Margie Bolt spent the
week-end with her parents, Mr.
and Mrs. R. O. Bolt of West-
minster. She also visited her
grandmother, Mrs. J. R. Hare.

Ruby Mayfield says she en-
joyed Halloween even though
she lost the air from her auto-
mobile tires.

Fred Cisson has been out
from work sick for several
days. We hope to see him back
on the job soon.

Mrs. Bertha Meece and chil-
dren attended the State Fair in

Floyd Garland has bought
out Dayton Taylor's Store at the
upper end of Marietta. Best of
luck, Floyd.

Henry McCarson recently
purchased a swell lookin new

[article continues col. 3, middle paragraph]


Clarence Jones and his
family were the dinner guests
of Mr. and Mrs. Luther Raines.

Miss Frances Hall was the
recent week-end guest of Mary
and Bill Brooks.

[advertisement for Community Drug Store, spans bottoms of cols. 1 & 2]
Here's good news!
a low-priced portable ironer

[sketch of ironer with price tag]
Right-or left-hand control
6 in. by 23 in. roll
Adjustable thermostat
Open end for easy ironing
110 sq. in. ironing-shoe surface
Long-life heating element
Fully enclosed G-E meter
Underwriters' approved

Home Laundry Equipment

A G-E Portable Rotary Ironer
that lets you "sit-down-to-iron"—
priced for even the most careful

You'll wonder how you ever
got along without a G-E Rotary
when you see how quickly it does
the ironing—and leaves you fresh
as when you began. It's easy to
operate, and can do any ironing
job you have. A Real G-E Value!

Come in and ask for a
demonstration. It's the
best ironing "news" we've
had in years.

Authorized G. E. Dealer

[column 3, top section]

Theatre Guide

November 15, 1947
Peggy Cummins
Ethel Barrymore
Victor Mature
November 17, 1947
Frank Sinatra
Kathryn Grayson
Jimmy Durante
November 21, 1947
Gregory Peck
Claude Jarman
Jane Wyman
November 22, 1947
Ron Randell
John Tate
Muriel Steinbeck
Joy Nichols
November 24, 1947
Cornel Wilde
Glenn Langan
Maureen O'Hara
November 28, 1947
Lynne Roberts
Pinky Lee
Donald Barry
[column 3, bottom section]

Boys Club Enjoys
(Con't. from page 1, col. 2)

Tommy Ballenger, and Philip
Henderson, Jerry Mack Ballen-
ger and Jimmy Clary, former
members of the club, served as
Story Hour Tots
(Con't. from page 1, col. 5)


Helpers were Barbara God-
frey, Donnie Teems, and Mary
Ann Tilley.

These parties were sponsored
by the Slater Community
For Sale

One large orange-colored
Sultana in nice pot. Price $3.00
See Mrs. Jessie Talley, Talley
Bridge Road.
For Sale

Four room house at No. 5
Third Street, Slater, S. C. Price
$3,250. If interested, contact
F. L. Hogan at above address.
So live your life that your
autograph will be wanted, not
your fingerprints.—Liberty.

[column 4]

New Books Are
At Library Here

Book-Of-The-Month Club Selec-

"When The Mountain Fell,"
by Charles Ferdinand Ramuz,
"is the last book of a great
Swiss novelist who died this
year and whose work un-
fortunately has been little
known to American readers.
It's central incident is thrilling
and its surprise constant, but
the most lasting impression,
Dorothy Canfield points out, is
that you feel you have been
lifted to a higher plane. You
are confident of the worth and
endurance of the human soul."

"Zoltz!," by Walter Karig, is
"a wholly delightful and
amazing book," reports John
Marquant. "If you have found
nothing to laugh at in these
grim days, you will find it in
'Zoltz!' It's about a quiet,
gentle archeologist who dis-
covers an age-old magic rune
which enables him to kill any
living thing just by pointing
his finger at it and crying
'Zoltz!' Follow him through
Washington war offices, as he
tries vainly to contribute this
soul-shaking discovery to the
war effort, and you will
chuckle to the last period
—particularly when you find
out what Zoltz! is finally used

"The Money Man," by
Thomas Duncan. "Between
the covers of this novel in raw
color and with sweeping
strokes, is the tremendous and,
in many ways, miraculous life-
story of August H. Bur-
goyne, showman, newspaper-
man, and promoter on the
grand scale, who will take his
place among the most mem-
orable characters in American

[article continues on col. 5, middle section]

fiction. To Gus Burgoyne, the
tinsel and the show inside the
tent were always more real and
important than the world out-
side it. His reality rode in a
gilt-and-red wagon, and the
elephant was its symbol. The
essential tragedy of his life
— that his biggest goals and
greatest loves remained out of
reach or slipped through his
hands — seldom occurred to
A river becomes crooked
by following the line of least
resistance — and so does man.
—Sunday School Times.
[wedding photo of Mrs. Terry Guest, spans cols. 4 & 5, bottom section]
Mrs. Terry F. Guest is the former Miss Edna Southerlin. Her
recent marriage to Mr. Guest was one of the outstanding social
events of the Fall Season. Mrs. Guest is employed in the office of
the Slater Community Association here at Slater.

[column 5, top section]

Girls Club Eats
Candy At Party

Members of the Girls' Li-
brary Club enjoyed a Hallo-
ween party at the library Mon-
day afternoon, October 27.
Costumes and masks contrib-
uted a great deal to the occa-
sion and the girls had lots of
fun guessing the identity of
those masked.

After playing a series of
games especially selected for
the occasion, refreshments
consisting of mixed Halloween
candies were served in attrac-
tive containers, featurin gay
Halloween napkins.

Those present for the party
were: Betty Garret, Carolyn
Dixon Margaret Robinson,
Carolyn Wylie, Judy Cox, Sig-
rid Gosnell, and Barbara God-

Also: Justice Glenn, Frances
Burnette, Carolyn Moody, Ann
Thompson, Peggy Scarce, and
Nancy Burnette.

This party was sponsored by
the Slater Community Associa-

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In col. 1, I believe the town "Sylvia" was meant to be "Sylva"